X-mas Wish list....

Cover Girl



in the form of a question, when and will we get these options?:

1. Vanguard Armored leg and back pack costume pieces

2. More base items of existing in game world things like pinball table, long bow and 5th column computer terminals/towers (as decoration in any room), etc.?

3. VIP/PLex (Player License Exchange) token... e.g. A player buys with Paragon Points a 30 day subscription for an in-game token that can be sold on the Auction house and/or mailed to self or another player.
--Before anyone boos and hisses at this notion, realize the actual cost for subscription is met. It is a good thing to be able to help someone out with their subscription or yes even as a means to raise in game money.

4. Base NPC's... Static and/or Dynamic, Generic and/or Faction'd. E.G. An NPC that just stands/sits there gives the base a sense of alive. The NPC could function like a Superpowered Field Trainer, and may or may not be actually a SFT agent...could be a generic base agent that performs the function.
--Other functions could range from AH, Super Group Registrar, Icon Agent, Level Up Trainer, etc. But not limited to just those examples. Vanguard computer terminal would be a welcomed option.
---Vanguard seems to be the (imho) the best Neutral Faction Candidate but having more options of the type of NPC's in base would be preferable. Perhaps even fun going out gaining as a SG faction to have NPC's of those Factions.
----Speaking of Dynamic add this ideal to the list http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...53#post4165853

5. Costume Bundles and such. Need/want to make a buck = all good, but how about open up existing faction costume pieces/bundles. Malta, Nemesis, Knives of ..., Freakshow, Warriors, Goldbrickers, etc.

TYVM in advance for reading, any considerations, thoughts and comments. Feel free to add your wish list.

"Does that mean the game is "no fun"? Nope...In other words: meh, it beats hell out of doing the dishes. But it's no where near as fun as it was."-ScionofSatan



Originally Posted by Stromgard View Post
3. VIP/PLex (Player License Exchange) token... e.g. A player buys with Paragon Points a 30 day subscription for an in-game token that can be sold on the Auction house and/or mailed to self or another player.
--Before anyone boos and hisses at this notion, realize the actual cost for subscription is met. It is a good thing to be able to help someone out with their subscription or yes even as a means to raise in game money.
I just don't ever see this happening. There's too much opportunity for shenanigans to happen that cause real monetary damage to people.

That being said, we've been asking forever for them to give us some means by which to gift things like game time, Paragon Points, or whatever out of game. Their consistent answer has been "We know that people want to do this."

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I just don't ever see this happening. There's too much opportunity for shenanigans to happen that cause real monetary damage to people.

That being said, we've been asking forever for them to give us some means by which to gift things like game time, Paragon Points, or whatever out of game. Their consistent answer has been "We know that people want to do this."
Few games out there already do this type of Plex thing. I guess there could be a way in some form, but for the most part it would be no different than me spending $15 for VIP access.

the difference is it is an in-game item... like the respec recipe/token to be given freely, traded, or Auctioned off.

Only shenanigans I can think of is unstable market prices causing damage. E.g. typical PLex goes for a billion and one day it drops down to 600million...the person buying it for the sole purpose of making a billion might get shafted.)

I only post this as a clarification to my meaning. I would post the games that have PLex type items, but think it might violate some rule somewhere lol. It can be safely done, is my meaning... w/o having to give account info, PW, credit/debit, etc.

Will it be? *shrugs*

I do prefer in-game control over out-of-game access myself, but agree something like it is advantageous for the them to implement.

"Does that mean the game is "no fun"? Nope...In other words: meh, it beats hell out of doing the dishes. But it's no where near as fun as it was."-ScionofSatan



All I want for Christmas is a little fix for pvp.. ANYTHING really! I've been somewhat of a good girl this year!! Is that TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!



Originally Posted by Stromgard View Post
3. VIP/PLex (Player License Exchange) token... e.g. A player buys with Paragon Points a 30 day subscription for an in-game token that can be sold on the Auction house and/or mailed to self or another player.

--Before anyone boos and hisses at this notion, realize the actual cost for subscription is met. It is a good thing to be able to help someone out with their subscription or yes even as a means to raise in game money.
Originally Posted by Stromgard View Post
Only shenanigans I can think of is unstable market prices causing damage. E.g. typical PLex goes for a billion and one day it drops down to 600million...the person buying it for the sole purpose of making a billion might get shafted.)
Never underestimate the greed and stupidity of some people.

I can easily see some dishonest persons using the free allotment of points they get with their subscriptions to buy these VIP/PLEX tokens and them selling them for real money to stupid fools. I can even see auctions on ebay where they'll be making bids that are higher than the actual price of the tokens.

And who is going to get blamed and badmouthed when their account is banned for RMT abuse, and/or their CC info is stolen and abused?

The stupid fools won't accept any responsibility (they never do), no instead they'll blame the devs and CoH by claiming their accounts were hacked and they were innocent victims of a criminal and an uncaring corporation.



Originally Posted by Cover Girl View Post
All I want for Christmas is a little fix for pvp.. ANYTHING really! I've been somewhat of a good girl this year!! Is that TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!

Sure we can send Bob Barker out to "fix" the PvP players.



Originally Posted by Stromgard View Post
4. Base NPC's... Static and/or Dynamic, Generic and/or Faction'd. E.G. An NPC that just stands/sits there gives the base a sense of alive. The NPC could function like a Superpowered Field Trainer, and may or may not be actually a SFT agent...could be a generic base agent that performs the function.
--Other functions could range from AH, Super Group Registrar, Icon Agent, Level Up Trainer, etc. But not limited to just those examples. Vanguard computer terminal would be a welcomed option.
---Vanguard seems to be the (imho) the best Neutral Faction Candidate but having more options of the type of NPC's in base would be preferable. Perhaps even fun going out gaining as a SG faction to have NPC's of those Factions.
This would be awesome, but I'd prefer specific, non-generic NPCs you've interacted with in the past, like Twinshot, Katie Douglas or Dean MacArthur. After completing a set of story arcs or taskforces you'd be able to "recruit" an NPC into your base to serve some function or just stand there looking pretty. Of course, that means badge if you recruit all NPCs available to your current morality alignment



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Never underestimate the greed and stupidity of some people....
Yeah I agree partially. If it is done proper though, a PLex token would be no different than say buying a Ragnarok set and selling it to a player.

Can such a thing be sold out of game... yes. Can one be scammed with it...yes. Does it lead to account theft and such.... maybe, but not likely. Which is why again I try to clarify my meaning.

Not everyone is familiar with such a thing as PLex and assume the worst. To be fair it is better to plan for the worst too. But those that are familiar with such things, would give a nod of approval that PLex is something this game could very much use.

Reminds me...

6. Allow account items such as Incarnate salvage to be trad-able... at least account wide. I.e. I do the Trial and gain reward piece with one character. Can't really use it, so left with options to break it down or down grade it. Would be awesome if I could mail it to my other character that could use it. After all, I still had to do the time and work to gain the thing in the first place.

I would go so far as to recommend it be AH able as well but clearly that is or was something the devs wanted to steer clear of (others benefiting from my labor for example), but I do not see it being the same as me doing the work and me benefiting from it.


"Does that mean the game is "no fun"? Nope...In other words: meh, it beats hell out of doing the dishes. But it's no where near as fun as it was."-ScionofSatan



Originally Posted by Stromgard View Post
Yeah I agree partially. If it is done proper though, a PLex token would be no different than say buying a Ragnarok set and selling it to a player.
Funny thing, that - If you buy a Ragnarok set on the Paragon Market, it's account bound. You CAN'T sell it to another player.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Funny thing, that - If you buy a Ragnarok set on the Paragon Market, it's account bound. You CAN'T sell it to another player.

lol yeah i have never purchased anything like that*... so great lead into...

7. Certain items purchasable via PP could be trade-able in game. E.G. Ragnarok set.

*I will presume the meaning wasn't lost, even though it was a bad example.

"Does that mean the game is "no fun"? Nope...In other words: meh, it beats hell out of doing the dishes. But it's no where near as fun as it was."-ScionofSatan



Nothing you can purchase with PP is tradeable, and that's a design decision by the devs*. Making purchasable items tradeable opens them up to people hijacking accounts, draining the owner's credit card, and passing the items on to others. This creates far more liability issues than they want to deal with, so they said no.

*The one pseudo-exception is ATO enhancements from Super Boosters. However, you cannot directly purchase those with Points, they come as random drops in Super Packs. They are also the only "Store Item" that can be earned in-game completely identical to the store versions.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Nothing you can purchase with PP is tradeable, and that's a design decision by the devs*. Making purchasable items tradeable opens them up to people hijacking accounts, draining the owner's credit card...
Starting to feel like a troll here lol...and it is not my intention by any means.

The whole point is not that "it" does not exist, nor is "it" that people gain account information and/or credit/debit card info.

The point of "it" is that it would be an item purchasable from the Paragon Market (this way no one but NCSoft or whoever officially runs the store gets any account details) and would be trade-able in game via in game email, player to player, and/or Auction House.

I realize it is an easy leap to presume account and or card details can be hijacked, if one has never seen this concept before and I initially have not detailed it properly (my bad). A great example hails from a game that shall remain nameless for now that has PLex game item.

Whoever purchases the Plex initially gains the item and the transaction is handle officially via the games store. The item can be given/traded, sold, etc. to anyone in game. Whoever activates the Plex... that account is given the 30 subscription<---its just coded that way.

Hope that clarifies everything on that.

8. I am sure this has been suggested but I was working on base and it struck me... for lack of better term I'll call it roto-control. This would allow items to be turned (not talking like the alt function we have now) 90 degree or even 45 degree increments. Example a Quantum Stabilizer item could now tilt at an angle or tilted more to parallel with floor. tilted more till hanging from ceiling.

This would actual reduce the need for duplicate items that have the opposite effect. In another thread I had used holding tank as the example and wanted access to the existing floor version...but rather have duplicates roto-control would fix that.

9. Vault upgrade!!! Allow our vaults to hold anything that a base could hold. Inspiration, Enhancements, Recipes, etc. in addition to salvage. Not only is this good for everyone in general but really good for those who's leaders let the rent expire and stuff in base gets locked down.<--- I am not saying one has to increase the starting vault size or anything

Additionally this is good because of base controls. Can't blame the leadership starting new player with no access or limited access to be shared with a bunch of other people... having a lil personal space would be nice.

Using the Auction House for storage is not a solution to the problem more like a band-aid.

<pressed for time I have a couple more items for wish list... to be continued>

"Does that mean the game is "no fun"? Nope...In other words: meh, it beats hell out of doing the dishes. But it's no where near as fun as it was."-ScionofSatan



10. Marquee for inside base(s). Complete with a x character input limit. Train stations (the one in Atlas Park for sure) have this item, though some coding would be required obvious to allow for inputting.

Banner lettering and the more popular wall lights making words is find and dandy.... very clever in fact... but I think it just shows a demand (of sorts) for something like a proper Marquee.

Might even reduce the lag issues (this is speculation on my part but I had labeled a bunch of passages like:


and things got laggy there after and I had never had base lag and my computer can handle RWZ Raids like a champ. So I went and deleted pretty much all the wall lamp/lettering and it was back to normal.

Besides Marquees are cool lol =P

That's it for my list.


"Does that mean the game is "no fun"? Nope...In other words: meh, it beats hell out of doing the dishes. But it's no where near as fun as it was."-ScionofSatan