I want my Dwarf-form Footstomp back.




I always thought the best effect of the Peacebringer Dwarf was the Footstomp animation from White Dwarf Flare.

Would it be possible to have the new Flare use the old Flare footstomp animation when standing on the ground?


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



I want it back too! If that means that I can only activate the power while on the ground then FINE!

I hate the current animation.



I'm not against the idea by any means, but is there a precedent for that? Are there animations/powers that change depending on whether or not you're on the ground or in the air?

I can think of a couple emotes that look different if you're floating, but I'm not sure if they're actually different. I ask because they would need to make new code for that kind of thing.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
I'm not against the idea by any means, but is there a precedent for that? Are there animations/powers that change depending on whether or not you're on the ground or in the air?
there are a few powers that I can think of that are a bit different if your in the ground or in the air.

Lets see, You cannot activate Oroborous unless you're standing on the ground.

The animation for Enervate (/rad) changes if you're airbourne.

things like shadow fall and steamy mist dont play an animation at all if you're in the air when you trigger them.

I think theres one or two of the temp/veteran teleports that cant be activated in midair.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



If the Devs were serious about switching back to the Footstomp rather than the Handclap animation, they'd have to do something which would make the White Dwarf Flare CANCEL the Flight Duration of using White Dwarf Step's teleportation. That was the limitation. You could teleport into a pile of Foes ... and then you'd have to *WAIT* to stop floating before you could PBAoE Damage them on a Peacebringer, which you most certainly did NOT have to do on a Warshade (because Dwarf Mire had no "on the ground only" limitation built into it).

It was just yet another example of TEH STOOPID on display of how Peacebringer powers as originally conceived and designed all limit and conflict with each other to the detriment of the whole ... rather than synergize together (like Warshade powers do much more successfully) so as to make the sum greater than the parts.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



In that regard I remember my Assault Rifle blaster having different animations while airborne and Katana and bladed attacks having two ways of animating Brawl.

It would take some coding, and while not a big deal, adding a Footstomp animation to at least Dwarf-form would add alot to character RP and novelty. It would just require a check on, "is PC on ground? true/false". True equals Footstomp, False equals Handclap.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
If the Devs were serious about switching back to the Footstomp rather than the Handclap animation, they'd have to do something which would make the White Dwarf Flare CANCEL the Flight Duration of using White Dwarf Step's teleportation. That was the limitation. You could teleport into a pile of Foes ... and then you'd have to *WAIT* to stop floating before you could PBAoE Damage them on a Peacebringer, which you most certainly did NOT have to do on a Warshade (because Dwarf Mire had no "on the ground only" limitation built into it).

It was just yet another example of TEH STOOPID on display of how Peacebringer powers as originally conceived and designed all limit and conflict with each other to the detriment of the whole ... rather than synergize together (like Warshade powers do much more successfully) so as to make the sum greater than the parts.
Air Superiority is one example that springs immediately to mind, as well as pretty much every attack in the game. The animation still uses two fists clamped together to deliver the blow, but pretty much everything else about it is different when you're in the air, verses when you're standing on the ground. In fact, White Dwarf Flare and Solar Flare already have different animations for flying and standing. Just look at the feet.

If no code existed to differentiate between hovering animations and standing animations, then every airborne attack would look like the character was standing on an invisible shelf.

The basis for the required code is already there. All it takes is the will to manipulate it.

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Originally Posted by AIB View Post
I want it back too! If that means that I can only activate the power while on the ground then FINE!

I hate the current animation.
Me too. My PB runs sprint in combat...so using it on the ground only isn't a problem for me

I miss it so much :[[[[



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
Me too. My PB runs sprint in combat...so using it on the ground only isn't a problem for me

I miss it so much :[[[[
Dwarf-form Footstomp buddy...not that I can't empathize...

Dear Devs,

I want to be able to do this again.

Thank you,




Originally Posted by AIB View Post
Dwarf-form Footstomp buddy...not that I can't empathize...

Dear Devs,

I want to be able to do this again.

Thank you,

I kind of want both, having my average sized player make such a flashy-high knockback stomp made me giggle madly. I absolutely love it, and for dwarf...it just makes more sense to have it as a stomp (theme wise)



I want an alternate animation: punch to the ground that footstomp has