Scrapper Sunday/Saturday(Question Mark)



Posted suck.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Originally Posted by Karmaa View Post suck.
They are also for suckers!

Get Worked!



Originally Posted by High Voltz View Post
They are also for suckers!
so are books

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Originally Posted by Heavenly Perverse View Post
so are books

just lukin at da pitchurz,

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
Is for suckers!

Get Worked!



Originally Posted by High Voltz View Post
Is for suckers!
Hey, I got the best idea ever (read: this morning) from that!

Maybe it's not the best idea to bring up politics or anything, but now I want to make a poster for each person running for Prez 2012 that uses a picture of them with the "IS FOR SUCKERS!" underneath as a slogan...

Whether I make it up as pictures or not, I'm sure I'll think that everytime I hear about the 2012 race now. <laughing my *** off>

Your non-Presidential Hopeful,

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Well Saturdays Scrapper/Stalker Frenzy went fairly well. A lot of fun was had...although at first hardly any of the above mentioned AT's came to call. I ended up throwing in a couple brutes to fill out the team in the beginning.

Since we had a couple lowbies show up, we ran some +4x8 radio missions in PI, and ravaged the mobs. Then we turned our focus to an ITF. Filled out most of the team with scrappers(with the exception of 2 brutes), and with the exception of a couple deaths, it went extremely smoothly, completing the ITF in under 30min. Mind you, this wasn't a "speed" run.

I was pleased with the overall out come, although, for the next meet up I would like to keep it to just scrappers and stalkers. I didn't mind the brutes so much, but outside of not keeping with the "theme", it brought somewhat of a tankiness feel to the evening, and we don't want to bleed over into tanker Tuesday. It is a bummer that the brutes tend to fall in between the tankers and scrappers, but it is what it is.

I think ill try and get these formed up every 3rd Saturday of the month. That way we'll have some time in between, and have something to look forward to...I know I will.

So all that being said, the next scrapper/stalker Saturday will be on 2/18/2011, and will start forming alittle before 8pm central time/9pm eastern time outside of the University in Steel Canyon South.

Again, thanks to all who came out and partook of the fun!!

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Scrapper/Stalker Saturday!!!!


All Scrapper, all Stalker APEX Task Force!!!!

The team will consist of both scrappers and stalkers, and we'll start forming up @ 8pm Central/9pm Eastern outside the University in Steel Canyon (South)
Please bring a scrapper or stalker that has its alpha slotted. And spread the word, lets make this an Awesome Apex run!! See ya there!!!

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Excellent fun!!!!

MO APEX in 1 run with 7 scrappers and a stalker! YAY!!! Can't wait for the next Scrapper/Stalker event!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Yep, that was a fun run. BM took alittle longer than normal, but we got her in the end . Good run all!!

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



So Saturday the 17th is sposed to be the next Scrapper/Stalker Day, but since it is Double XP weekend im prolly not going to attempt a high lvl TF or something crazy planned. Instead I thought id form up some teams for +4x8 Tips/Radio's/Possibly Farms...Only thing is, Its gonna only be for those new Scrappers or Stalkers being built. We'll do it for an hour or so, so its first come first serve, unless there is another 50 that decides that they want to lead another Scrapper/Stalker XP team.

Ill be outside of the University in Steel Canyon @ 8pm Central/9pm Eastern and those that show up will get some xp'age.

See ya then.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Hey Libertines,

I've had some real life stuff to deal and take care of which is why I've been on hiatus. Since my RL stuff has gotten so crazy(and unfortunately it comes before gaming) i'm putting a hold on the Scrapper/Stalker Saturdays unless somebody just wants to do it whenever. Im cool with whatever.

Hope all are well. I miss my friends on COH. I'll try and hop on once life slows down. Have a good one all

Play on!


Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu



Choke yourself.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Hush little boy and go play soldier.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death. -Sun Tzu