Epic invasion of a vampire nest




An AE arc, a simple mission - go into the vampire nest and kill them all including the sire.

About 6 of us ventured in. Hordes of vampires from the newly risen to twisted elders. They threw everything at us from guns to swords to claws and magic. Even defeated they would rise again to renew the assault. We fought step by step, falling ourselves only to rise again.

At last we found broke the 3 sigils that bound the sire to his false life. We found the sire and the battle swirled and raged as he was more powerful than all the rest. A survivor, when we had him nearly defeated he ran - seeking only to continue his dark existence. It was a race against death. We chased him, unable to stop or even slow his fight. We hit him with everything we had, even putting our bodies before him to try and pin him in place.

Alas he made his way out of the sewers and into an office. In the hall we trapped him briefly between three of us as we pounded his arcane hardened bones. He broke free, turned the final corner to the door and the night. And we finished him there, mere steps away from the exit.

It remained but to seek out and slay the last of his kind in the sewers and the nest was destroyed.



"And then we went out for pizza, because mmm mmm pizza"

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



You slaughtered a nest of helpless, baby vampires?

I think we all learned who the real monsters are here.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
You slaughtered a nest of helpless, baby vampires?

I think we all learned who the real monsters are here.
I'm not racist. I'm an undead cowboy myself. Some of the living do consider me a monster, but I reckon I'm just following my calling.