Young Phalanx! *Spoilers*




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Baby steps.

No spoilers, but wait and play the SSA after Who Will Die finishes.


I'm not sure if I should be hopeful or worried ... >.>

I've always been hopeful that CK could wind up "turning back the clock" as Hero 1 put it to me.

But I've never really felt that Penny cared as much for the King as he cared for her. Nothing I've seen in canon suggests that she loves him at all. Cares for him as a strange sort of friend, perhaps-- willing to use his help to protect herself or those she cares about-- yeah.

She doesn't shed a tear for him when heroes beat him down in the Lady Grey TF and has no official reaction to his defeat, so I'm going with "CK should move on before Penny gets him killed once and for all."

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The Clockwork King didn't actually die though. After Blue Steel smashed his original flesh body beyond repair he built the robotic body to protect and sustain his still living brain. Clockwork King is at least 21 by now. (Which does raise the point that Blue Steel, Mr. Law and Order, apparently beat a 14-16 year old kid nearly to death and left him to die. Admittedly an enormously powerful psychic kid, but still.)
The official backstory of the King described him as a "young man" when he first appeared, and there's nothing to suggest in the Warshade arc where you find his bones that he was a child when he "died."

I'm going with the King being at least 18 when he died, possibly a few years older. With the established timeline, I'm guessing that he's about 25-30 now ...

Though as Mr. Grey pointed out my math skills should not necessarily be trusted.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The Clockwork King didn't actually die though. After Blue Steel smashed his original flesh body beyond repair he built the robotic body to protect and sustain his still living brain. Clockwork King is at least 21 by now. (Which does raise the point that Blue Steel, Mr. Law and Order, apparently beat a 14-16 year old kid nearly to death and left him to die. Admittedly an enormously powerful psychic kid, but still.)
Yeah, I know, there had been some official mention of the Clockwork king's age and working back I was able to guesstimate that it would have put him between 12 and 18 at time of death, with it seeming to fall most towards 15. It really shocked me to imagine that Blue Steel beat a minor to death, but given the kind of person the Clockwork King seems likely to be, he probably had an appearance that made him seem much older and Bluesteel just had no idea who this person was.

As a random note: prior to the Minds of Mayhem trial released, I had this idea in mind that it would have been really cool if before Prate Penny got mind munched by Tilman, Metronome managed to psychically reach out across worlds to his primal self and the self that was the sole ruler of his own dimension.
all three would have pulled their minds into one and suddenly become an unstoppable new threat between Praetoria and the Battalion as the guy would just utterly tear apart a lot of Praetoria in a twisted attempt to protect both Penny's.
in my head it was sort of like the Super Seveteen Saga from Dragon Ball GT.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Those numbers don't resolve with the novel.

That would make Synapse 20 in 1986. By that point, Synapse had been employed by Crey as an accountant and subsequently quit after the incident that gave him his powers some years before. There's nothing to suggest he's a genius in this universe, the novel presents him as more of a sports guy, so it's a stretch to think he would be able to finish accounting school and land a job before he was 19.
The dates I listed are the dates given directly from the devs, in the calendar from a few years ago.

The novel was not written by the devs, it was only moderately vetted by the devs. The dates in the various novels OFTEN clash with dev-given dates.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
Flower Knight and Coyote for the Phalanx.
Ya know, as nice as it would be to see Flower Knight anywhere outside of Ouroboros these days.... she's just an archer (that we know of, she literally only has 1 power) so she'd just come off as "Female Manticore" in a way.

Maybe if her other powers were distinct enough though, it would help set her apart.

Make her a Ninja MM lol

Oooo Oooo... and her minions could be copies of herself.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Ya know, as nice as it would be to see Flower Knight anywhere outside of Ouroboros these days.... she's just an archer (that we know of, she literally only has 1 power) so she'd just come off as "Female Manticore" in a way.

Maybe if her other powers were distinct enough though, it would help set her apart.

Make her a Ninja MM lol

Oooo Oooo... and her minions could be copies of herself.
While I've never understood the forum passion for Flower Knight or for summoning copies of oneself as pets, these could both be used to make a fairly interesting character, at least powers-wise. Perhaps her time in Ouroboros has given her Time Manipulation powers, too. Her "strange signature move" could be "summon duplicates of herself from other points in time" or something along those lines. That would make her "different" from Manticore, aside from cosmetic details and theme.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
While I've never understood the forum passion for Flower Knight or for summoning copies of oneself as pets, these could both be used to make a fairly interesting character, at least powers-wise. Perhaps her time in Ouroboros has given her Time Manipulation powers, too. Her "strange signature move" could be "summon duplicates of herself from other points in time" or something along those lines. That would make her "different" from Manticore, aside from cosmetic details and theme.
Well, part o it is just that we like to see familiar faces. Seeing the Faultline trio in RWZ was a nice little throwback to previous arcs, and helps with the feel of progression in the storyline.

My suggestion for Flower Knight was only half serious. Ninja MM just popped into my head as a way for her to keep her bow and arrows, but not just be another archer. That however got me wondering why it'd just be Flower Knight plus unknown ninja troupe. Why would she be the only one with a name/face when they're all working for/members of the Phalanx?

That's what lead me to the idea of it just being her, and either projections/illusions of her, or alternate versions of her.

Edit; I do like the idea of Ninja/Time, like you said, that would also play off her only other appearance in game, in Ouroboros.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I'm not sure it's even safe to say that our TIMELINE is consistent. Things seem to happen on a level based time-line as often as they do actual time. For example, if I start a new character, right now, States is alive and well. Then I log into my 50 where we're all mourning his death.

Point being, I don't think we should analyze age and timeline too strictly.