Status resistance Procs + Brutes




Is it worth anything putting Status Resistance Procs like Aegis and Impervious Skin on a Brute? Why/Why Not?



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Is it worth anything putting Status Resistance Procs like Aegis and Impervious Skin on a Brute? Why/Why Not?
I'd say 'no' (with a 'but'). Status resistance only reduces the total time mezed, it doesn't prevent it. And most (if not all) melee defense sets' status protection powers give you so much protection that for the most part, you won't even get mezed to have the length reduced, save for things like Rommy's res/stun. Heck, many sets have a large reduction ONTOP of the protection, the enhancements in question might as well be a drop in the ocean. There are a couple sets with status protection holes - off the top of my head fire and dark have no natural protection against knockback (but as far as I can tell, these two procs do nothing to alleviate that).

And here comes the 'but's;
-a set of 5 Impervious does give a 5% recharge set bonus, if you have the slots to spare. If you're going for recharge, it might be worth it.
-the Aegis does also give some minor Psi resist. Depending on your set, and if you foresee tanking lots of Psi dealing enemies, could be worth the slot investment (and the 3 and 5 slot set bonuses are FireCold/Aoe and Aoe/FireCold, respectively, not too shabby)
-If your status protection de-toggles, or the clicky runs out, A little extra reduction could help you get things back up a little sooner

PVP - Status ailments and your ability to defend against them work... differently here. If PVP is not an issue for you, ignore this point. If it is of interest, ask someone other than me for the details.

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IMO, (generally) not worth it.

Status resistance reduces the length of time that mez effects can affect you. It does not prevent them from affecting you in the first place.

Combined with status protection, it is more difficult for foes to mez you by stacking up their mez effects. If you're getting mezzed the moment you aggro enemies, then status protection will not prevent you from being mezzed, but it will reduce the length of time you are subject to these effects. If you are being mezzed gradually from stacked up mez attacks, status protection will be very helpful in preventing you from actually being affected by mez.

It's rare for a brute, IME, to get mezzed in regular play (provided that status protection is actually turned on).

I think that most effects which laugh at status protection (eg, Ghost Widow's hold, Sequestering) also ignore status resistance. I may be mistaken on this. If you face these effects often and I am mistaken, then status resistance will be helpful (reducing the amount of time you are subject to these effects) but will not prevent them from affecting you in the first place.

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For the most part, no, as long as the Brute has taken their status protection power. Status Protection > Status Resistance. There may be a few specific cases where it might have some use, like when attacked by fear or maybe in PvP (not sure how they work in PvP, where protection is turned into resistance, I believe), but for most cases, it won't be very useful.

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Regarding PVP;

Each point of protection is turned into 10% resistance (so 10.38 protection becomes 103.8% resistance). This resistance stacks with resistance from other sources, but is subject to diminishing returns.

So, if you have 10.38 protection and 35% status resistance in PvE, you would have 138.8% status resistance in PvP. Against a Mez effect enhanced to last 8s, and ignoring for now the effects of diminishing returns (since they're complicated, and I believe very slight in these circumstances), not adding the resistance would reduce the 8s to 8/(1 + 1.038) = 3.93s. Having the resistance would reduce the 8s to 8/(1 + 1.038 + 0.35) = 3.35s. If those 0.58 seconds of mez prevention are more important to you than whatever other things you could be using your enhancement slots on, then by all means take the mez resistance. (Note that the effects of mez resistance will be more pronounced against mez attacks that are sujbected to the effects of Power Boost, Clarion Radial or Vanguard Medal/Megalomaniac powers.)

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Yeah, I am soooo not a PvPer. However I am a mad Task Force and Incarnate Trial nut. The annoying thing is I have enhancer slots available on this Brute 9SS/Invul and cannot figure a better thing to do with them then Psi/Status resistance procs. Other than reconfiguring the build some other way... Which i am unsure i want to do.