Two possible interface improvements




(that's User Interface, not the incarnate interface powers)

Two interface improvements I would like to see ingame :

1) Better power lists in the powers window.
Problem: Primary and secondary power lists are fine as they are, but a lv50 with a decent amount of purchased bonus powers can have huge lists of inherent and temp powers, making it tough to find one you might need quickly.

Move Pool and incarnate powers into wasted space underneath the primary and secondary powers.
Break down Inherent and Temp Powers into more useful categories, such as
Movement - Ninja Run, Mission Teleporter, Pocket D Pass etc
Combat - Beanbag gun, Warwolf Whistle, St Louis Slammer etc
Incarnate buffs - Alpha, Destiny, and whatever is coming next
Incarnate temps - Acids, pac grenades, power cores

and so on

Also, make all categories collapsable, so I can hide categories that I do not frequently need powers from.

2) Greatly improve the enhancements vendors
Problem: Enhancements vendors such as Freedom Corps trainers, quartermasters, and ESPECIALLY the likes of Ghost Falcon, have ridiculously huge inventories that must be manually searched with little assistance. Unintuitive item names make this even harder.

Solution: Have the vendor filter out enhancements that...
Are not in an appropriate level range (a lv45 will filter out all of GF's lv40 and lv50 SOs, and only see the lv45 ones)
Are not an appropriate origin (a Science hero will filter out all of GF's Magic, Natural, Tech and Mutation SOs)
Cannot be slotted on any of their powers (if the character cannot use an intangibility SO in any of their powers, it will not appear in the vendor's list)

These filters should be able to be toggled off if the player wants to see the full list.

Also, it should clearly say under each enhancement's name exactly what it enhances and by how much.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



Why would it need to be improved? It's already one of the most -

Originally Posted by Leese View Post
(that's User Interface, not the incarnate interface powers)
^definitely was my first reaction to this thread.

Totally agree with both suggestions, especially the second. I've seen a few people in Freedom help chat recently having a hard time figuring out what SOs to buy. One of them insisted that Renewing of Hermes wasn't what he was looking for because it "increases attack rate" according to its own info, and he needed something to reduce recharge time, which was frustrating in a sense, but also pointed out that the thing is not necessarily self-explanatory.



Indeed, both would be nice.