Character Costume Help!




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Having tried it, I don't think so, plus it makes the costume a bit over-bright. That said, this is just personal opinion and I wouldn't insist one way or the other.

I saved the costume after I made it, so a costume file is easy enough:

CostumeFilePrefix Huge
BoneScale -0.2032
ShoulderScale 0.2072
ChestScale -0.256
WaistScale -0.2881
HipScale 0.2276
LegScale 0.02
HeadScales  0.1045,  0.2791,  0.1045
BrowScales  -0.5232,  -0.4881,  -0.6977
CheekScales  -0.6275,  -0.6977,  -0.4881
ChinScales  -0.6977,  -0.8373,  -1
CraniumScales  0.1395,  0.4532,  0.3137
JawScales  -1,  -1,  -1
NoseScales  -0.7324,  0.6624,  0.3137
SkinColor  255,  178,  155
NumParts 28
BodyType 4
CostumePart ""
    Geometry Tight
    Texture1 Leather_02
    Texture2 Leather_02_Mask
    DisplayName P887196332
    RegionName "Lower Body"
    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  26,  17,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry Tight
    Texture1 skin_bare
    Texture2 !CHEST_Tribal
    DisplayName P566009771
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    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  0,  69,  204
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_HUGE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Asym_Standard
    Texture1 skin_v_head_50
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P687117166
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry N_Huge_Barbarian_Glove.GEO/GEO_Larm*_Barbarian_02
    Texture1 !X_SpadR_Skin_Barbarian_01
    Texture2 !Barbarian_SpadR_01_Mask
    DisplayName P3937616722
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  255,  255,  255
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry N_Huge_Barbarian_Boots.GEO/GEO_LlegR_Barbarian_01
    Texture1 !X_Boots_Barbarian_01
    Texture2 !Barbarian_Boot_01_Mask
    DisplayName P2104750136
    RegionName "Lower Body"
    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  26,  17,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry N_HUGE_Barbarian_Belt.GEO/GEO_Belt_Barbarian_01
    Texture1 !X_Glove_Barbarian_01
    Texture2 !Barbarian_Glove_01_Mask
    DisplayName P177456852
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  38,  26,  0
    Color2  255,  255,  255
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry V_Huge_Hair.GEO/GEO_Hair_Barbaric_01
    Texture1 !Hair_V_Barbaric_01
    Texture2 !Hair_V_Barbaric_01_Mask
    DisplayName P2681220175
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  241,  238,  126
    Color2  255,  253,  76
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P2793026233
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry N_HUGE_Barbarian_Emblem.GEO/GEO_Emblem_Barbarian_02
    Texture1 !X_Glove_Barbarian_01
    Texture2 !Barbarian_Glove_01_Mask
    DisplayName P2281134661
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  26,  17,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P772741860
    RegionName "Upper Body"
    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry Beard_Full
    Texture1 Beard_01a
    Texture2 Beard_01b
    DisplayName P2371314042
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  241,  238,  126
    Color2  255,  253,  76
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P1848153390
    RegionName Head
    BodySetName standard
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Fx none
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Geometry none
    Texture1 none
    Texture2 none
    DisplayName P546439883
    RegionName "Lower Body"
    BodySetName Tight
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  227,  227,  227
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  227,  227,  227
CostumePart ""
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0
CostumePart ""
    Color1  0,  0,  0
    Color2  0,  0,  0
    Color3  0,  0,  0
    Color4  0,  0,  0
I like what you did with everything, all bar the hair colour and the tattoo's. Would it still work with the tat's all black/grey? And how do I get your costume design into my tailor?



Originally Posted by Rewhire View Post
I like what you did with everything, all bar the hair colour and the tattoo's. Would it still work with the tat's all black/grey? And how do I get your costume design into my tailor?
Highlight everything inside the CODE box in his post (make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom), then hold down the CTRL key and tap the C key. That will copy the text to your clipboard.

EDIT: It might be easier to click the Quote button on that post, scroll down until you see the [code] entry, highlight everything under it until you get to the [/code] entry and use the CTRL-C to copy that, then click your Back button on the browser to back out of the Quote page. End EDIT.

In the game, go to the tailor with that character and hit the Save button and name it something you can easily remember. Then back out of the tailor. I'd recommend exiting the game completely to make sure that none of the files are locked.

Go to My Computer and find the folder where you installed City of Heroes. Open that folder and find the costumes folder. Look for the file with the name that you just saved at the tailor. Open that file. Highlight all of the text in that file, hit Backspace on the keyboard, hold down the CTRL key and tap the V key. This will paste the text from your clipboard into the file. Click the X in the upper right corner to close the file and click Yes when it asks if you want to save the changes.

Now, start the game, go to the tailor again with that character and click the Load button and select the name of that file you made earlier.

You will then see the character with the new costume.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I wasnt too keen on the beard that you had picked, so I changed it to one that I liked better. I also added the eye paint that you had forgotten and made it the same colour as the rest of the tatoo's. What about changing the black on his mace to match the blue of his tatoo's?



Looking good.

EDIT: It looks like you may have a free tailor token. If you do, you may want to use it here to avoid the fees.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Looking good.

EDIT: It looks like you may have a free tailor token. If you do, you may want to use it here to avoid the fees.
I think maybe thats what I should have done! What about replacing the black on the mace, with the blue used for the tatoo's?

EDIT: I decided to go through with this anyway. And here's how it turned out:



Our friendly neighbourhood Texan already covered importing costume files off the forums, so I'll go straight to the rest.

Originally Posted by Rewhire View Post
I like what you did with everything, all bar the hair colour and the tattoo's. Would it still work with the tat's all black/grey?
If you want your tattoos to be black, you'll need to add contrast back to the costume somewhere else. My suggestion, then, would be to return the tattoos to black and swap the boot fur trim to either white or tan. If you want a bit more contrast than even that, you can do the same with the pants patches, though that may be a bit much.

Originally Posted by Rewhire View Post
I wasnt too keen on the beard that you had picked, so I changed it to one that I liked better.
Certainly. I was originally planning to use the smaller beard, but it looked a tad too "manicured" for the design. If you like it, then by all means - use it. It doesn't look out of place. Besides, that way you're less Viking and more barbarian

Originally Posted by Rewhire View Post
What about changing the black on his mace to match the blue of his tatoo's?
I would advise against it, myself, just because it blends the costume together a bit too much. When I make a costume, I try to shoot for something that's instinctively simple to "get," because that's also something people find much easier to remember. With the black-and-white mace, you're essentially "the blond guy with the dark pants and blue tattoos." It's a simple concept to grasp just on a cursory look. If you bleed the blue to other pieces, then the eye has to stop and look and the brain has to stop and examine, making the costume less memorable. Of course, if you really want to, I wouldn't object, as it doesn't look bad by any stretch.

Still, the costume can use a signature piece, and this is probably a good place to make one. Considering I've robbed from Conan, Braveheart and Diablo to get this far, it only makes sense to rob from Golden Axe and consider perhaps giving him a golden mace. I believe a gold base with a white trim can make the thing look quite extraordinary and memorable.

If you're worried about introducing a few too many colours to the costume, I do share your concern. However, I feel picking a bright gold that tends towards red will still contrast well enough against the dark brown which tends towards green while at the same time not breaking hue by too much, leaving the bright blue to finish the contrast. White and black typically don't add to a costume's "colourfulness," so the white on the gauntlets and mace shouldn't get in the way. After all, you're combining bright with bright, so they shouldn't overload the costume on contrast.

Or you can go with a pure white mace or a white and blue one, or a white and black one. I really don't feel you can go wrong with the mace unless you do it deliberately

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Our friendly neighbourhood Texan already covered importing costume files off the forums, so I'll go straight to the rest.

If you want your tattoos to be black, you'll need to add contrast back to the costume somewhere else. My suggestion, then, would be to return the tattoos to black and swap the boot fur trim to either white or tan. If you want a bit more contrast than even that, you can do the same with the pants patches, though that may be a bit much.

Certainly. I was originally planning to use the smaller beard, but it looked a tad too "manicured" for the design. If you like it, then by all means - use it. It doesn't look out of place. Besides, that way you're less Viking and more barbarian

I would advise against it, myself, just because it blends the costume together a bit too much. When I make a costume, I try to shoot for something that's instinctively simple to "get," because that's also something people find much easier to remember. With the black-and-white mace, you're essentially "the blond guy with the dark pants and blue tattoos." It's a simple concept to grasp just on a cursory look. If you bleed the blue to other pieces, then the eye has to stop and look and the brain has to stop and examine, making the costume less memorable. Of course, if you really want to, I wouldn't object, as it doesn't look bad by any stretch.

Still, the costume can use a signature piece, and this is probably a good place to make one. Considering I've robbed from Conan, Braveheart and Diablo to get this far, it only makes sense to rob from Golden Axe and consider perhaps giving him a golden mace. I believe a gold base with a white trim can make the thing look quite extraordinary and memorable.

If you're worried about introducing a few too many colours to the costume, I do share your concern. However, I feel picking a bright gold that tends towards red will still contrast well enough against the dark brown which tends towards green while at the same time not breaking hue by too much, leaving the bright blue to finish the contrast. White and black typically don't add to a costume's "colourfulness," so the white on the gauntlets and mace shouldn't get in the way. After all, you're combining bright with bright, so they shouldn't overload the costume on contrast.

Or you can go with a pure white mace or a white and blue one, or a white and black one. I really don't feel you can go wrong with the mace unless you do it deliberately
I see what your saying about the mace, maybe I'll experiment with a few colours. Having said that, I think the white and blue mace goes really well with the costume! Anyway, I'd like to thank you for your contribution, you've been a great help to me, you have a real talent for making character costumes, I assure you you'll be given all the credit for Hrothgan's costume.



Heh, no problem at all Costume design is one of my passions in City of Heroes, and that's just stuff I've picked up from the many, many costumes I've messed up over the years, as well as the few people have been willing to sit down and dissect for me. If I helped in any way, I'm happy.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.