Discussion: "Something to be thankful for" Costume Contest on Exalted - Wednesday, November 30





Comment removed by owner cause I felt a bit assy after thinking it over.



Originally Posted by Arshalla View Post
First of all I want to congratulate the winners of this "Something to be Thankful for" contest. Thier costumes were indeed very nice.

However. I do not understand the theme. Exactly what were the winners supposed to be thankful for? In the directions it states that it should be easily recognizable as something they are thankful for.

Yeah, I skipped this contest altogether because the theme was so wide open. The winners have nice costumes, and congrats to them for the wins, but I too am at a loss to figure out what most of them were thankful for, unless it was the various costume packs.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Of all the selections only My son Seth, fit the theme. Bacon maybe for humor. I'm not knocking the costumes in and of themselves but as part of a Theme how do any of them say what the player ios thankful for? And if you have to read a bio to find out then it isn't a costume contest it is a bio contest then.

If the devs want to give out random prizes for events that's fine. But this is in no way a themed contest.

Just hoping if and when you hold a X-mas theme contest you don't award the winning prize to the Easter Bunny.



Such a stylish winner! Such creativity! Never before have I seen such a thrilling mixture of costume pieces.

Except in a video game.

Oh dear.



Yeah... that was kinda the point. lol The reason I made the toon, and the costumes, is because Alice:Return to Madness is one of my favorite console games. I never pretended it to be otherwise. I love the looks and enjoy the fact that I can create such awesome costumes in coh! What I was thankful for was video games. Since Alice is one of my favorites, I chose to enter her. Pure and simple.

Everyone had great costumes from the morning contest as well as the evening one. I honestly never expected to win, I just went for fun! And I have to say, Bacon Man was definitely one of my favorites! Cause who doesn't like bacon



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Not mad turkey it was Turkey Madness.



As an aside, Alice in Wonderland has been out of Copyright for a good few years now... So using her likeness would not be against copyright at all. Even if you were using it to refer to another video game. American Mcgee doesn't own that copyright, so it's perfectly valid.

I doubt Lewis Carroll plans on returning and suing.

The costume looked fantastic, as did everyone elses. I honestly thought the majority of the outfits were reasonably easy to see what people were thankful for. Though some of them may have required a little thought. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole event, and I suspect the majority of other people did too. There were a great many costumes that deserved to win, but there can only be so many winners!

Here's to hoping they make a Christmas event too! I want to see how Pocket D looks filled with Santa Clause!

With Unweary Tread.

Bacon wins FOREVER.



Congrats all! Great costumes!



Originally Posted by Kal View Post
As an aside, Alice in Wonderland has been out of Copyright for a good few years now... So using her likeness would not be against copyright at all. Even if you were using it to refer to another video game. American Mcgee doesn't own that copyright, so it's perfectly valid.

I doubt Lewis Carroll plans on returning and suing.

The costume looked fantastic, as did everyone elses. I honestly thought the majority of the outfits were reasonably easy to see what people were thankful for. Though some of them may have required a little thought. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole event, and I suspect the majority of other people did too. There were a great many costumes that deserved to win, but there can only be so many winners!

Here's to hoping they make a Christmas event too! I want to see how Pocket D looks filled with Santa Clause!
Sweet, I'll be sure to enter from now on using costumes that aren't mine.

It's a well-made copy of it, but come on. That'd be like me entering a contest using my Zero costume.



All bitter loserism aside, Last night I got to do my Game time with a Dev.
Since I tend to Solo most of the time, I'm not good at this teaming up thing, Luckily I had just started the sig story part 3, on the blue side, so that gave me a perfect quest to perform with my own personal Dev. Hah.

Now, I dunno how many of you have done the sig story, but man... I have finished up to 3 on the red side, easy as pie. But trying the blue side version? I'd died repeatedly solo before last night.

I finally finished it with some help from Beastyle!

Now, It was supposed to be 7deCoeur, But he was unavailable unexpectedly. (If you're out there boss, I hope you're okay, and it was business related. Honestly, I should have asked, and it was rude of me not too... But man, I was excited to play! Sorry!)

The gaming was fun, My host was fantastic. Perfectly willing to go along with my hamfisted approach of just smacking things til they give up. (Yay for lack of subtlety!) I had a blast, And I'd like to think I was at least a little entertaining on my side too!

So, yeah. I just wanted to give an update, so my fellow players knew the team here followed through, and you know, To boast about the fun I had... Really rub it in you know? What's the point of winning this kind of thing if you don't rub it in?

This was a fantastic opportunity, and a great outcome. City of Heroes is the ONLY MMO I've been able to stick with for any length of time at all, and it continues to amaze me with it's innovations, and it's care for it's player base. I appreciate everything everyone has done not just for me, but for everyone playing. Thanks guys!

That's all. Until Christmas. Then I'll be back. Bacon Santa will be there for you all to enjoy. Bringing more deliciousness to another holiday!

With Unweary Tread.

Bacon wins FOREVER.