Ustream chat today?




With the forums scheduled to be down today, and the new live publish today, I was wondering if the CR team would sign into Ustream today to keep us appraised of any issues for either project (live or forums).

Just a thought, and I realize we made it through the last forum downtime OK, but I thought it might be useful to have the stream up if any announcements did need to be made.

OK back to work-like activities...



Nothing planned for today.

Our normal broadcast is on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, today is full of content updates and documentation!

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Nothing planned for today.

Our normal broadcast is on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, today is full of content updates and documentation!
Then who's been playing with your Twitter account?


CityOfHeroes City Of Heroes
The City of Heroes Freedomâ„¢ forums will be down for maintenance tomorrow between 10:30am PST (6:30pm GMT) and 2:30pm PST (10:30pm GMT).
22 hours ago
So... we're already 2 hours late for the forums' outage and maintenance.

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