Alpha Slot Question




I've finally decided to unlock the alpha on my mind/fire dom and was looking for some advice on which one to unlock. I know the goal for most doms is perma domination and I'm sitting at 123.5 global recharge without hasten currently, so my question is go for either spiritual/agility for the recharge bonus or do I go with something else since I believe I have perma dom and hasten attained

Any advice on this would be most appreciated.

Doc M

Doc Midknight Dark/Dark/Dark Defender
Nether Raven Dark/Dark/Dark Scrapper
Master Midknight Dark/Dark/Soul Troller
Global: @DocMidknight (main) Global: @Doc Midknight (alt)



I'm a fan of Cardiac. End redux, dmg resist boost and range boost. Who can't use more end redux really? Sure you're perma and you get the refill of end every POP, but reduced end costs will help while dom is recharging. Dmg resist is good.. assuming you have resist shield. Range will give you an extra 20% to all your powers. Who couldn't use that?

Please buff Ice Control.



Originally Posted by DocMidknight View Post
I've finally decided to unlock the alpha on my mind/fire dom and was looking for some advice on which one to unlock. I know the goal for most doms is perma domination and I'm sitting at 123.5 global recharge without hasten currently, so my question is go for either spiritual/agility for the recharge bonus or do I go with something else since I believe I have perma dom and hasten attained

Any advice on this would be most appreciated.

Doc M
Nerve, the radial path, gives you +acc, +hold duration, and +confuse, as well as some +defense and +fly, if you use either of those. But really, as a mind/ dom never missing and having your hold and confuse last longer is just swell. And since you're /fire you have access to consume, so between that and domination, you should be fine in the endurance department. Range is...well it's range, and you're a dom, you have so few Hp that even the t4 +resistance doesn't do that much for you. If you DO want more range, the new Intuition boost gives +hold, +confuse and +fly, but instead of acc and +def it gives defense debuff and range. So you'll still be awesome at what you do, but from a distance instead of never missing ever.



Thanks for the responses, thinking nerve might be the way to go for me.

Doc Midknight Dark/Dark/Dark Defender
Nether Raven Dark/Dark/Dark Scrapper
Master Midknight Dark/Dark/Soul Troller
Global: @DocMidknight (main) Global: @Doc Midknight (alt)



So, I was totally wrong about intuition. Paragonwiki is wrong, I should have checked in game. Intuition is hold, damage, range, radial adds defense debuff, to hit debuff and slows. The hold and damage is nice for mind/fire, everything else is eh. So take that one core. But Vigor! Vigor is Healing, Accuracy, Endurance Cost, and radial adds Fear Duration, Sleep Duration and Confusion Duration. The healing isn't much help, but everything else is. So either Nerve or Vigor, I'd say.



Originally Posted by PowerLeveler View Post
So, I was totally wrong about intuition. Paragonwiki is wrong, I should have checked in game. Intuition is hold, damage, range, radial adds defense debuff, to hit debuff and slows. The hold and damage is nice for mind/fire, everything else is eh. So take that one core. But Vigor! Vigor is Healing, Accuracy, Endurance Cost, and radial adds Fear Duration, Sleep Duration and Confusion Duration. The healing isn't much help, but everything else is. So either Nerve or Vigor, I'd say.
Yeah, I've been digging Vigor as well. Acc and End are great. healing not so much unless you have something like DP. Most of the doms I have lack fear (darkness is going to fill that), but for a mind dom boosting those 3 is huge.

Please buff Ice Control.