Setting up a vengence macro
A bit n00bish with macros, but I believe to set it up you would do the following:
/bind *key* target_custom_next teammate defeated
or something like that. It should have you target the nearest defeated teammate on your screen.
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And though I wouldn't suggest it (in case there are two or more dead teammates,) if you wanted veng to fire off automatically, add $$powexecname vengeance to the end.
Personally, I wouldn't use a bind or macro. Assuming you have no other powers set to autofire, just Ctrl+Click Vengeance so that it autofires. Then, when someone dies, click their name on the team list. Assuming they're in range, you'll cast Vengeance the instant you have a valid target (and aren't rooted from any other power activations).
The concern being that, with a particularly large screen, the team list is all the way across the screen from the rest of the buttons, and since I tend use the cursor, it'd certainly be easier to have a macro. (I like the default UI)
Arachnid, I'll give that a try with /Macro "something". Thanks.
Personally, I wouldn't use a bind or macro. Assuming you have no other powers set to autofire, just Ctrl+Click Vengeance so that it autofires. Then, when someone dies, click their name on the team list. Assuming they're in range, you'll cast Vengeance the instant you have a valid target (and aren't rooted from any other power activations).
Well you asked for a macro so here you go.
/macro Veng "unselect$$powexecname Vengeance"
This macro will un target anything you have targeted, then activate Vengeance. When clicking vengeance when nothing is targeted, it automagically targets the nearest dead ally within view. This should do what you want. (if you want it as a bind just do /bind key instead of /macro name

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
How would you create a macro to target a dead ally for vengeance?