Bright & Dark powers




This has been something i've been thinking on for a while.

We have Bright and Dark options for powers, and it's great, really. Then, when I see new enemies like the Banished Pantheon whose powers have Bright and Dark elements, it shows how limited the colours can be.

As it stands, if you choose a grey/black colour in the Bright option, you either get piercing white or nigh-invisible. If you choose white in the Dark option, you end up with a dirty grey-ish sort of colour.

I suggest a new option(s), Bright&Dark (And Dark&Bright). Say for example you choose Bright&Dark on say, Fire Ball. The inner 'ball' part of the power would be Bright, whilst the trail and explosion would be Dark (Or, vice versa with Dark&Bright)

I understand that this would likely take a huge amount of work, and probably won't be implemented, but just throwing this out there because reasons.

I was doing some playthroughs of City of Heroes. Now they will serve as memories of a better time ...



I'd love this idea. I like dark, but I can never find color schemes that work for me. Bright/dark on the other hand would look great. =)