DA arcs again, sick of this rubbish. Raaaant




This is like my 3rd or 4th thread about the buggy DA arc badges, and I am about ready to say screw it, and never do them again. Which is a shame, since I really think the writes did a great job on the stories. Too bad the people behind the badge mechanics have their heads up their you know whats.

Just to go over how broken and idiotic they are..

Every single accomp badge mission in the game, with a few notable exceptions, will award the badge to EVERYONE on the team. If others on the team have the same mission, they can stack-complete (I will call it stack-complete to differentiate from auto complete) and move on in the arc, also with the badge.

Now..the DA arcs. Note that I am not complaining about the Solo Missions.

If you are doing the arcs in a duo, player 1, player 2, and playing through 1;s missions, with 2 stack completing arcs...the results are utterly borked.

There are 5 accomp badges in the collective DA content, in addition to the normal arc completion badges. 3 of these badges (time saver, buddy cop and incarnate rival) require the mission holder to perform some Act inside said mission, which triggers additional things and the badge.

My issue is this. If you are in the duo, or team, and have the automatic stack complete on, those missions will get finished all right..withOUT the badge conditions..because you did not actually enter and do them. You will NOT get the badge from player 1 doing the same thing, if you have the mission in your list.

The only solution is too..save the mission, and repeat it after. Obviously, if you are in a duo, that is just repeating it once. What about say an sg team if 5, all doing the arcs..having to repeat one mission FIVE times, just cause the game is too idiotic too realise it has been done.

Oh, and as an additional screw up...if Player 1 and 2 both have mission X (badge mission) in their list, enter player 1s, finish it...then exit, with the intention of repeating player 2's...guess what happens? The mission has NO LOCATION! That's right..no door on any map. This happened to me. So I thought..hey, I'll just abandon the mission, and reset it.

.........IT RESETS THE ENTIRE XXXXing ARC! Awesome.

So in other words..you cant even just call your contact and have the mission selected in your mission list, if the team your on is doing said mission. Genius.

The location thing may, I assume, be a bug, but the bit about needing to repeat the missions as the Holder..is according to support..Working as Intended (aka, pants on head).

Ok, I can almoooooooooooost accept that. The mechanic is totally idiotic, but if they REALLY want it that way..however!

But there is MORE! (the bugs are like a telemarketer, there is still moore!)

Me and a friend where doing Sister Solaris's arc. We get to that last mission (accomp badge mission) and decide to repeat the mission twice (because we knew beforehand how stupid this mechanic was) with the friend NOT picking her mission until mine is done, to avoid the awesome no location bug.

We complete my version fine, I get the badge. I pass her the star, sets her mission, we go in. The mission ends, in exxactly the same manner we just did it..except..NO badge for her.

Thankfully, after a week of jumping through hoops with the brain trust in the support cubicle, they FINALLY admit it was a bug..and not working as intended. And gave her the badge.

But..there is MORE!

Remember, according to support, we HAVE to repeat those badge missions solo, that is how they are designed. Doing Dream Docs arc again tonight, on another alt. We are doing the final mission, mine, for the badge. I select the 'go it alone' option, we win. My friend gets the Lone Wolf badge..I do NOT!

So...recap...I did not get the badge, on MY mission. Clearly a bug. My friend GOT the badge..when it was not her mission, which..according to support, is not as intended. Why, if the badge can award this way for that mission..do the others require this UTTERLY STUPID mechanic of having to be repeated as the mission holder, totally opposite to 99% of accomp badges in the game??

This is just really reallllly annoying me. I love the DA arcs. I want to do them on my many toons, I want to play them with friends. I want to get the shiny badges. Yet...due to this grrrr stab kick walls so called 'working as intended' (is it still WAI when the person who came up with it is clearly delusional about the rest of the game? I call shenanigans) mechanic basically forces you to mess around in half of the arcs just to get around the various bugs. Oh sorry..not bugs, they are intentional.

Please..I just want someone to say all the arc badges are buggy and will be fixed to be in line with the rest of the games content. As it stands, the issues are a real turn off from the new content.

I won't even get into the 2 weeks of emails my friend sent back and forward with support, before they FINALLY admitted that the badges were working as intended. Well..you know, apart from the example I just gave..



This isn't just an issue with DA. There are collaborative mission complete weirdnesses in a lot of the newer content arcs, which seem to be related to missions where there's a choice of actions or an optional badge. I've noticed odd things happening, or missions failing to complete for team mates, in newer contacts in Talos, and in First Ward.

There's also a long-standing issue with failable missions that I ran across again recently in the RWZ. Failing one of the hostage rescue missions doesn't collaboratively complete the mission for other people in the team, so you have to run their missions to clear them.

All in all, collaborative mission completion doesn't seem to play very nicely with anything other than completely basic missions.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



As far as the RWZ arcs go...if you fail the mission, the collaborative complete doesn't apply to teammates because it's only for successful mission completions.

Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!



There is precedent, see Efficiency Expert. The badge you only get one try at, EVER.



DA mishs will be fixed in upcoming patch, check test server patch notes for info