Human-Only Warshade guide




Hey, ladies and gents...

I'm finally on my Winter Break from school for the next couple of weeks, and I'm in the process of updating my i16 human-only WS guide to be i21-friendly...

Is there anything that anyone who is currently playing human-only warshades would want me to make sure and include in the guide?

And, for the more experienced (veteran) forum members out there (Dechs, Micro, Bill, etc., I'm looking at you!) would want to add to that?

I'm wanting to make this guide as comprehensive as possible. I also want to set it up in a way that will allow me to more easily update it as new issues are released and changes to Kheldians are made.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



You'll probably be getting some posts here by the more well known forumers at some point within the next few days, but I've got some input based off my (very little) experience playing a human-only warshade...

First things first, I'd like to point out something that Dechs actually mentioned to me while I was looking for input on my build, and thats that if you get enough recharge to make hasten and eclipse perma, then you shouldn't really need to go with the spiritual alpha. I'm using the musculature, and I'm doing pretty dang good, with a very high damage output.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that the best slotting you can get out of eclipse is two nucleolus hami-os and two recharge IOs, gives you the most bang for your buck, and saves slots.

Something I've noticed as well is that taking dwarf form for set holding powers is also something that is a viable idea for a human only warshade, and is something I had done for awhile during the period of time that I was getting my build ironed out.

Anything else though....I'm not entirely sure. I've really only been playing a WS as human only for about a week or so now. Hopefully you get more posts by people who know more than I do!

My circle is more like an egg. . .a handicapped egg. - A math professor



Thanks for the input!

TwoHeadedBoy may kill me for this, but I'm a bit of a "purist" when it comes to referring to "human only." My thoughts have always been that if you're human only, you're human ONLY. If you are using Dwarf form (even if it's just for set holders or the mire), you're a bi-form Warshade--not a Human-only.

Human Only = Human only
Bi-Form = Human + Dwarf or Human + Nova
Tri-Form = All three forms chosen

With that said, I don't think I'll be able to (with a "clean conscience," so to speak) include builds for bi-forms in a guide that's meant specifically for "human only" builds.

However, I highly value input from THB when it comes to WS's, and have consulted with him about updating this guide prior to creating this thread.

Thanks again for your input!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
If you are using Dwarf form (even if it's just for set holders or the mire), you're a bi-form Warshade--not a Human-only.
Oh, I definately agree with that. As it stands right now, my WS build is a true human only, no set holding bi-forming. It really frees up slots to make your human form so very much more effective, even if some believe that having the other forms will be better. One issue I ran into was that I had very low defense without those extra sets in dwarf form. I have compensated with this however by going for more HP, keeping my recharge high so as to heal off of stygian circle more often if I need, and keeping eclipse perma, so that I'm already taking a small amount of damage. The only major thing that you need to watch out for, and its pretty much a duh, is status effects. Until you get something like the Clarion destiny, status protection will be your bane.

Glad I can help out some though, and I hope that your updated guide will be successful!

My circle is more like an egg. . .a handicapped egg. - A math professor



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Thanks for the input!

TwoHeadedBoy may kill me for this, but I'm a bit of a "purist" when it comes to referring to "human only." My thoughts have always been that if you're human only, you're human ONLY. If you are using Dwarf form (even if it's just for set holders or the mire), you're a bi-form Warshade--not a Human-only.

Human Only = Human only
Bi-Form = Human + Dwarf or Human + Nova
Tri-Form = All three forms chosen

With that said, I don't think I'll be able to (with a "clean conscience," so to speak) include builds for bi-forms in a guide that's meant specifically for "human only" builds.

However, I highly value input from THB when it comes to WS's, and have consulted with him about updating this guide prior to creating this thread.

Thanks again for your input!

This was a conversation that was had recently on this board and I still fail to see the difference between slotting Dwarf for set mules only and slotting something like Boxing or a human form resist toggle you'll never use for set mules. Now, I can understand simply having a problem with set muling in general I suppose, but in my opinion "Bi Form" and "Tri Form" are play styles, not slotting choices. I wouldn't call a Blaster build who played strictly from range that slotted their melee attacks for set mules a Blapper, because a Blapper, similarly, is a play style. I consider my Warshade to be human form because he always plays in human form.



That's because it's both a playstyle AND a build choice. Kheldians are unique in that they have various forms they can take, whereas a blaster cannot take another form.

I see where you're coming from... You see taking Dwarf form on a Kheldian just like taking another power (like boxing) on a Blaster.

I see it as taking another "form." Hence, the terms "Bi-form" and "Tri-form." Regardless of whether or not you only use 4 powers or one power (like mire) in that form you picked, it's still another form you've taken.

A form, to me, is like another entire toon. That's why Kheldians are unique. They, unlike any other AT, offer you the opportunity to play "three toons in one," so to speak. The forms act as basically a whole other powerset with its own powers, its own rules governing it (such as damage modifiers), and its own "playstyle possibilities."

So, the moment you decide to pick Dwarf form or Nova form, you've not only added a myriad of new possibilities of how you can play your toon (and what you can do with it set-wise), you've also completely changed your build possibilities--such as "set muling."

My guide is specific to human-only because I believe human-only play has its own unique possibilities for playstyle, which is much different than the playstyle possibilities for a bi-form and a tri-form. That is why there is differentiation between forms for Kheldians as well as differentiation in builds.

Other ATs just have different builds--we have forms to further complicate things... Which leads me to my final point: When are you going to make a bi-form guide, man? :P

btw, thanks for the input for the guide! I'm still pounding away at it right now.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I see where you're coming from... You see taking Dwarf form on a Kheldian just like taking another power (like boxing) on a Blaster.

I see it as taking another "form." Hence, the terms "Bi-form" and "Tri-form." Regardless of whether or not you only use 4 powers or one power (like mire) in that form you picked, it's still another form you've taken.
I actually agree with THB on this topic. To me, Human Only is a playstyle, not a build restriction.

I've taken a lot of mule powers across a lot of characters, and each one of those powers gets more use than THB gives his Dwarf form. Yes, I've actually used Boxing and Grant Invisibility.

For a great example, look at my Soldier of Arachnos. He took some powers from the Bane trees, but none of the mace powers that you recognize as a Bane Spider, choosing to fight with the rifle and provide tactical support to the team in the form of leadership buffs. Tell me, how would you describe his build? If someone asked you what my SoA was, would you tell them it's a "Bane Spider"? I know what he plays like, and it's no Bane. We have a name for that kind of character. It's Huntsman.

I've seen THB play. I've seen THB's build. When people ask me what THB plays, I say a Human Form 'Shade.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I agree that it's a playstyle choice, but I just happen to believe that it's also a build restriction.

I've always felt that a stone tank that doesn't actually take granite (just for the hell of it) is decidedly playing a "different playstyle," but he (to me at least) is choosing to not pick the definitive power for stone tanks. Conversely, if you pick a "definitive" power for a Kheldian (a form), that decides whether or not you are human, bi, or tri. You may not PLAY like a bi-former (playstyle choice, obviously), but technically you ARE a bi-former if you have 2 forms. The form may be for looks, it may be for set mules, it may be because you like to pull aggro if the team's tank dies, or it may be because you just did't know what other power to pick--but, the bottom line is, you have two forms, which makes you a bi-former.

I feel like what you're saying is the equivalent of me calling my Widow a Fortunata because... I just like to call her one--not because I actually picked any Fortunata powers.

Since she has one build that is a widow build and another build that is a fortunata build, what is she? Widow or Fortunata?

I say she's a Widow when she's on her Widow build and a Fortunata when she's on her Fortunata build. She may play like a Fortunata (Not sure how you could do that, but whatever), but if she has picked Widow powers, she's a Widow.

THB may not ever use his Dwarf form, but the simple fact of the matter is he picked Dwarf form. Sure, he can call himself a human-former because that's how he plays. He can call himself Rip Van Winkle if he wants. That's his right as a CoH player.

However, I think it's a bit strange to create a guide for "human only" and then tell people that in order to "properly" play a "human only" Warshade, you have to pick one of the other forms... That's a bit backwards.

I realize we're arguing semantics here, but that's just how I feel.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
However, I think it's a bit strange to create a guide for "human only" and then tell people that in order to "properly" play a "human only" Warshade, you have to pick one of the other forms... That's a bit backwards.
Hang on a second, no one's saying that to properly play a human only shade that you have to pick one of the other forms.

It's just one of the options available to you.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Back to the topic at hand...

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Hey, ladies and gents...

I'm finally on my Winter Break from school for the next couple of weeks, and I'm in the process of updating my i16 human-only WS guide to be i21-friendly...

Is there anything that anyone who is currently playing human-only warshades would want me to make sure and include in the guide?

And, for the more experienced (veteran) forum members out there (Dechs, Micro, Bill, etc., I'm looking at you!) would want to add to that?

I'm wanting to make this guide as comprehensive as possible. I also want to set it up in a way that will allow me to more easily update it as new issues are released and changes to Kheldians are made.


I noticed in your guide that you said range was good in the teleport powers. I agree with this, but I know some people place "Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback reduction" or the "Slow resistance" IOs from the universal pools. This is something worth mentioning, It's greatly helpful to not get knocked down OR avoid 20% of that incoming slow movement shackle.


On terms of I21 stuff, I'd make decent mention of the new alpha slot "Agility" It provides a 45% boost to endmod, and a 33% boost to Defense Buffs and Recharge (Core Side.)

Out of the Human-formers I've played with (THB*cough) I see a common string of high defenses, along with prema-eclipse. I think that Agility would be a great mention because it gives more defense (closer to softcap), more recharge (so u might be able to drop a mule or two for better power picks) and finally Endurance Modification.

With all of those toggles running a higher recovery rate would be nice to have (fitness: Stamina) and it would help with stygian circle too. On my 'Shade I get annoyed when circle doesn't give me as much endurance as I had hoped.

When it comes to Spiritual, I wouldn't take it on my warshade. In all three boosts (core side) I only find one benefit, the recharge.

The healing? I'll take this straight from your guide:
Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Stygian Circle:
Ahhh... Stygian Circle. This power, coupled with Eclipse, is what makes Warshades "awesomesauce." No real need to slot for health in this power, as the inherent heal percentage from it is still twice as high as your endurance recovery percentage, even with Performance Shifter slotted. You really want this power as early as possible in your build. Really.

Essence Drain:
Essence drain can be a great "emergency" power to have for a tiny surge of health if you don't have any dead bodies on the ground for stygian circle, and if you're out of inspirations. But, if you're picking it for the heal, you're going to be disappointed when comparing it to the power that is Stygian Circle. I usually only recommend Essence Drain for "I don't like to team--I prefer to solo only" people.
I don't see why you need more healing enhancements.

The stun? Things die way to fast for me to need them to be stunned longer, and that's without running orbiting death (I don't have enough recovery yet for it.)

For my 'Shade, Agility would be my Go-to alpha. Every attribute helps me in some way.

As for interface, Reactive Radial is insane. fire damage over time, and a resistance debuff = more bodies.

Destiny, I'd say clarion would be notable.



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
For my 'Shade, Agility would be my Go-to alpha. Every attribute helps me in some way.
I do agree with this, though its not what I'm doing with my warshade. I'm currently going with the Musculature for increased damage, as I'm not overly worried about defense, I've got plenty of recharge, and my endurance usage really isn't all that bad. With the 45% boost to damage I'm getting with the musculature, I'm dropping enemies very quickly giving me bodies for stygian circle, to create my fluffies, and for using unchain essence on.The defense would be nice for avoiding status effects, as I recall Dechs bringing up either somewhere in his guide or in a post, I can't remember which. I took the clarion destiny however, and now have status effect protection at all times, assuming I don't die between recharges. Bio is right though in saying that people who would want to go for defense and extra recharge should go with the agility. I'm thinking that its almost entirely to preference though, as many of the alphas boost at least a few of the WS's abilities.

My circle is more like an egg. . .a handicapped egg. - A math professor



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
When it comes to Spiritual, I wouldn't take it on my warshade. In all three boosts (core side) I only find one benefit, the recharge.
I'd say that Spiritual's effect on Healing is most important to Black Dwarf Drain ... but that's hardly relevant to a Human Only Guide now is it?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Now, I really don't want sound like the confusing lawyer who was arguing his case before a judge, and after much talking he said to the judge,

"Your honor. Do you follow me?"

The judge replied,

"Oh, I follow you. But, if I knew where we were I'd leave you where you stand."

Ok...moving on then...try to follow me.

I have never read nor heard of anyone who has focused entirely upon Nova and Dwarf forms refer to his/her build as "Bi-Form."

Have any of you?

But, if the matter pertains to "play-style (i.e. what you USE)," as one camp is arguing, and not "power selection (i.e. what you CHOOSE)," as the other camp is arguing, then it would be acceptable for one to affirm,

"I am a Bi-Form Kheldian."

Someone would then ask,

"Oh, are you Human/Dwarf or Human/Nova?"

To which you could reply,

"Neither. I am a Nova/Dwarf."

This affirmation does present some difficulty, for all of us realize that one would have to shift THROUGH that pesky human....FORM... to get to the other two FORMS (hmmm...1+2 = 3). But, I suppose that this could be explained away for although one is shifting into and out of human form that does not mean he/she is USING it...or does it??? Additionally, 7 slots would have to go SOMEWHERE so I suppose that Health and Stamina could get the slots.

I understand the different perspectives of each camp but, for what it's worth, I have always thought of these things more like AlienOne,

"Human Only = Human only
Bi-Form = Human + Dwarf or Human + Nova
Tri-Form = All three forms chosen"

I hope that your guide is going well AlienOne.



As long as Alien Ones guide clarifies what his version of Human Form is I couldn't give a toot. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

I could never play anything other than Tri form myself, the fun is in the flexibility, the win is in the flexibility. I really couldnt do it.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Well, my guide's always clarified it as "human only," but... I guess there's two ways to skin a cat when it comes to definitions...which reminds me of a phrase I heard once:

"It depends on what the definition of 'is' is..."

Thanks for all the input, guys... I took some time off today to go see the first 6 minutes of Batman and Mission Impossible IV, so I'll get back into it first thing tomorrow morning.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



On terms of I21 stuff, I'd make decent mention of the new alpha slot "Agility" It provides a 45% boost to endmod, and a 33% boost to Defense Buffs and Recharge (Core Side.)
I haven't really looked at any of the new alphas and that does seem like a reasonable choice, but imo Spiritual will still be better. If you're running the Essence Drain attack chain, you can ED cap the heal and the damage w/ Spiritual Core Paragon. I would say that without high defense this is actually very important against hard single targets when your Eclipse expires and you are more vulnerable to damage. Don't forget that the healing enhancement also applies to health and your regeneration, so for those slot crunches when you need to 1 slot Health with a Miracle proc (I know I do on my current build) you are still getting an SO's worth of healing enhancement free of charge.

The stun enhancement is also very nice because it lets you slot out Unchain Essence as strictly an attack and still benefit from longer stun duration when the effect applies. Similarly with Inky Aspect, I've had previous respecs that one slotted it with an Endoplasm Exposure and more stun values never hurt.

I'm taking your word about the <whatever it's called again> 33% Recharge enhancement at tier 4. Spiritual Core Paragon provides a 45% recharge enhancement, which is well.. 12% better. As for the recovery aspect, I use a few sets of Gladiator's Armor, a set of Gladiator's Javelin and a couple of pieces of Thunderstrike in my build. This puts me at a comfortable level recovery wise, And as you know my s/l defense is already softcapped anyways.

Edit: You did just give me an idea though. I'm curious to see what defense numbers would look like on a build that used Agility and slotted Defense toggles with Enzymes. That'd certainly be a pretty effective way to get around ED to an extent, hah. If I can throw together a build that softcaps S/L defense and brings E defense up or close to the 32.5% mark I will officially endorse agility. *Made scientist walks off...*



By the way, Alien, the level 53 AV soloage (linked in my signature) was done on a "pure" human build, no forms taken for mules... Just sayin'.

The reason I speced out of that build and into my current one that picks Dwarf for set mules is that it helped me reach a build goal (softcapped s/l defense) in one power choice that would have taken three power choices to reach on a pure human build. My current build actually has more useful human powers, higher defense, and more recharge than the "pure" build I was previously using, meaning that taking dwarf lead to me getting more out of my strictly human form play style (I literally don't even have Dwarf or any Dwarf powers in my tray.) Just thought I'd put that out there for your consideration.



I'm a lover of secondary effects. Initially I made a Mind Controller to level with before finding Taunt control in Tankers. In most peoples guides they don't emphasize on secondary effects enough. What the effects can do? How do they work? Why is it the powerset has them? Not just for personal performance either but also for helping a team mate do their thing better.

One could from one guide have the option to make different types of Kheldians rather than a go solo some 53 AV type Kheldian. Khelds aren't everyones main so with them being a alternative plaything to some people, cheaper, alternative multi-playstyle options could be on the table. If you can't make your Kheld all the way good at a particular goal you can atleast make it useful towards a team effort or something.

Gravimetric Snare as an example could be superslotted and be more useful than a Trick Archers Entangling Arrow yet it's skipped. A lot of people maligned Trick Archery for years but some of that was short sightedness in my book. In 2006 whilst almost every single person would of gave up at the thought of a STF with a Scrapper, 6 Blasters and 1 Trick Archer, I most definitely would of thought "Why not? Both plausible and different". A WS that is an alt, which is never going to be given the 2 billion to do greatness for itself could very cheaply offer the potential for teams to be flexible on how they overcome obstacles. A 10:1 Immob:rechg ratio being gold in Gravimetric Snare, do damage with that as well and it as a power is at its sweetest. A Warshade with that becomes a useful duct tape Trick Archer. (I am not one for finding x powerset for a team or give up). If I think of a plausible way for an MoSTF to be done with an all Kheld team then someone would have a superbly slotted Gravimetric Snare, if I tried to build an all Kheld team for an STF I can almost guarantee that I would have the only Warshade with it, which could be disagreeable if I am on a Peacebringer because I can almost guarantee that I am the only Peacebringer with Group Fly XD.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Don't see how that is relevant/on topic but I just wanted to point out that taunt is just as effective as Grav Snare. I have had specs that included it but found that it just was not worth the slots. Provoke is infinitely more useful and it's the one power I miss more than anything in my current build because it serves the purpose of allowing human form to tank, keep AV's in place, and pull mobs for buffs. If you have a choice between Snare and Provoke, Provoke wins every time in my book.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Don't see how that is relevant/on topic but I just wanted to point out that taunt is just as effective as Grav Snare. I have had specs that included it but found that it just was not worth the slots. Provoke is infinitely more useful and it's the one power I miss more than anything in my current build because it serves the purpose of allowing human form to tank, keep AV's in place, and pull mobs for buffs. If you have a choice between Snare and Provoke, Provoke wins every time in my book.
You might your mind set on a Warshade only doing certain things but other people might have other ideas. A guide could be one dimensional and only offer a Warshade thats good for one thing and costs X amount or a guide could be multidimensional and offer different types of builds costing different amounts. A Kheldian is not everyones main to spend 2 Billion on. If you can't afford to build to be good at perma eclipse and farming then you might be able to afford a build that can bring survivability to a more easily found better Tank.

Provoke or Black Dwarf Antagonize both do not allow for a 10:1 taunt rechg ratio to be reached. It's something like a 6:1 allowing for a higher chance for aggro loss to team mate. Provoke doesn't autohit, it doesn't -range and this alone can make anyone with that power more needy of support than anyone else depending on what you are tanking. Provoke is useful yes but still lacks, its the worst hit 5 taunt in game. Gravimetric Snare is useful moreso if someone else is tanking, this is where Warshades are good for helping PBs Tank for example, by them kiting, lowering the maximum possible dps on them.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



As soon as someone posts on this board saying "Hi, I'd like to play a Warshade because I think they are AWESOME at immobilizing single targets! Anyone have any advice on how to calculate immobilize ratios? This is my primary build objective!" I will send them your way. That interest is a niche I have yet to encounter in game or on the boards though. Alien already gives a rundown of powers and what they do in his guide, I don't think he ever said he planned to remove that section.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
As soon as someone posts on this board saying "Hi, I'd like to play a Warshade because I think they are AWESOME at immobilizing single targets! Anyone have any advice on how to calculate immobilize ratios? This is my primary build objective!" I will send them your way. That interest is a niche I have yet to encounter in game or on the boards though. Alien already gives a rundown of powers and what they do in his guide, I don't think he ever said he planned to remove that section.
What Alien One has done, well its more about what he hasn't done. Then again what have I done? I don't even write guides as a believer in people finding things out for themselves but I do see good guides being written. Silas writes good guides. If somebody asks me what I would suggest in putting in a guide then pretty much Silas would have a guide to which I would think "thats about right". Every power should have a why take it explained, then anyone reading a guide can make up their own minds on whether or not they want to take it. If all you have written is don't take it then you risk limiting people with your own limitations. Potentially things could be "don't take this, take this instead" on a build that someone might not ever afford anyway, because its not their main, and not something they are spending tonnes on.

I don't have Orbiting Death, my interests are therefore different. A guide should just be something to help people make up their own minds on what powers are, not on crystal balling what they want to take. If its a guide on a human warshade only fit to do X then yeah specifics are alright.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post

I don't have Orbiting Death






Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post


There is no one way that is the right way for everyone. Coming from another AT as my main I am alittle bit inclined to support the AT that is my main. Not so much what I can do for myself its a bit what else is there that I can do for my team? With so much buff love coming from the team who shouldn't leave me the last one standing or simply be venge fodder I like to give back.

On your build I could drop Shadow Blast rather than OD for Gravimetric Snare but then it doesn't necessarily give you what it is you want it to do.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.