Solo Dark Astoria




Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
Black Scorpion in Max arc spawns as AV if you have AV setting turned on.
Yep, also Tub Ci (as Little_Whorn mentioned) and Diabolique.



I prevented Mot from Devouring the World on 4x8 on my itrial def-capped Fortunata. I really didn't have any problems, though my standard practice was to just use Confuse while invisible until spawns were whittled down to just a confused boss or EB... mostly because I think confusion is just that funny.

My DA/SR scrapper gets flatted by 4x8 spawns in Dark Astoria, which I suppose is the difference between the itrial defense cap and the regular defense cap. Stuff just hits a little more often and there are enough tough mobs around that something eventually takes her down. She's not dying like a blaster but she definitely doesn't have the air of invincibility she had against 50+ blue-side content either.

My namesake Rad/Dark defender spent more time mezzed or dead than anything else against 0x1s in DA, but her build is still mostly common IOs. I came away from my efforts to solo on her with the idea that I needed to hook up with something that could either give status protection or completely didn't need it. Everyone who says DA is too easy should try running it solo on a Defender that doesn't have an IO'd out build.

Things I hate: Anime. PvP. Lying MMO Developers. Outleveling content. Manga. ED. Comic Store Employees. Anime.



I had a blast rolling through at +4x8 with my Elec/Nin stalker. The only times I ran into trouble were: When over two rad bosses spawned, during the multiple EB fight in cimerora(used up a full tray of oranges to stay alive), and the final fight(before the AV) where you have 3 spawns right on top of each other.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster



ive done it afew times on my ss/wp brute now +1
i use the kill 200 map for my purple recipes however if theres 2 sorrow there rad blasts combined with a mob is instant faceplant i open a fight with darkest night from the soul mastery pool and most of the time live (combination of rage and i-o Defence sets help)

my fort whos +3 t4 is only risky if im not paying attention (lots of controls) or something gets a lucky hit in

not tried my ill/rad +3 t4 yet but really id be surprised if it did have problems



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
The thing that makes it easy (aside from Incarnate shifts working, obviously) is that there's no way for the EB's to spawn as AV's. If AV's could be turned on it would be a hell of a challenge, especially the level shifted one who gains a higher level throughout the fight.
There was at least one true AV, which was Black Scorpion. But yes, the fact that the Avatar of Mot was an EB kinda pissed me off. Expected more from the literal god of death.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
What type of toon can solo all the Dark Astoria quest chains at 54x8?
Any shifted toon as long as the user doesnt suck