How is burn's damage calculated exactly?




On my Brute in game, Burn does WAY more damage then whats listed. This includes removal of damage buffs, fury, rage, etc. I am assuming the in game description is incorrect.

What is the damage of burn at 50? Upfront and how many ticks?



The in-game power info does not include the initial hit, for whatever reason. Does that explain the discrepancy you're seeing?

Edit: The initial hit, for a brute, is 60.06 damage base.



Yeah that does make sense. It still seems to deal more then that though. It does cap at 400% though correct? Seems like it can almost one shot lieutenants.



The initial hit seems to benefit from the full brute damage cap. The DoT might cap at 400%, since that's from the pseudopet burn patch, but the initial hit apparently originates from your character, not the pseudopet.

Edit: Yeah, that seems to be what City of Data says.
The Burn power that you activate does the initial hit, and then summons an entity to deal the ongoing damage.



So bug it. Looks like another manual entry for power details

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Not sure if this is still the case, but at one time, the Immob protect and the initial attack were tied together (like the -Damage to enemy +Damage to self in against All Odds). That means if the attack doesn't hit anyone (either no targets in range, or missed all targets, or targets are Intangible/Phased), you don't get your Immobilize protection.

If you're using Combat Jumping, you'll never notice the difference. But if you aren't, it might be worthwhile to test and see if it's been fixed.
