A change to make White Dwarf relevant




I came up with this rather interesting idea more or less spontaneously. What if White Dwarf Sublimation functioned like Energize? Tri-form builds work well on a Warshade because the forms complement each other. Black Dwarf is potentially useful even on an IO'd out build because it allows the practice of double mires. If White Dwarf Sublimation worked like Energize (giving a heal, regen boost, and end cost reduction) it could help further bridge the gap between Warshades and PBs by mitigating, to some extent, the lack of Stygian Circle. Most PB players, I assume, would agree that Conserve Power is a poor replacement for the ability to refill your health and endurance after every fight. White Dwarf Sublimation, together with Conserve Power being used as needed, could help make it more feasible for PBs to have the same staying power as Warshades. It would also make White Dwarf more of a tank form, since the added regen would help to improve durability. I'm not sure whether or not this has been proposed before, but I felt the need to share it for consideration. Thoughts?

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Sounds like a good idea to me.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I don't care so much about the endurance discount. I never have end problems on my dwarf anyway, and have zero problem getting Conserve Power to recharge.

Now the increased regeneration on the other hand is something I can see myself drooling over.

Good suggestion.

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I do find myself frustrated on my tri-form with endurance issues. This would be a really awesome improvement to PB Dwarves



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Performance Shifter Proc in forms and stamina. Just sayin'.
I'm already there! haha.