



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Interesting - it would be cool to know what level of mitigation we are talking about here, since caltrops do not slow recharge on powers at all, it only slows movement speed. Enemies should be attacking you as often as they always did, unless you are calculating melee attacks in their rotation or something.
Didn't you read all the 100 posts mentioning how Caltrops has an afraid effect and screws mobs AI?

You could roll a traps defender and get it at level 1 to see and all.



To put it more simply, what it seems to me it does to the mob AI is the same thing that fear powers do, like Fearsome Stare for example. If you have experience with fear powers you know that although the mobs do get to attack occasionally, most of the time they just stand there cowering. So it lowers their rate of fire.

Caltrops does the same thing, except instead of standing and cowering, the mobs are running very slowly. They occasionally stop and take a shot at you, then go back to running.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Interesting - it would be cool to know what level of mitigation we are talking about here, since caltrops do not slow recharge on powers at all, it only slows movement speed. Enemies should be attacking you as often as they always did, unless you are calculating melee attacks in their rotation or something.
50.00 mag fear on target for 40something seconds. I use it a lot. Its pretty awesome.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
To put it more simply, what it seems to me it does to the mob AI is the same thing that fear powers do, like Fearsome Stare for example. If you have experience with fear powers you know that although the mobs do get to attack occasionally, most of the time they just stand there cowering. So it lowers their rate of fire.

Caltrops does the same thing, except instead of standing and cowering, the mobs are running very slowly. They occasionally stop and take a shot at you, then go back to running.
Thank you. Unlike the others, you don't start off with a snarky reply and end up explaining nothing of how the game engine works.

I thought I was clear in wanting to understand what is actually happening, and nearly everyone jumped at the opportunity to attack me - so again, thanks. This makes sense.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Thank you. Unlike the others, you don't start off with a snarky reply and end up explaining nothing of how the game engine works.

I thought I was clear in wanting to understand what is actually happening, and nearly everyone jumped at the opportunity to attack me - so again, thanks. This makes sense.
Well snarky responses can happen when you simply ignore all the nice ones you got first saying how mobs run when the power is used (since after all the people mentioning they like it for the afraid effect you insisted mobs will attack as often). If I ask what fire blast does, people reply that it burns mobs and I answer "no it doesn't" I wouldn't be surprised if I got some sarcastic reply



Thankfully, I never stated it doesn't mess with mob AI or denied it makes them run. Whew!

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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Thankfully, I never stated it doesn't mess with mob AI or denied it makes them run. Whew!
Enemies should be attacking you as often as they always did, unless you are calculating melee attacks in their rotation or something.

Under construction



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Enemies should be attacking you as often as they always did, unless you are calculating melee attacks in their rotation or something.
Thanks, that should clear it up. I appreciate you helping me by reproducing the post where I never said it doesn't mess with mob AI and never said it doesn't make them run.

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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Thanks, that should clear it up. I appreciate you helping me by reproducing the post where I never said it doesn't mess with mob AI and never said it doesn't make them run.
Interesting you read ". . .should be attacking you as they always did. . ." as saying something other than ". . .doesn't mess with the mob AI. . . ."

You can go down that road if you want to but I can assure you it is not bolstering your position.

Under construction




AR/DEV blaster, Caltrops + Ignite = Total destruction of an entire hazard zone (Perez Park)aaaaaaaaaaah I miss those days. :P

The fear component of Caltrops is actually a very useful tool as it buys you time. In my opinion, it works better than world of confusion as a damage mitigation tool, because it works against bosses and lts, and it also does damage. Not to mention you can pick it up at a much lower level.

Caltrops can be used as others have said:

*Anti ambush tool: An ambush rushes your team or your position, put some down, and finish the existing NPC group off while the ambush squad is scattering all over the place.

*Anti Melee tool: It works actually surprisingly well with a Claws Stalker, not just a trapper fender/ruptor, or a devices blasters.

*Damage : An additional layer of damage.



I totally agree about how awesome they are for blasters, which is why this is aimed directly at stalkers in the stalker forum.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Caltrops are even better for Stalkers unless you don't want them to scatter (AoE's).



You can actually use trops to group mobs FOR aoes.

Place them at the edge of a spawn and the mobs while trying to get into melee will bunch up there.

Wonderful for Dual Blades aoes

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Thankfully, I never stated it doesn't mess with mob AI or denied it makes them run. Whew!
Oh so you simply couldn't grasp the simple concept that the fact that it has an afraid effect makes them attack you less, since you posted 'mobs should attack you just as often'? Or do running mobs usually attack you at the same rate?



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Oh so you simply couldn't grasp the simple concept that the fact that it has an afraid effect makes them attack you less, since you posted 'mobs should attack you just as often'? Or do running mobs usually attack you at the same rate?
That was my response to your fire blast comparison, that's all. No offense intended.

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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom