Human-Only Warshade guide




Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
By the way, Alien, the level 53 AV soloage (linked in my signature) was done on a "pure" human build, no forms taken for mules... Just sayin'.

The reason I speced out of that build and into my current one that picks Dwarf for set mules is that it helped me reach a build goal (softcapped s/l defense) in one power choice that would have taken three power choices to reach on a pure human build. My current build actually has more useful human powers, higher defense, and more recharge than the "pure" build I was previously using, meaning that taking dwarf lead to me getting more out of my strictly human form play style (I literally don't even have Dwarf or any Dwarf powers in my tray.) Just thought I'd put that out there for your consideration.
Thanks... I'm thinking of putting a section about what picking Dwarf form can do to your human-only build at the end of my guide, just so it's covered.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I'm a lover of secondary effects. Initially I made a Mind Controller to level with before finding Taunt control in Tankers. In most peoples guides they don't emphasize on secondary effects enough. What the effects can do? How do they work? Why is it the powerset has them? Not just for personal performance either but also for helping a team mate do their thing better.

One could from one guide have the option to make different types of Kheldians rather than a go solo some 53 AV type Kheldian. Khelds aren't everyones main so with them being a alternative plaything to some people, cheaper, alternative multi-playstyle options could be on the table. If you can't make your Kheld all the way good at a particular goal you can atleast make it useful towards a team effort or something.

Gravimetric Snare as an example could be superslotted and be more useful than a Trick Archers Entangling Arrow yet it's skipped. A lot of people maligned Trick Archery for years but some of that was short sightedness in my book. In 2006 whilst almost every single person would of gave up at the thought of a STF with a Scrapper, 6 Blasters and 1 Trick Archer, I most definitely would of thought "Why not? Both plausible and different". A WS that is an alt, which is never going to be given the 2 billion to do greatness for itself could very cheaply offer the potential for teams to be flexible on how they overcome obstacles. A 10:1 Immob:rechg ratio being gold in Gravimetric Snare, do damage with that as well and it as a power is at its sweetest. A Warshade with that becomes a useful duct tape Trick Archer. (I am not one for finding x powerset for a team or give up). If I think of a plausible way for an MoSTF to be done with an all Kheld team then someone would have a superbly slotted Gravimetric Snare, if I tried to build an all Kheld team for an STF I can almost guarantee that I would have the only Warshade with it, which could be disagreeable if I am on a Peacebringer because I can almost guarantee that I am the only Peacebringer with Group Fly XD.
I totally get what you're saying, and your back-and-forth with THB is precisely what I was hoping to get out of this thread. I'm afraid that my originally-written guide, although informative and thorough, might be a tad bit slanted towards specific powers. I need to make sure and discuss both the positives and negatives of each power listed.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
A guide could be one dimensional and only offer a Warshade thats good for one thing and costs X amount or a guide could be multidimensional and offer different types of builds costing different amounts.

I just wanted to address this implication- I sort of have to comment on it. You seem to be saying that I am of the opinion that Warshades are only capable of one thing- What that thing is, based on the rest of your posts/attitudes pertaining to my build goals, is "AV killing and farming." I feel like I need to clarify my approach to building a Warshade to avoid my posts being taken out of context/misunderstood in the future.

You'll see me posting a lot about single target damage on the board, because it's something I personally feel is important. It's not the only thing, though, not even the majority of what I love about my Warshade.

My Warshade can permanently stun entire groups at a time, effectively playing as a Controller.

My Warshade can take alpha strikes and control aggro for a team (plus said control) effectively being a tank.

My Warshade can melt spawns on par with my SS/Fire Brute and my Fire/Mental Blaster, pumping out massive AOE damage.

My Warshade can solo high level Arch-Villains and pump out over 200 DPS before pets are even considered, competing with Scrappers, Stalkers and other high DPS powersets.

My Warshade can stack resistance debuffs through an FOTG proc checking every 10 seconds and a 25% chance for -res from my t4 Reactive.

My Warshade also has the highest damaging pets after Masterminds, who rely solely on their pets for damage in most cases.

When solo, my Warshade has taken down the toughest individual enemies and enemy groups that the game has to offer on the highest difficulty settings.

I resent being referred to or thought of as a "one trick pony," because that is hardly the case. I just wanted to take a moment to express the bad taste in my mouth that this comment left, and maybe explain any animosity that might have been read in my previous posts.

Edit: New Dawn, you also at one point referred to Warshade and Peacebringer synergies and maximizing the performance of one another. I am not sure if you know this, but on my server we do weekly Kheldian Task Forces. Some of the regular participants include myself, Stone Daemon, AIB, and Bionut, all regular members of the Kheldian board. We've done all Kheldian Apex, Tin Mage, LGTF, amongst many other things successfully. Everyone's favorite MFing Warshade and a good friend of mine Dechs Kaison even joined us for a successful all Kheldian LAMBDA Sector trial recently. I am no stranger to playing with and achieving great things with other Kheldians.



Nobody's staying anyone else is a one-trick pony.

The point of what New Dawn was saying was precisely what I was asking for in my original post--which was suggestions for how I could better my guide. His suggestion was simply to make sure that I discussed positives and negatives of every power without "pushing" specific build choices on players, which I can definitely understand.

I've always been a major proponent of "choice" in Kheldian play. That's the beauty of human-only, bi-forming, and tri-forming. It's a choice. All are extremely effective if you want them to be, so it only detracts from the Kheldian community if I suggest that there's only one way to build a human-former.

I have no doubt whatsoever of your Warshade's capabilities, just as I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my Warshade can kick just as much butt, even with a different build choice, because that's exactly how I want him to play.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Nobody's staying anyone else is a one-trick pony.

The point of what New Dawn was saying was precisely what I was asking for in my original post--which was suggestions for how I could better my guide. His suggestion was simply to make sure that I discussed positives and negatives of every power without "pushing" specific build choices on players, which I can definitely understand.

I've always been a major proponent of "choice" in Kheldian play. That's the beauty of human-only, bi-forming, and tri-forming. It's a choice. All are extremely effective if you want them to be, so it only detracts from the Kheldian community if I suggest that there's only one way to build a human-former.

I have no doubt whatsoever of your Warshade's capabilities, just as I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my Warshade can kick just as much butt, even with a different build choice, because that's exactly how I want him to play.

Haha, yessir. I think your guide, as is, is already an invaluable tool for Warshade advice. I've linked people to it both in game and on the board frequently... And no part of me doubts what your Warshade has already accomplished and what he'll accomplish in the future.

You're definitely more than an asset to the Kheldian community, and I'm really looking forward to this guide being finished. New Dawn seemed to be making some comments at points that were directed at me specifically, so I just wanted to take a second to address that (It can be bedlam around these parts, sorry that I let it interfere with the intent of your thread.)

Anyways moving forward, have you considered a more Q/A format? What feedback about specific things you are looking for to make the most complete guide you can?



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
I resent being referred to or thought of as a "one trick pony," because that is hardly the case. I just wanted to take a moment to express the bad taste in my mouth that this comment left, and maybe explain any animosity that might have been read in my previous posts.
My last post was a play on the banter about being last man standing, being the team and team mates only good for vengefodder.

I had alot of things in my head that YOUR warshade can do, so no not a one trick pony, where I have flexibility with my WS you don't but where you have flexibility with your WS I don't which is better? What is better is its subjective and if you look at Aliens original guide there are many ways to build a Human form warshade cept all without Gravimentric Snare.

I did roughly say that if a guide is stated as leant towards a specific goal such as AV soloing then fair enough no need to explain what Gravimetric Snare can do, it doesn't play a part. Builds are there in his guide of varying expenses too which is a good thing but, with varying realistic possible accomplishments, they all lacked on Gravimetric Snare which is actually not bad DPS and has utility and not necessarily in exchange of OD. I could do a Human Form with OD and with Gravimetric Snare. It maybe between Shadow Bolt and Gravimetric Snare there is the same DPS roughly as you would get from Shadow Bolt and Shadow Blast when lacking the rechg, if so given the case I'd go for extra utility.

If there are different types of builds with different functions then an all Kheld team would probably look a bit more adaptable with whats thrown at it. No one build does everything and ultimately from an egotistical point of view, you probably don't want the world and its mum claiming to do the same things you can do as it doesn't set you apart from the sheep.

If I see a guide I like to see all powers explained, their usages, and people then decide for themselves. Starless Step on my build is something I could swap out for OD, tonight I am throwing my Warshade, poor thing at CoT, to see if I want that or perhaps I'll try Malta to see if I want that. If I liked to farm I could utilise OD very nicely but I jump on a Brute or somit for that.

As it is, OD free, I just change forms for more AoE if that's required, especially under -rechg circumstances for sure rather than tick tick away.

On Mids your OD shows up as doing a significant amount of damage with a particular incarnate power involved. I don't know if Mids is reading it right or if its not. If its doing that much to OD I reckon there is a bug there.

I wish I had time to express myself a bit more clearly and nicely but like earlier I got stuff on to jump to.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Anyways moving forward, have you considered a more Q/A format? What feedback about specific things you are looking for to make the most complete guide you can?
Great suggestion.... Actually, I would highly value a couple things as I'm working on the guide this very second:

1. I don't consider myself an expert by ANY means in the Incarnate power choices (I've only made Incarnate power choices for my own Warshade--no other toon yet--based on what works for him), so I would really appreciate everyone's input on what Incarnate powers they like (and why they like it). I have your personal message from a month ago pulled up in a seperate window that talks about your Incarnate power choices, but that's all I have to go off of right now.

2. I haven't been around these boards much in the past year+, due to tons of school work keeping me from my "gaming duties," so for those of you who HAVE kept an eye on the boards during that time, what sort of builds/playstyles have been most addressed/asked for over the past year? I.E., have people wanted to make farming builds? Single-target-heavy builds? Solo or teamplay builds? AV fighter builds? And, are there any links to any of the top builds that came out of those discussions?

3. I am going to remove all "numbers" associated with builds that I currently have in my guide, due to the ever changing nature of this game (keeping them in would probably make my guide outdated as early as next, and also due to how Incarnate power choices significantly alter those numbers. In regards to that, is there anything specifically about those sections that you would want kept in or changed? I know the builds are probably going to change, but I definitely want to stress "choice" and "flexibility" in regards to builds, especially in the area of various budgets. Some people may not have billions to spend on an "ultimate" build, but still want to build something similar.


Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post

I had alot of things in my head that YOUR warshade can do, so no not a one trick pony, where I have flexibility with my WS you don't but where you have flexibility with your WS I don't which is better? What is better is its subjective and if you look at Aliens original guide there are many ways to build a Human form warshade cept all without Gravimentric Snare.
That's going to change, ND, because I actually use a human-only build WITH Gravimetric Snare in it, so I've grown to like it since the writing of that guide.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Hey, going to try and finish up this guide within the next day or two, so if any of you have any suggestions for my aforementioned talking points and want to talk with me "live" about it, you can find me on xfire at "ilwzxvn" or the new Evolve game chat client ( at "AlienOne".

Or, you can just post in this thread between now and tomorrow sometime.

Hope to hear from you!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I'm not done yet, but if you'd like a "sneak peak" into what the new guide will look like, the link on my signature now links to the new guide.

Notably missing (or lackluster) is the build section, the Incarnate section, and the video section.

I hope to have all those sections done in the next day or so, but for now, I'm going to take a break. I've been looking at builds and stats and working on wording and editing my previous guide all day. Until I'm finished, this is the new guide link you may want to point people to in the future (Dechs Kaison, you may want to update the link in your guide as well).


Oh, shoot... You don't have a link to my guide in your guide anymore. Nevermind.

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Just something really quick

It has been said that the “most effective” slotting of Eclipse is two Nucleolus Exposures and two Recharge IOs, but from what I understand, that’s a “bug” (makes sense, as none of those IOs are actually providing resistance—it would make more sense to have Ribosome Exposure providing resistance values), so I can’t actively encourage people to take advantage of a bug that may or may not be fixed at a later date. On top of that, that “most effective” term may be subjective, as I see it only caps S/L resistances at 5 enemies, and no other resistances are capped—whereas, my slotting of Eclipse (in most builds) caps every resistance category at 5 enemies. Not only that, it gets you some very nice set bonuses as well.
The reason that the Nucleolus Exposure slotting is effective is the way that HamiO's interact within the game. Just like defense debuff HamiO's provide higher defense enhancement than defense debuff IO's, the damage part of the Nucleos provide greater damage resistance than resistance IO's. It's the same as slotting Enzyme Exposures in defense toggles- As long as the power takes one part of what the HamiO offers (in the case of enzymes, the endurance reduction- In the case of Eclipse, accuracy) you are able to slot the enhancement even though a power may not be able to accept it. The Nucleos in Eclipse cap all resists with 5 targets. The reason it doesn't show in Mids is that Eclipse is the only accurate resist power in the game, but this has been tested by many and it works.

For more on how Hami's work because I probably explained that terribly:

Multiple Types Exploit

Buff enhancements work the same as debuff enhancements of the same type. The calculation the game uses is Scale * Strength, where Scale is positive for powers that Buff and negative for powers that Debuff, and Strength is increased by enhancements. For example, the game sees Tactics as applying a 1 scale ToHit change, and Radiation Infection as applying a -2.5 scale ToHit change. Both ToHit Buff and ToHit Debuff enhancements boost the ToHit aspect of those powers; the two powers are simply coded in the database to only permit one or the other to be slotted.
Since Hamidon Origin Enhancements have multiple types, it is possible to place a buff or debuff enhancement into a power in which it is not permitted, so long as one of the other enhancement types is allowed. For example, Fallout, which does not allow Defense Buff or ToHit Buff enhancements, can accept Membrane Exposure, which will provide ToHit Buff, Defense Buff, and Recharge enhancement. The "Detailed Info" display will confirm Fallout's defense and tohit debuffs are enhanced.
This bug can also be used to enhance Defense Buff in certain powers by 33.33% instead of 20% by using a Enhance Defense Debuff HO, and enhance Damage Resistance in certain powers by 33.33% instead of 20% by using an Enhance Damage HO.
Enhancements listed in the same row of the below table are equivalent, and differ only by which powers the enhancement is permitted in.

I'll read more and provide more feedback asap.



Thanks, man... I appreciate everyone helping me to make the most accurate guide possible. I really mean to try and get it done either today or tomorrow, but I have some errands I have to run this morning first...

Thanks again!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Thanks, man... I appreciate everyone helping me to make the most accurate guide possible. I really mean to try and get it done either today or tomorrow, but I have some errands I have to run this morning first...

Thanks again!

I can't wait until you finish your guide so that you can start posting more personal accomplishments. It would be nice to have another human form Warshade to engage in friendly one upsmanship with... Competing with AIB and his Tri Form nonsense is getting stale.



I'm actually finishing the last section (Incarnates) right now...

The rest of it is done (for the most part--I'd like to add more builds and videos to it as time passes, but for the moment, I have 18 builds and 6 videos posted).

Check your PMs... I just sent you another defense-based build. I'd like your input before I post it in my guide.


I was finishing the last second at the time I posted this, but then my fiance pulled me in the living room to watch a movie with her, so now I'm getting back to it... Sometimes, r/l just calls!

*EDIT 2*
Ok, it's as finished as it's going to get for now... I'm going to try harder to keep this newly-formatted guide more updated in the future than I did with the last guide. I hope the Kheldian community can benefit from it in some way or another... The link to it can be found in the "Kheldian guides" sticky'd section of the forums or in my signature. Happy hunting!

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Wow!!! This is an intense guide!

As one of my few 50's (I tend to build a lot of alts and then intensely concentrate on the ones I really enjoy playing) is a human-form warshade, I've been trying to graduate from SO's to IO's or sets to really make her shine. I can't wait until the holidays are over so I can really dive into it.

The weird thing is that I generally play her in a balance between what you define as chaos and order. I like the AoE powers when teamed with a tank, so I appreciate minimal knockback considerations; however, I also like to solo, since I can't always get together with friends and don't like to pug alot.

The fact that Incarnates have access to 3 builds will make this guide a great aid in speccing her out without a massive resource drain.

Thanks a lot!

< I really need to get some kinda sig >

... and an icon!



Glad I could help! TwoHeadedBoy is helping with a few suggestions, so I can expand my guide just a bit, and I plan on improving a few sections as well after Christmas...

In the meantime, Merry Christmas, everyone!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I got the chance to explode some bad guys with AlienOne the other day, and let me tell you the guy knows what he's doing. I can now officially endorse him.