Rolling off the sweet heady victory of getting loves a challenge, I am going for broke and am trying to get the last badge Friday. Avoids the Green stuff. from what Im told, its all pets out, ranged damaged, move like ninja action. Now that we can die at our leisure, Im sure this badge will this time round.
So come one, come all, for the (hopefully) Final assault on that reactor. I'll be glad not to see that armored crybaby anymore, and Im sure he's sick of me.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
You got loves a challenge without me? OH well, definitely be back for Avoid the Green stuff.
I'll be there.
(But save the witty action hero quips until after the Obliteration Beam has fired, s'il vous plait.)
Rolling off the sweet heady victory of getting loves a challenge, I am going for broke and am trying to get the last badge Friday. Avoids the Green stuff. from what Im told, its all pets out, ranged damaged, move like ninja action. Now that we can die at our leisure, Im sure this badge will this time round.
So come one, come all, for the (hopefully) Final assault on that reactor. I'll be glad not to see that armored crybaby anymore, and Im sure he's sick of me.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.