A Thousand Times: YES




Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post

Not always
I strap prime rib to my feet, cover myself with raw meat.
I bet you've never seen a skirt-steak worn this way.
-Weird Al

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Another item for the menu: Teenaged Mutant Bacon Turtles



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Another item for the menu: Teenaged Mutant Bacon Turtles
That looks awesome. I think I'd fashion a fillo-type pastry turtle shell to go over the back, though.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
Another item for the menu: Teenaged Mutant Bacon Turtles[/center]
Now those do look good. But the bacon's actually -cooked- in those pictures.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Now those do look good. But the bacon's actually -cooked- in those pictures.
Quoted for the Pancaking Truth (just picture Samuel L. Jackson saying it )

Especially about the cooked part.

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