Paragon Studios Twitter Spam




Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
What would be worth putting on a Twitter feed (as far as Breaking Announcements goes) that doesn't boil down to "Hey! Go read the Forums right now!!!" ?

If there's a sudden beta event and you're at work, chances are you're gonna miss it any way. Why the need to know about it ritenao if it's something you can't participate in?

The point of any mass media communication medium is to, wait for it, .... get people using it. If more people use it to exchange cookie recipes or talk about their latest RP session on Virtue, great. It's being used. Every use is a win for Paragon Studios. We should be finding MORE ways to community-build, not trying to put limits on what we already have. Limits force more people to stop using it, and overrides any benefit from concentrating the message.
#CityofHeroesAnnouncement The forums are undergoing regular maintenance and will be down between 2 &7pm but stay tuned for some special events from our regular feed

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If there's a sudden beta event and you're at work, chances are you're gonna miss it any way. Why the need to know about it ritenao if it's something you can't participate in?
And for those who work at home, or the night shift, or home from school? If it's not useful *for you*, then it shouldn't exist for anyone else?

The point of any mass media communication medium is to, wait for it, .... get people using it. If more people use it to exchange cookie recipes or talk about their latest RP session on Virtue, great. It's being used. Every use is a win for Paragon Studios.
So, every mass communication stream is exactly the same?

We should be finding MORE ways to community-build, not trying to put limits on what we already have. Limits force more people to stop using it, and overrides any benefit from concentrating the message.
Or, add different streams for different purposes. If you read the thread, which is seems you have not, there are multiple suggestions for an *extra* communication stream which is limited to timely alerts that can be pushed to mobile devices. That in no way takes away from all the other communication streams... unless you keep on with your rather bizarre assumption that all communication streams should carry all possible content with no limits.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
That's done by a fan actually, and it pulls off of the RSS feed.

Paragon has nothing to do with that Twitter feed.
Oh interesting.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Our approach to Twitter is not to use it as a means of notifying of emergency or immediate issues, but rather as another way to engage our Community.
There is a fine line between communicating 'about/for your product' and 'engaging your community'.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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