Res + def Question




Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
How does that not make EA shine?
I've thought about staff/EA. All that potential recharge between Entropic Aura and Form of the Mind would be awesome. Should be pretty easy to cap rech on Overload and HP cap potential.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
How does that not make EA shine?

I think you're missing my point, maybe my example was bad.

Summarized, sometimes a primary and secondary will have more powerful synergy when considering survivability.

So I asked about primary because sometimes primaries gell particularly well with some secondaries in terms of survivability. I used staff talking about willpower for the same reason I'd talk about stone or titan, the primary helps the secondary do its job better. Or on something like dark/sr, the primary compensates for some of the secondaries weakness.

I didn't mean, "willpower chars must play staff!" I meant, "maybe your primary will work a bit better with one or the other so you might want to consider how the two fit together when you choose between them."



To the OP:

Ok, in short, what kind of layers of mitigation do you want??

EA is a defense set with mild resists...but it only has mild DDR too...especially for defensive sets. Are you planning to tank? Are you going to be an all out assault machine? What is your goal?

WP is a moderate resist set with mild defense...

Resist sets typically have better maximum potential than defensive sets for high end builds. Why? Because defensive sets can only get so much defense that matters, beyond that more is serves no purpose. Resist sets can easily get defense from set bonuses and better layer their that even if your defense is debuffed to the floor...if you have 70% S/L resists you still mitigate 70% of that type of incoming damage (not that WP has those numbers specifically just an example...). That layered mitigation means your odds of survival are outright better than if you had just one or the other. Ask any guy who plays SR...the best defense set in the it does with alpha strikes. They'll tell you that it needs resists or you get faceplanted into a quick dirt nap. I know...they can do amazing things...just don't get hit...or of my have to build up the defense and resists for that set to maximize it's survivability...but it's insane when built well and played right.

In short, it's easy to add's very difficult to add resists. What do you want to play? More sturdy? Less sturdy? More flexible build? Less flexible build? Those things dictate your answer for you essentially. EA and WP may not even be the set you might end up with Dark Armor or who knows what.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
This is only possible for Tanks and Brutes, and even then usually only to one or two damage types. For example, Invulnerability can cap Smashing and Lethal, and Fire can cap Fire resist, but neither will cap Energy, Negative, Cold, Psi or Toxic. On the other hand, if you have any amount of defense to start with, you can often softcap either Melee/Ranged/AoE or S/L/E/N (sometimes F/C too).
If you manage it on 0%/90% on an Invulnerability tank, it's because you've made horrible mistakes on your build.

An Electric Armour tank with Resilience Core can get 90% Smashing/Lethal/Energy and with the Might of the Tanker +Resistance proc, you'll have about 80% resistance to everything else but toxic.



The more we talk about this, the more I think a stone melee/energy aura brute would be crazy fun. Tons of mitigation in the primary and secondary, unlimited endurance and plenty of recharge. No redraw.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
If you manage it on 0%/90% on an Invulnerability tank, it's because you've made horrible mistakes on your build.
Indeed. My point was more that, because of caps, nobody but a tank or brute can hit 90% resistance.




Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Haha... how do you like it so far? You can get some impressive numbers with that combo.

yeah jay really good combo, got him to level 20 in a few hours just doing the sewers for a bit, gonna slot him some enhancers when i get the chance n try him out in the field properly, so far so good tho.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
To the OP:

Ok, in short, what kind of layers of mitigation do you want??

EA is a defense set with mild resists...but it only has mild DDR too...especially for defensive sets. Are you planning to tank? Are you going to be an all out assault machine? What is your goal?

WP is a moderate resist set with mild defense...

Resist sets typically have better maximum potential than defensive sets for high end builds. Why? Because defensive sets can only get so much defense that matters, beyond that more is serves no purpose. Resist sets can easily get defense from set bonuses and better layer their that even if your defense is debuffed to the floor...if you have 70% S/L resists you still mitigate 70% of that type of incoming damage (not that WP has those numbers specifically just an example...). That layered mitigation means your odds of survival are outright better than if you had just one or the other. Ask any guy who plays SR...the best defense set in the it does with alpha strikes. They'll tell you that it needs resists or you get faceplanted into a quick dirt nap. I know...they can do amazing things...just don't get hit...or of my have to build up the defense and resists for that set to maximize it's survivability...but it's insane when built well and played right.

In short, it's easy to add's very difficult to add resists. What do you want to play? More sturdy? Less sturdy? More flexible build? Less flexible build? Those things dictate your answer for you essentially. EA and WP may not even be the set you might end up with Dark Armor or who knows what.

thats pretty descriptive and in detail, so i would say im looking for a sturdy type, but one that can dish out good damage, can withstand alot but not everything of course, and one that has good resists, tbh i think electric armour sounds best to me right now.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
The more we talk about this, the more I think a stone melee/energy aura brute would be crazy fun. Tons of mitigation in the primary and secondary, unlimited endurance and plenty of recharge. No redraw.

sounds crazy enough, i might roll one infact lol god jay your a bad influence my altitus was nearly cured till you came along haha.



Originally Posted by sypher_vendetta View Post
sounds crazy enough, i might roll one infact lol god jay your a bad influence my altitus was nearly cured till you came along haha.
I'll get to work on more alt ideas soon haha!

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom