CoX and Language (bad)




Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I feel it's generally more appropriate to ignore, and not quote her so that people who do ignore her don't have to read her tripe, but that's just me.

Yes, that is why I said she's depraved by BDSM standards.
With GG i always keep in mind that GG has a very narrow, opinionated mindset and that the most likely reason she didn't qualify her statement is probably that she believes anything related to BDSM is all badwrongthink that would be forbidden in her just and all-embracing world if she was rule. (All-embracing of only the things she prefers and believes because anything else is evil and wrong.) Still, as long as the topic stays within the incredibly narrow slice of reality she sees and accepts she occasionally makes useful points.

Yes, but if you state that people of a certain race like something that only stupid or drunk people would otherwise like, you are implying that the people of this race are on par with stupid and drunk people. Ergo, racist.
Yup. Exactly. Just like "only French Canadians, pedobears, and heroin addicts like that" is also a racist comment. (And yet i perversely yearn to someday, somehow have a good reason to make that assertion.)

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Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Actually no it isn't. Treating somebody in a negative manner or assuming something negative about a person based on their race is racism. Assuming a stereotype about their preferences is not.
Actually, it most certainly IS racism. Racism isn't necessarily negative, but it can be offensive either way. Yes, even positive racial stereotypes can be offensive to those of that race, especially to those who don't live up to said stereotype. ( "Here, Keichi can help! Those Japanese kids are great at math!" )

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Actually, it most certainly IS racism. Racism isn't necessarily negative, but it can be offensive either way. Yes, even positive racial stereotypes can be offensive to those of that race, especially to those who don't live up to said stereotype. ( "Here, Keichi can help! Those Japanese kids are great at math!" )
Or the stereotype that all Jews are great at accounting and finances. Yeah... no.

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Originally Posted by KianaZero View Post
That makes me miss the 4Kids grade of censorship, where 'kill' became 'send to another dimension', a news copter became a 'Cargo Robot' (and the cargo was people!), cops pointed invisible guns at children, and Hell became HFIL, the Home For Infinite Losers.
Love the DBZ reference... admittedly, they went a bit overboard, because then we missed gems like this:

Grand Kai: "Listen up, Pikkon... I need you to go straight to Hell for me."
Goku: "That's not very nice."

Re: the profanity filter, I'm not big on swearing in the game - I know there are kids in game, and I've made Marines blush when the bouncer in my mouth goes on break, so I *TRY* to behave.

At most, if I get really aggravated, I'll say (in chat) "Oh FFS, can we please (whatever)".

Re: kink... whatever two consenting adults choose to do in private is entirely their own affair.


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