It's storytime...




Thanks for the compliments! Yeah, make whatever use of them you can when you can with my blessing, just being able to share my characters and read about other players' is reward enough for me. Being a spy would suit Iscariot's personality nicely, as he prefers not to use his powers until absolutely necessary.

Elements of Iscariot's backstory were originally kept unknown because he was conceived as a crossover character between City of Heroes and the universe of Joss Whedon's Angel as though they were taking place in the same world, and Charles is a legacy character based on specific characters from that series. Therefore, in the interests of not being generic'd, vagueness! But I think ultimately it's worked in his favor.

Fourscore is entirely my creation, and I only found out that DC's Captain Atom was named Nathaniel Adam over a year after I'd written Fourscore's backstory. I refuse to change it on principle, because I like the sound of the name I picked.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



This thread ROCKS!! I love it!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Justaris View Post
Thanks for the compliments! Yeah, make whatever use of them you can when you can with my blessing, just being able to share my characters and read about other players' is reward enough for me. Being a spy would suit Iscariot's personality nicely, as he prefers not to use his powers until absolutely necessary.

Elements of Iscariot's backstory were originally kept unknown because he was conceived as a crossover character between City of Heroes and the universe of Joss Whedon's Angel as though they were taking place in the same world, and Charles is a legacy character based of specific characters from that series. Therefore, in the interests of not being generic'd, vagueness! But I think ultimately it's worked in his favor.

Fourscore is entirely my creation, and I only found out that DC's Captain Atom was named Nathaniel Adam over a year after I'd written Fourscore's backstory. I refuse to change it on principle, because I like the sound of the name I picked.
You did a fine job good sir! *tips hat*

Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
This thread ROCKS!! I love it!
I love it too :3 It's kind of like the counterpart to our Kheldian Fashion Thread. The "Kheldian behind the threads" so to speak.



I know this is probably WAY too late, but I thought I'd write out Incarnate's story to share with everyone else. He is definitely a leap before he looks type of character, always with the best of intent. This shows off in-game by racing ahead of the rest of his team to confront the enemy threat, confident in his own abilities to hold out *just* long enough for everyone else to get there. He's always willing to lay it all on the line to ensure that the hostages are rescued, or teammates are saved, no matter what the cost is to himself. Costume pictures will follow once I get back home.

Human name: Lucas Colston
Kheldian name: Radiant Cascade
Peacebringer name: Incarnate

Lucas Colston was, and in some ways still is, an average fourteen year old boy living in a city full a super heroes. He avidly collected the latest newspaper clippings of good triumphing over evil in all its forms. His comic book collection of real and make believe heroes rivaled the best his classmates had collected. In short, he was a hero worshiper who had no illusions of grandeur for himself.

Lucas knew that he would never amount to hero material, and he was content with that. He was bright, but not brilliant. He was athletic, but not exceptionally so. And while he could track down who ate the last of the cookies his mother had baked before, he was no great detective. Besides which, the city had enough heroes to save itself a hundred times over.

Every night after PCN had finished its recap on the heroic exploits of day, Lucas would lock himself away in his room. Sitting at his desk, he'd retrieve the hidden police radio that his uncle had given him in secret several years prior. Volume turned down low, he would listen for hours as police called in the help of heroes across the city. Bombings were averted. Hostages rescued. Villains brought to justice.

Much to his dismay, the broadcast that went out one evening involved a building just two blocks away from his home in Steel Canyon. Hellions had set fire to an apartment complex, and so close to home. He knew he shouldn't go. It was something he had promised his uncle upon receiving the gift in the first place, that he would never use the radio to see a crime in progress. But this was his chance to see his heroes in person! See Positron deploy some gadget to snuff out all of the fires at once. See Synapse run fast enough to extinguish the flames. The possibilities lured him quietly out his window, and towards the inferno.

The flames were intense. The PFD were on-scene, but it was clear that they were no match for the roaring flames. Worse, the shadowy forms of Hellion arsonists would occasionally duck out from behind the building to rebuild a blaze that the PFD had extinguished. It was intense, and Lucas soaked it all in while waiting for his expected heroes to appear.

He waited. And waited. The flames grew more intense, and the cries for help from within the building grew more urgent.

"No one is responding on the radio!" the Fire Chief said.

Lucas' head whirled towards the Chief in shock. No heroes? None? No one coming to rescue those within the building?

"Are you sure?" one of the firefighters yelled back over the raging crackle of the fire.

"I'm sure! Skyway and Atlas reserve firefighters are on the way, but that's it." The Chief eyed the blaze again. "They won't make it, this building is going to come down any minute. Start pulling your people back."

"NO!" Lucas shouted, stepping out from car he was hiding behind. "There are people still in there!"

"Son, anyone still in there is behind our reach." the Chief said sadly. "Without the heroes, we can't get to them."

Lucas then did what any fourteen year old would do: he acted without thinking the situation through. Pulling up his collar around his face, he charged blindly into the burning building, homing in on the noise of crying from the upper levels. He wasn't trying to be a hero, that was the furthest thought in his mind. Indeed, his brain caught up with his body moments later and he stood paralyzed in the stairwell.

"What am I doing?!" he asked himself aloud. His body turned back to the entrance on his own accord, driven by an all-consuming fear. He took two steps before a cry for help pierced his consciousness.

"Help us! HELP US!" came the voice just one level above where he stood.

He had a choice. His adolescent brain had forced him into the building. Fear had turned him away. He was tired of his choices being taken from him. He knew he could leave the building and no one would think any less of him. None of the firefighters had rushed in. Or he could do what was right. What was called for in situations like these.

He headed towards that cry for help.

Minutes later he and two women, a mother and her four year old daughter, emerged from the building covered in soot. Lucas struggled to breathe from the smoke he'd inhaled, and struggled all the more when the mother threw her arms around his neck in a fierce embrace.

"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you." the woman mumbled into his shoulder over and over again.

News cameras had arrived on the scene while he had been inside, their lights blinding him. Reporters droned on about the situation, but it was readily apparent that they wanted statements from Lucas.

For the second time in the night, he froze. He wasn't supposed to be out this late, nor by himself. He wasn't supposed to have the police radio that let him head here in the first place. He had broken more of his mother's rules in one night than he had in the previous six months. Instead of answering any questions, he ran.


High above, another watched his flight from the scene. It hovered, unnoticed by the crowd milling below. It had watched the entire incident, for much the same reasons that Lucas had. Radiant Cascade was newly arrived on Earth, and had been directed by Sunstorm to seek our a willing, and worthy, host. A hero just cutting his teeth in the fight against evil would allow himself, as well as his host, to carve a new destiny for themselves.

Cascade was surprised when no hero showed up to fight the blaze, and was further shocked when the young boy had charged into the building without other assistance. That the boy had been successful only fueled the intrigue. Thus when he ran, Cascade followed.

He watched as the boy snuck quietly back into his room, and observed the small form rocking gently on the bed.

"Why didn't anyone show up? Why? " Tears rolled down Colston's cheeks, forming small rivers of soot. Angry red burns covered his arms and neck.

"You did." Cascade's voice seemingly came from everywhere, and nowhere, within the room.

The boy shot upright from his bed, grimacing as the action tugged at his burns. "Who is there?" he asked defiantly.

Cascade phased into view, a wisp of light that illuminated the bedroom. "I am called Radiant Cascade. Your people call my kind Kheldians. Peacebringers."

The tension drained out of the boy's face slightly. He'd heard of Peacebringers. The police radio had talked about their own Kheldians, the Awakened Division. They were the last line of defense for the blue shield. "What do you want?" he asked.

Again the voice came from everywhere and nowhere. "To bond with a hero. To become more than the sum of our individual parts."

"Then why are you here?"

"I've found my hero."

The boy's jaw hung slack as he considered the statement. Moments passed before he replied. "I'm no hero. You're looking for someone like Back Alley Brawler or Manticore. Positron or Synapse. Swan or..."

"I've found my hero." the voice interrupted, this time with an edge to it. "None of those threw themselves into the flames today to save those that needed saving. You have no powers to call your own, no training, but you did what grown men with both were unwilling to do. I choose you."

"I just did what had to be done."

"Boy, I have lived for thousands of years amongst many people. In all that time, there has never been a better definition of heroic action than what you just said. You are a worthy partner. Let us help each other."

The boy looked to the wall where his Statesman poster was hung. It was signed by the hero himself, shortly after Colston's father had died. "Strength and courage, Lucas" it said in broad, sweeping strokes. It was a living testament despite Stateman's passing. "Ok. What do I…" His breath cut off in a gasp as Radiant Cascade entered his body, the two becoming one. The burns disappeared in an instant, replaced with smooth unbroken skin. And in his mind…

Memories from dozens of lifetimes, hundreds, cascaded through his consciousness. He witnessed the death, birth, and life of stars. The exploration of comets and asteroids. His arrival on Earth. His rescue of the trapped women, seen from high above. All of these memories and more flashed by before settling to a deep, abiding peace of mind.

Are you there? he thought to himself.

I will always be here. Cascade's voice echoed inside their mind.

What do we do now?

What you did tonight. What is right.


Several months have passed since Colston and Cascade bonded into the Peacebringer known as Incarnate. He currently serves as a member of the Shining Stars, alongside Twinshot, Grym, Dillo, Flambeaux, and Proton. He finds great enjoyment in his new metamorphic abilities. To the outward world as Incarnate, he looks to be an athletic man in his mid 20's. Only when he returns home to visit his mother does he revert back to the boyish figure who recently turned 15.

As a hero, Incarnate displays all of the youthful exuberance that comes with Colston's young age. His Kheldian counterpart is often exasperated, in a fatherly way, with the adolescent urges to leap without looking. Cascade seeks to temper that recklessness, without squashing the enthusiasm behind it.



Originally Posted by ThePriest View Post
I know this is probably WAY too late, but I thought I'd write out Incarnate's story to share with everyone else. He is definitely a leap before he looks type of character, always with the best of intent. This shows off in-game by racing ahead of the rest of his team to confront the enemy threat, confident in his own abilities to hold out *just* long enough for everyone else to get there. He's always willing to lay it all on the line to ensure that the hostages are rescued, or teammates are saved, no matter what the cost is to himself. Costume pictures will follow once I get back home.


Human name: Lucas Colston
Kheldian name: Radiant Cascade
Peacebringer name: Incarnate

Lucas Colston was, and in some ways still is, an average fourteen year old boy living in a city full a super heroes. He avidly collected the latest newspaper clippings of good triumphing over evil in all its forms. His comic book collection of real and make believe heroes rivaled the best his classmates had collected. In short, he was a hero worshiper who had no illusions of grandeur for himself.

Lucas knew that he would never amount to hero material, and he was content with that. He was bright, but not brilliant. He was athletic, but not exceptionally so. And while he could track down who ate the last of the cookies his mother had baked before, he was no great detective. Besides which, the city had enough heroes to save itself a hundred times over.

Every night after PCN had finished its recap on the heroic exploits of day, Lucas would lock himself away in his room. Sitting at his desk, he'd retrieve the hidden police radio that his uncle had given him in secret several years prior. Volume turned down low, he would listen for hours as police called in the help of heroes across the city. Bombings were averted. Hostages rescued. Villains brought to justice.

Much to his dismay, the broadcast that went out one evening involved a building just two blocks away from his home in Steel Canyon. Hellions had set fire to an apartment complex, and so close to home. He knew he shouldn't go. It was something he had promised his uncle upon receiving the gift in the first place, that he would never use the radio to see a crime in progress. But this was his chance to see his heroes in person! See Positron deploy some gadget to snuff out all of the fires at once. See Synapse run fast enough to extinguish the flames. The possibilities lured him quietly out his window, and towards the inferno.

The flames were intense. The PFD were on-scene, but it was clear that they were no match for the roaring flames. Worse, the shadowy forms of Hellion arsonists would occasionally duck out from behind the building to rebuild a blaze that the PFD had extinguished. It was intense, and Lucas soaked it all in while waiting for his expected heroes to appear.

He waited. And waited. The flames grew more intense, and the cries for help from within the building grew more urgent.

"No one is responding on the radio!" the Fire Chief said.

Lucas' head whirled towards the Chief in shock. No heroes? None? No one coming to rescue those within the building?

"Are you sure?" one of the firefighters yelled back over the raging crackle of the fire.

"I'm sure! Skyway and Atlas reserve firefighters are on the way, but that's it." The Chief eyed the blaze again. "They won't make it, this building is going to come down any minute. Start pulling your people back."

"NO!" Lucas shouted, stepping out from car he was hiding behind. "There are people still in there!"

"Son, anyone still in there is behind our reach." the Chief said sadly. "Without the heroes, we can't get to them."

Lucas then did what any fourteen year old would do: he acted without thinking the situation through. Pulling up his collar around his face, he charged blindly into the burning building, homing in on the noise of crying from the upper levels. He wasn't trying to be a hero, that was the furthest thought in his mind. Indeed, his brain caught up with his body moments later and he stood paralyzed in the stairwell.

"What am I doing?!" he asked himself aloud. His body turned back to the entrance on his own accord, driven by an all-consuming fear. He took two steps before a cry for help pierced his consciousness.

"Help us! HELP US!" came the voice just one level above where he stood.

He had a choice. His adolescent brain had forced him into the building. Fear had turned him away. He was tired of his choices being taken from him. He knew he could leave the building and no one would think any less of him. None of the firefighters had rushed in. Or he could do what was right. What was called for in situations like these.

He headed towards that cry for help.

Minutes later he and two women, a mother and her four year old daughter, emerged from the building covered in soot. Lucas struggled to breathe from the smoke he'd inhaled, and struggled all the more when the mother threw her arms around his neck in a fierce embrace.

"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you." the woman mumbled into his shoulder over and over again.

News cameras had arrived on the scene while he had been inside, their lights blinding him. Reporters droned on about the situation, but it was readily apparent that they wanted statements from Lucas.

For the second time in the night, he froze. He wasn't supposed to be out this late, nor by himself. He wasn't supposed to have the police radio that let him head here in the first place. He had broken more of his mother's rules in one night than he had in the previous six months. Instead of answering any questions, he ran.


High above, another watched his flight from the scene. It hovered, unnoticed by the crowd milling below. It had watched the entire incident, for much the same reasons that Lucas had. Radiant Cascade was newly arrived on Earth, and had been directed by Sunstorm to seek our a willing, and worthy, host. A hero just cutting his teeth in the fight against evil would allow himself, as well as his host, to carve a new destiny for themselves.

Cascade was surprised when no hero showed up to fight the blaze, and was further shocked when the young boy had charged into the building without other assistance. That the boy had been successful only fueled the intrigue. Thus when he ran, Cascade followed.

He watched as the boy snuck quietly back into his room, and observed the small form rocking gently on the bed.

"Why didn't anyone show up? Why? " Tears rolled down Colston's cheeks, forming small rivers of soot. Angry red burns covered his arms and neck.

"You did." Cascade's voice seemingly came from everywhere, and nowhere, within the room.

The boy shot upright from his bed, grimacing as the action tugged at his burns. "Who is there?" he asked defiantly.

Cascade phased into view, a wisp of light that illuminated the bedroom. "I am called Radiant Cascade. Your people call my kind Kheldians. Peacebringers."

The tension drained out of the boy's face slightly. He'd heard of Peacebringers. The police radio had talked about their own Kheldians, the Awakened Division. They were the last line of defense for the blue shield. "What do you want?" he asked.

Again the voice came from everywhere and nowhere. "To bond with a hero. To become more than the sum of our individual parts."

"Then why are you here?"

"I've found my hero."

The boy's jaw hung slack as he considered the statement. Moments passed before he replied. "I'm no hero. You're looking for someone like Back Alley Brawler or Manticore. Positron or Synapse. Swan or..."

"I've found my hero." the voice interrupted, this time with an edge to it. "None of those threw themselves into the flames today to save those that needed saving. You have no powers to call your own, no training, but you did what grown men with both were unwilling to do. I choose you."

"I just did what had to be done."

"Boy, I have lived for thousands of years amongst many people. In all that time, there has never been a better definition of heroic action than what you just said. You are a worthy partner. Let us help each other."

The boy looked to the wall where his Statesman poster was hung. It was signed by the hero himself, shortly after Colston's father had died. "Strength and courage, Lucas" it said in broad, sweeping strokes. It was a living testament despite Stateman's passing. "Ok. What do I…" His breath cut off in a gasp as Radiant Cascade entered his body, the two becoming one. The burns disappeared in an instant, replaced with smooth unbroken skin. And in his mind…

Memories from dozens of lifetimes, hundreds, cascaded through his consciousness. He witnessed the death, birth, and life of stars. The exploration of comets and asteroids. His arrival on Earth. His rescue of the trapped women, seen from high above. All of these memories and more flashed by before settling to a deep, abiding peace of mind.

Are you there? he thought to himself.

I will always be here. Cascade's voice echoed inside their mind.

What do we do now?

What you did tonight. What is right.


Several months have passed since Colston and Cascade bonded into the Peacebringer known as Incarnate. He currently serves as a member of the Shining Stars, alongside Twinshot, Grym, Dillo, Flambeaux, and Proton. He finds great enjoyment in his new metamorphic abilities. To the outward world as Incarnate, he looks to be an athletic man in his mid 20's. Only when he returns home to visit his mother does he revert back to the boyish figure who recently turned 15.

As a hero, Incarnate displays all of the youthful exuberance that comes with Colston's young age. His Kheldian counterpart is often exasperated, in a fatherly way, with the adolescent urges to leap without looking. Cascade seeks to temper that recklessness, without squashing the enthusiasm behind it.
It's never to late I still got two weeks until i offically start up the work for this little project! I really love this bio, a young kid in a group of older heroes, guided by the fatherly Kheldian inside him.


All of these bios are so great, it's so awesome to see so much creativity with these back stories.



A couple images of Incarnate:

The first is of Lucas Colston, the identity he goes back to when visiting his mother in Steel Canyon, or when trying to keep a low profile on the city streets.

The second is Incarnate's normal outfit...though typically he has the Rook chest detail (forgot to disable the SG emblem). Colston's mind immediately went to his idol Statesman, and the simple costume bears testament to that. Notice he appears appreciably older and much more built, in his mid-to-late 20's.

With normal chest emblem:

Finally, we have the Armored Incarnate. This is what Incarnate changes into for particularly difficult challenges (read: Task Forces and Trials). He knows he isn't invincible, and thus is adding layers of protection to his uniform.



Originally Posted by ThePriest View Post
A couple images of Incarnate:

The first is of Lucas Colston, the identity he goes back to when visiting his mother in Steel Canyon, or when trying to keep a low profile on the city streets.

The second is Incarnate's normal outfit...though typically he has the Rook chest detail (forgot to disable the SG emblem). Colston's mind immediately went to his idol Statesman, and the simple costume bears testament to that. Notice he appears appreciably older and much more built, in his mid-to-late 20's.
With normal chest emblem:
Finally, we have the Armored Incarnate. This is what Incarnate changes into for particularly difficult challenges (read: Task Forces and Trials). He knows he isn't invincible, and thus is adding layers of protection to his uniform.
THanks. That'll really help. Once i get into sketching everybody in



I promised to keep everyone here posted. I'll update the OP for upcoming information as well, for any new comers.

So here's the plan guys, in nice neat bullets so its easy on your eyes:

  • I have a list of characters I will be DEFINITELY including in the canon of the comic. I won't post them here as to not discourage new character posts and such.
  • Storyboarding for chapter one has begun! It's title: The Calm Before the Storm.
  • I will be doing the art manga-style. For those of you who don't know that means black and white with grey-scale shading. This is just to conserve time for myself, avoid a recurring costume color palette/theme (purple and black :P) and maximize the amount of chapters i can finish by the end of the summer. (August 15th.)
  • If everything goes according to plan, I will be releasing "The Calm Before the storm" the second week of May. The link for my freshly made blog will be posted here.

I've skipped past most of the costume designs right now. I'll send them to you guys before introducing your Khelds into the comic, just to make sure everything's A-Okay!

Speedy. OUT! ;D



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
I promised to keep everyone here posted. I'll update the OP for upcoming information as well, for any new comers.

So here's the plan guys, in nice neat bullets so its easy on your eyes:
  • I have a list of characters I will be DEFINITELY including in the canon of the comic. I won't post them here as to not discourage new character posts and such.
  • Storyboarding for chapter one has begun! It's title: The Calm Before the Storm.
  • I will be doing the art manga-style. For those of you who don't know that means black and white with grey-scale shading. This is just to conserve time for myself, avoid a recurring costume color palette/theme (purple and black :P) and maximize the amount of chapters i can finish by the end of the summer. (August 15th.)
  • If everything goes according to plan, I will be releasing "The Calm Before the storm" the second week of May. The link for my freshly made blog will be posted here.

I've skipped past most of the costume designs right now. I'll send them to you guys before introducing your Khelds into the comic, just to make sure everything's A-Okay!

Speedy. OUT! ;D
AWESOME update, dude. I'm so excited for this! ^_^ Best of luck with the project.

Oh and, nice pretty bullets you've got there.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...