Villain Group Directory (May 2012 - Oct. 2012)




The old VG listing was gathering dust! (Template copied from Grae_Knight's layout for Feb. '08 - June '08)

Let's show that Redside is still active!

Name: SG Name

Currently Recruiting: You are / are not accepting new members; not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP; not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.

RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?

PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..

Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être

Activity: How many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)

Requirements for Membership: Must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.

Leadership: Character name(s)

In-Game Contact(s): @Global for in-game contact(s)

Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in

URL: The group's website

Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here, you might also describe the nature of it: alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc., or whether it is an IC or OOC associate.

Other Details: Feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal.



Power for the Future. Innovation Forever.
Rogue Group

*Name: The Illuminate

*Currently Recruiting: The Illuminate has opened its doors and is accepting applications.

RP Level: RP Intensive. Immersion is love, and in-character interaction is a must.

PvP Level: Non-important to the group.

*Theme/Concept: The Illuminate is a megacorporation led by the enigmatic Deathgrind. Pioneers in science, medicine, technology and biotechnology, The Illuminate is quickly becoming one of the most recognizable brand names on the market. Behind the publicity, the donations and the shining image, The Illuminate is fueled by espionage, sabotage, subterfuge and brute force elimination of its competition. For every serum that cures a disease, potentially hundreds have died. For every piece of technology created, another company has lost its brainchild. For every new biotechnological implant, dozens have been crippled in testing.

Golden on the outside, gore on the inside, The Illuminate achieves its goals with no qualms about the methods it uses.

*Activity: We're just starting out and hope to grow.

Requirements for Membership: You must love RP and bulldogs (Deathgrind owns a bulldog), must be polite and easy-going. You must have strong aversion to drama and overall, you must be willing to balance your playstyle with others' so conflict doesn't arise.

Your character must have a certain duality; they must be able to present a clean, respectable public image, but be able to turn around and commit various atrocities or crimes at the turn of a page.

*Leadership: Deathgrind

*In-Game Contact(s): @Insane V

*Out-of-Game Contact(s): Nalrok_AthZim on the forums, AIM available on request.


Coalition(s): Kaison Corp.

Other Details: Fully functional base with the exception of achievement badges; SG mode on is required (and very much appreciated). You MUST submit an application at the aforementioned website; this helps me keep track of people who want in.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Name: Titan Industries

Currently Recruiting: Currently closed.

RP Level: Moderate to heavy. This is an rp vg; our members are generally looking to share stories together, both in-game and on the forums. We have an OOC channel, but teams and sg chat should be considered IC unless indicated otherwise.

PvP Level: Player's choice. The group doesn't pvp, but individual members are free to pursue it as they like.

Theme/Concept: Established in 2009 by Brooklyn Cale, Titan Industries is an acquisitions and problem-solving firm. The company operates out of a secure facility in St. Martial in the Etoile Isles and specializes in the quick, discreet resolution of problems. Employees are free to pursue their own interests, cultivate their own clients, and work on their own agendas. In order to find and perform jobs, each operative has access to the human, electronic, and financial networks provided by the company. In exchange, employees give a small percentage of their incomes to Titan Industries and occasionally carry out an assignment given to them by the firm. Jobs assigned to operatives by the company pay extremely well once they are successfully completed. Good performance and loyal service tend to result in better assignments, bigger paychecks, and more perks.

Most backgrounds and all origins are welcome, though there are a few concepts that probably wouldn't fit in too well. (For example, Arachnos loyalists or anyone under the age of 18.) Regardless of background, any character who is admitted to the group will need to be interested in making sure Titan Industries is a successful business. Different motivations for joining the company are expected, but overall, we tend to admit characters who will fit in well with an environment that encourages professionalism, efficiency, and discretion. The mentality is that operatives who protect the company's operations will find themselves well-rewarded in terms of benefits and money. Finally, characters are recruited into the group, so there's no way to apply IC. Players are certainly welcome to ask about joining though!

Activity: We currently have a nice group of about 15-20 experienced roleplayers. We tend to be active after about 8-9 PM, EST, though there's a few of us who pop on during the afternoons. We have in-game teaming and rp (including a weekly team night), as well as forum-based rp. Members are not required to use the forums for storytelling, but they are certainly encouraged to do so.

Requirements for Membership: There is no minimum level to join, but anyone who's interested in applying will need to fill out an application at our website. We expect members to be mature, thoughtful, and active.

Leadership: Titan Girl - Director; Shock Torrent - Captain; Tommy Cortex - Captain; Vetal - Lieutenant.

In-Game Contact(s): @Andy, @Anhedonia1, @Kalen, @DevilTiger

Out-of-Game Contact(s): You can pm Andora on the main CoH forums, send a tell to any of the officers in-game, or leave a message for us at our website in the application section.

Coalitions: Anathema


You can also check out our Virtueverse page here.



Name: Entropy Legion

Currently Recruiting: Always looking for people to join the Legion that is looking for RP.

RP Level: RP-friendly; RP-intensive, 95% IC spatial with an OOC Channel for the group. Willing to take risks with characters and not just play "I'm EVIL!!" characters, but more of losers.

PvP Level: Casual to none, but not discouraged

Theme/Concept: Entropy Legion is a silver-age style group of villains bent on the usual "conquer the world" or "the greatest heist" concept. We are a lot like the Legion of Doom, in where one member will come up with a Plot (created in AE) and the rest of the Legion will then help that Plot in order to have the Legion be victorious.

Of course, being the people that villains usually are, we mess up and are a bit screwed up. We are enjoying the RP of what it would be like if severely quirky and dysfunctional people were stuck in a room together.

Activity: We have scheduled nights that run on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, but there is usually a few Legion people online at any point.

Requirements for Membership: out-of-game communication on guild forums (see below).

Leadership: The Entropy Legion is a group of equals and will follow anyone with the stones to come up with a plan. ((player @davpa is the leader of the group, but ICly other characters "out rank" or dominate over other characters. ICly, different players will "lead" the Legion at different times.))

In-Game Contact(s): @davpa can be considered the main contact

Out-of-Game Contact(s): You can also get in touch with our officers and Henchmen from our website on the Roster page.


Coalition(s): we have a few coalitions, but we stay pretty much self-contained. But always looking to add friends to the Rogue Isles.

Other Details: We like to think of ourselves as a fun group that has a good "family" core of players that are always looking out for each other. We play Red and Blue side together and support each other with story ideas, RP interaction, and just a good laugh or two.

Currently, our RP has been taking our members into interesting areas. The Legion is in league with an NPC group called the Union of Dire Ambition, which acts as an umbrella organization. We've had to fight not only Heroes and Praetorians, but other extra dimensional threats as well as rival villainous gangs.

As for what we do as a group, we do a variety of events. We run Strike Forces, Tips, and Missions as well as create our own in AE. Any mission we do is always in an RP context. We do not follow traditional IC vs OOC format, but rather we follow Continuity vs Non-Continuity in regards to missions. We recently had a "Secret Origins Festival" where members created AE missions that focused on their character's past in some aspect. Next story arc approaching is:

so lots going on in the Entropy Legion. Visit our GuildPortal site to see more



Name: Father Gerard Henri's Home for Wayward Youth

Currently Recruiting: Currently seeking like-minded RPers to fill our ranks.

RP Level: RP-Intensive? That sounds nice and professional. So... yes... RP-Intensive. Like Intensive Care -- Wait.. That doesn't make-

PvP Level: None (Though you are welcome to kick as much heiney as you like privately)

Theme/Concept: We're a new redside RP-heavy group on the Virtue Server. But we're not villains -- instead, Father Gerard Henri’s Home for Wayward Youth focuses on orphaned or abandoned teens. While the home is filled with mostly normal orphans, a small group of them (PCs) are being trained secretly by the faculty in order to use their powers and skills to improve life in the lawless Etoiles.

Activity: We're seeking intelligent and respectful roleplayers who enjoy creating stories in nuanced situations (like living in the Isles but still trying to do the right thing). We want to avoid epic characters with staggering powers and colossal backstories -- we're gritty, we're down-to-earth, we're about the little details that make stories sing. Most importantly, we want people who are as invested in the group and the stories of others as they are in their own.

Activities include exploring the Isles and its hidden areas, running AE missions, and just enjoying each other's company. We want a community of RPers that share a common environment.

Requirements for Membership: Our environment and setting has been called unique by some. Others don't use such nice words. We expect our members to accept our environment/reality and help build it with us. We are a community that wishes to keep our stories from crossing over to a certain level of 'epicness'. Interested? Please look on our board for how to join.

Leadership: Theo Walker

In-Game Contact(s): @TheMindfulFool, @A-Muses

Out-of-Game Contact(s): MindfulFool is the OOC Contact area. However, you should try contacting from our boards at


Coalition(s): Always interested in meeting like minded individuals who care to share a common story!

Other Details: We mostly are just looking for people who want to RP within the setting we've established. We want storytellers, players, and (most importantly) nice and respectful individuals.



: Justice Corps.

Currently Recruiting: We usually have a space or two for new members. Mature Players Wanted!

RP Level: Non-RP, although we do not engage in Role Play, we are however very respectful of our fellow Virtue players passion for RP.

PvP Level: Minimal.

Theme/Concept: Paramilitary super powered government strike team.

Activity: Super Active, weekly schedule includes TFs, SFs, Trials, and much much more.

Requirements for Membership: We have a minimum age requirement to join. The majority of our members range from late 20s to mid 40s.

Leadership: Johnny Raven - Perpetual Fallout - Max Sheppard - Brass Angel - Tapestry the Weaver

In-Game Contact: @Johnny Raven @Dygital Punk

Out-of-Game Contact:


Other Details: A top 10 Super Active SG, we always team together and are super friendly. No Jerks Allowed. 21 Day log in rule.



Group CTE following merge. Please delete this post!



Magic, Horror, Mystery, and Glory: Grimmsel College
*Name: Grimmsel College

*Currently Recruiting: Grimmsel College is now accepting applications!

*RP Level: RP (very) intensive.

*PvP Level: Not important to the group, but we like to make a brave showing in the co-op zones. Skilled gamers are always welcome.

*Concept and Theme: Grimmsel College provides higher education in arts, crafts, and vocational skills to the secretive but growing number of new and halfbreed faeries being born into the world. Hidden in a glamour-wrapped isle off the shores of St. Martial, new Collegians are between the ages of 18 and 30 (mid-twenties is best), learning their arts and developing their innate magic.

The Grimmsel Collegians believe that a massive shift in the world is coming, one which may leave humanity terribly unprepared to care for themselves and their world. Collegians learn valuable skills which are used to build their community and to assist the most vulnerable and destitute residents of the Rogue Isles.

*Activity: This is a brand-new supergroup, with a small but growing membership. We currently have two RP nights, from 9 PM to 12 AM CST on Wednesdays and Sundays. Our base offers extensive RP environments, and characters can enjoy personally crafted living space.

*Requirements for Membership: Interested players should scrupulously follow our application process.

We are looking for players who are intelligent and kind, and excited by what our SG canon has to offer. Grimmsel College provides a deeply immersive RP environment which will challenge and showcase players' impromptu roleplay skills as well as their writing skills.

*Leadership: Harrowblade

*In-Game Contacts: @Playboy2, @JelloMold, @Cyhiraeth

*Out-of-Game Contacts: (We strongly prefer you contact us through our forums)


*Other Details: GSC runs the Weekly Strike Targets on Sunday evenings. We also run various Strike Forces, Giant Monster Hunts, Tips, Missions, and welcome creation of AE Missions, machinima, and other creative projects proposed by our members.



The #4 SG on Virtue has decided to move to Guild Wars 2. We have about 26 members from CoH over their in a new guild called Justice Company. If any former CoH players would like to join a fun loving, mature group of former CoH players on that game please visit our website below. All former residents of Paragon City are welcome in our guild!

Out-of-Game Contact: