Something I've been wondering about Coalitions.




While reading about the Vigilante and Rogue alignments it got me thinking. Is it possible for a hero supergroup and a villain supergroup to be in coalition with each other?

You see I was thinking about an organization that is fairly global and is semi independent from the goals and activities of heros and villains. Kinda like how the Vanguard opperate. and lets say the hero group is made up of vigilanties and the villain group is made up of rogues. Being in a coalition will make it easier for members in both groups to join teams that will permit them to do missions for contacts they dont have access to, and being able to access both hero and villain telepoters would make it easier to get around the entire gameworld.

Anyway. Does anybody know if such a coalition is possible?



Originally Posted by JRV View Post
While reading about the Vigilante and Rogue alignments it got me thinking. Is it possible for a hero supergroup and a villain supergroup to be in coalition with each other?

You see I was thinking about an organization that is fairly global and is semi independent from the goals and activities of heros and villains. Kinda like how the Vanguard opperate. and lets say the hero group is made up of vigilanties and the villain group is made up of rogues. Being in a coalition will make it easier for members in both groups to join teams that will permit them to do missions for contacts they dont have access to, and being able to access both hero and villain telepoters would make it easier to get around the entire gameworld.

Anyway. Does anybody know if such a coalition is possible?
Unfortunately it's not.

Heroes/Vigilantes can only enter Hero Bases.

Villains/Rogues can only enter Villain Bases.

However, if you start as a Hero and are part of a SG, and transition to Villain, your SG status enters "limbo." Basically you are still a member of the SG, but you cannot earn prestige for it or enter its base. If/When you convert back to Hero, you will still have your "earned prestige" and be able to go about using the SG as normal.

I'll also note that once or twice I have had a villain successfully enter a hero base (via being on the same team). Obviously it was a bug/glitch, but it also means that it probably is possible.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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No. But a global channel solves that (for chat anyway).

Hero Force has multiple divisions in coalition, and two "Villain Force" division that can't be in coalition with the rest of HF.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Standard Code Rant aside, it would be nice if we could coalition with opposite factions. Or at least have open access to all alignments.

I mean, they just gave us Teleporters that can handle 6 beacons so all zones could be accessible through a single base.

And if the member doesn't have the credentials to enter a specific zone, the porter would basically just say "Access Denied."

It would be a nice a QoL upgrade.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



It's a shame really. Perhaps if someday some extra types of supergroups were to be added to the game. Like being able to make a supergroup that was vigilante aligned instead just being a hero supergroup that has vigilanties in it. Or even a neutral aligned supergroup that any aligment could join. That way hero and villain supergroups could be for more exclusive groups and neutral supergroups could exist for when there might be some kinda common ground.

I guess when supergroups were designed, it was based on the belief that heroes and villains would never be on any kinda long to cooperative terms. Considering that in the gameworld heroes and villains have cooperated when the entire world was in danger from outside forces, I think a neutral aligned supergroup option would be justifiable so long as the supergroup had an important enough cause to unite its members.



For whatever it's worth, this used to be briefly possible when alignment was introduced. I'm not 100% certain, but I think a few hero/villain coalitions still exist as a result of the bug.