Easiest way to fail?




What would be the easiest way to allow a player to choose to fail a mission?

I'm trying to write a mission where the player has a choice of two endings. Ideally, they can click one glowie or defeat one boss to complete the mission, and click/defeat another to fail, (with fail not really being fail in storyline terms, just an alternate choice). Is there an easy way to implement this?



The only ways I know of to implement a "choice" feature in the AE are:

1. Put a time limit on the arc. If the player allows the time to run out, they more or less "choose" to fail. But if you have multiple objectives, there's no way to know which ones they completed before they "failed".

2. Put a required escort. The escort can be flagged as hostile or to betray at a certain point. If they take the escort to the destination, they complete the mission. If they attack and kill the escort, they fail the mission. This can also happen with an ally escort, but the enemy mobs would have to kill them.

And of course, this really is only useful for the final mission, because the arc will continue regardless of the pass/fail choice.



I have a murder mystery arc from way back when that does this. One member of a supergroup is betrayed. This betrayal leads to his death in the first mission, with the character essentially dying in your arms.

In the next two missions you attend the character's funeral and investigate the supergroup's base, finding clues along the way that potentially point to the four other members of the group.

Your challenge is determine which character is the traitor and defeat him, which will spawn the final encounter. The final mission is timed. If you don't choose to defeat the right character, you may not have enough time to complete the mission and thus fail.



After much agonizing, I finally found a way to implement this. The final map has a boss and a defendable object, both marked as required. The mission text tells the player to defeat the boss to get one ending, or smash the glowie for the other. The defendable glowie is set to rogue alignment, allowing the player to destroy it. The mobs 'attacking' it are custom mobs that look like normal ones, but their only power is Aim.

If you want to see the fruits of my genius for yourself, it's in arc #530511. Feedback on any aspect of the mission is appreciated.