PPM procs




Which developer would I PM about some discrepancies that I have noticed with the PPM adjustments that have been implemented? I'd rather send them a PM than start a post that could get derailed.

Thanks guys.



Personally I wouldn't PM a dev unless I had already shared the info with the community.

This does 2 things.

1. Let's others give explanations. Maybe it's not broken? Maybe something else is broken?

2. Awareness. The more people using something broken, the faster is gets fixed. The more support tickets, the more rage, the more reason for the devs to fix it.

Not to mention that sending the devs a forum link explaining the problem, possible solutions and others testing the same theory really contributes to getting the problem fixed.

Sending a PM to a dev is a step after bringing attention to the community.

At the same time, I'd also like to know. I have a thread and many posts about PPM and it's relationship with the current PvP system. PMing a developer would be my next step.

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



Zwillinger could probably send you to the right person.

Additionally; Synapse, for one, seems to be aware of some PPM issues. They're going through some major changes to procs in general in beta right now, which includes a.) making all procs into PPMs, and b.) normalizing SBE procs and "in game" procs. I think they're planning on these changes going live with i24, but that certainly could change.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



The general rule is to send it to Zwillinger and let him forward it to the relevant people.

In this case, Synapse is the right person to talk to, but last I checked, he had PMs disabled. That was quite some time ago though, things may have changed since then.
