Future-Self mission - cool 'trick'!
Hmm. I don't know that I've seen my double follow me before. I'll have to try it.
i'm not sure, as I'm level 50, and so experience is a non-issue... but i do get all the inf., so that might indicate the experience would also not be impacted...
I liked that mission back when I ran it and I think I stumbled into the same thing, but it's been awhile. My question would be did you see an XP hit because an ally was fighting with you? "But he's me, so logically yes all the XP should be going to me!"
besides... it is your FUTURE-self! so you will get the experience... eventually (just kidding)...
i might try letting the first future-me go away as normal (i.e., talk to him), and then use the second-me help fight in the third area (i.e., don't talk to him until we clear out the third area)... the reason this might be fun is the second-me is suppose to be a demi-god in power... like to see what he can do!
there is a villain morality mission (one where when you complete it you get a villain merit) where you meet various future versions of yourself to correct a mistake you will make dealing with a future named bad guy (who plays a part in the mission as well)...
the basic form of this mission, once the scientist is forced to unlock the terminals, is to clear out the area, activate the terminal in the area, fight a bad guy that is spawned, then talk to your future-self, which spawns the future named bad guy in the story, with the help of your future-self defeat him, after which your future-self goes away... this is done for three separate areas...
now... I accidentally found this cool trick after about the zillionth time i've done this mission...
today, when i got to the point where i was suppose to talk to my first future-self (the bolded part of the description above), i forgot i was suppose to talk to him... as a result, this future version of me followed me around into the other two areas and became a virtual pet who helped me fight to clear out all of the bad guys first!... THEN i talked to him, which caused the remainder of the mission to unfold as before... but with no bad guys left...!
I suppose there is a danger of failing the mission if your future-self dies... and i warn you if you try this, he tends to have a mind of his own (he will very aggressively and pro-actively attack groups of bad guys near by on his own)... but it was a lot of fun to do this mission with two of me!