Why not offline apps for COH?




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
CIT runs on YOUR computer and accesses the information that CoH has already sent to your computer over the internet. If it does happen to cause lag, it only affects you.
Right, I meant that as a response to the OP's "can this be done question?" as far as having a list of people you know who are online. Presumably opt-in.

Maybe it was a "Why can't Paragon Studios do this?" question in disguise, I dunno.



Originally Posted by Crysys View Post
^^ So are you saying I can accomplish what I'm looking for via Steam?

I have Steam and this is exactly the kind of feature I'm looking for, but in a smartphone app.

Actually, what got me wanting this was playing Xbox Live the other day. When I see one of my friends is playing a particular game, it often makes me stop the game I'm currently playing and go join them instead. For COH, I imagine its a good thing to get players to quit playing Game X for COH instead by using as many opps to pull players in as possible. Their community, IMHO, is one of their strongest incentives to play out there.
Just as a *quick* update, Steam has a client now available for Android and iOS


(would like to state that it is beta only right now, but loading it up and trying to log in will put in the queue for a beta for it)



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Right, I meant that as a response to the OP's "can this be done question?" as far as having a list of people you know who are online. Presumably opt-in.

Maybe it was a "Why can't Paragon Studios do this?" question in disguise, I dunno.
They essentially *have to* be able to do this specific thing (the auth servers themselves know if you're logged in or not). Its doing more than that which is problematic. Consider offline marketeering. Separate from whether the devs even want such a thing to be possible, its worth noting they killed the auction house interface in instanced maps - including bases - because it was causing undesirable load on the systems. That suggests exporting it to an out-of-band market client could be similarly problematic.

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