Selling 52 Acc/Dmg HOs
I greatly appreciate the Hami's, Sentry. Fast, efficient, and great at business. (A+)
Global - @Okinosuke
I've been forgetting to update this, but as of now, all the HOs have been sold. Thank you.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
For those interested I have a pile of these I'd be willing to sell as well. As well as a few other types of 52's as well. Feel free to PM me. Let me know which ones your looking for and ill confirm what i still have.
Over the hills and through the woods.
Question: can you combine a 53 and a 50?
You cannot combine an enhancement if it is already as high as you can slot (3 levels above you).
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
I'll update my inventory as time goes on.
For those who don't know, 52 HOs were created by a glitch a long time ago that no longer exists. For this reason, the number of 52 HOs are declining as people quit the game, lose them, or accidently delete them. For this reason, the 'value' of 52 HOs is steadily increasing, as they are still the most effect method in many circumstances.
Popular for pure DPS or PvP is slotting 2 level 52+ Acc/dmg HOs with 4 procs. This gives 75.93% ACC and 75.93% DMG with 4 damage procs.
52 HOs are just as useful as 53 HOs, as after buying a cheap (50 mill) level 50 Acc/dmg HO, you can combine 52 --> 52+, equaling 38.3%/38.3%, the exact same as a level 53.
As stated in other threads, HOs like these have even gone for prices such as 3 billion before. These are a must have if you want to 100% fully min/max your characters.
Lastly, there is no difference between Synthetic and Non-Synethetic. Both can be combined. The name only suggests how the HO was earned, but they act the exact same way as each other.
There are currently -none- on the market and hasn't been for some time now.
Inventory (Updated):
3 Nucleous HOs - 2 Billion each
4 Synethetic Nucleous HOs - 2 Billion each
PST @Mr Perfection for details, questions or negotiations.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.