Summer Event hints + question




Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
The explosion VFX is not tied to the KD proc. It's a separate proc that does nothing except play the effect. It has a "penchant for the dramatic".

You should get a combat log message (might show up under the pet and/or healing channel) saying "You knock down TARGET with Overwhelming Force!" when it fires, regardless if the KB mag is high enough to do anything or not.
Y'know, I'd initially thought that was a possibility, but then dismissed it because it didn't make sense to have the VFX fire off independently of the proc triggering. "Flair for the dramatic" be damned ...

Not that it matters much; the proc still isn't doing anything to mobs without KB resistance, despite what the combat log says.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



This event is total fun. It takes a little quick reading, luck and trial and error to learn the perfect ways. I did it within about 16 events, no spoilers.

The odd time, about 1 in 6, that players were not TP'd out of the casino to the hideout was solved by the affected player quitting to log in screen - log back in and rejoin event - re-choose role and join rest of team. This happened to one of our teamies on the Coliseum just as Golden Girl joined our ongoing event which is how we ended up with 5 members on the team.

I would like to see more of these types of events, they are so much fun.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
It was nice having my support characters feel important - like they were "stars" too, not just the "supporting role to the Big Star." I didn't realize they were feeling a bit second-class in the lands of 8 bazillion scrappers (many of them mine, btw), but I guess they kinda were. Playing this, they were all, "yeah, but I make your scrapperlock WORK!" which was a pretty refreshing change, I have to say.

You really feel that way? If you asked me which of my characters brings the most overall value to any given team I'd pick one of my corruptors over any of my melee characters 10 times out of 10. Then again, I have the same bias towards my support characters that many of my friends have towards their brutes. :-)




Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Would have like to have seen that, we chose our roles, started the event, did the first phase, sidebar changed to "defeat 20 goons", no goons, no indication of how we got goons, no ability for any of us to progress, had to quit.
This is the teleport bug people keep talking about. Your team was supposed to be teleported back to the warehouse in order to fight the goons. As others have said the workaround is to use self-destruct if you have it or to relog and choose "Rejoin last event" from the LFG menu. If you relog you'll need to select your role again before it will let you back in.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Excuse me Mr Awesome Snarky McSnarkson. Arent apparent till you have this many people? Great point..except for the fact it is ALWAYS with four people. You know..2 plus 2. Why would the amount of events being done..have any impact on the bugs, in each specific one? Go soak your head.

You're bad at math, champ. Lemme clarify.

On Beta there's probably... 200-300 people running this a week. On Live, there are thousands. Things that don't happen often suddenly happen more often! It's astounding how more use of a feature leads to finding problems that did not occur with less use.

Also, what is with the damage on Apocalypse and Armageddon? I was running this on my SS/Elec Brute (capped energy resist) and they two-shotted him; one with Power Blast and the other with Power Burst.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



For those complaining that they got wiped out now and then....

There are inspiration and popcorn seller droids at the lobby. Those help a lot when your team is not optmized.



Yes guys FOR STATESMANS SAKE grab inspirations or let other grab inspirations before you go to the Amphitheater. lol

I actually like how tough it is my Support toons actually feel useful more than ever. I had one team that kept going into scrapperlock until they realized that I could keep them alive...after that they started to use taunt often to keep the heat off of me.

Oh and my Elec/Earth Dom ROCKED the trial pun intended. I think it had a lot to do with the FF procs but I was confusing and draining AVs with ease so have at it Elec control users!



I've done the event a few times. My one quibble with the difficulty overall is just the very beginning of the coliseum fight--my one defeat thus far was coming in with a mastermind. Foes are already attacking as soon as the cutscene ends--and all my minions are gone because of downleveling. And the first enemies quite rightly decided that's the best time to smack a mastermind around. Boom, dead MM.

Once I rezzed back up and managed to get the zombies out on the field, things were okay however. Just a little bit of breathing room at the start to set up and it'd be fine.



Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
I'll give you a hint: it's something no Summer Blockbuster would be complete without!
I know what it is. It's spoilers.

The sets going to be available later on. Possibly in the 2nd set of super packs.