Items Stuck in Walls




Been messing around a little bit with my SG's base the last couple of days, but I just made a rather nasty oopsie...while moving a few objects and filling in some walls, an enhancement table got stuck in an artificial wall. I can't remove the wall now because there's an object there, but I also can't find any way to move the object. Thankfully, there was nothing ZOMG! in the table, but it'd still be nice to get it free. Any tips on that? Can it be petitioned? Or is it lost forever (along with one of my table slots for that room, since with enhancements in it, it can't be sold)?



Have you tried adjusting your camera so that you are looking up through the floor? Aside from being useful for 'old style stacking', this usually lets you see things inside the walls or other objects.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Ah, bless you, that worked just fine! Thanks a lot!



My first thought when I saw the title was "regular ol' decorative items stuck in walls" and how to remove and/or free them, especially in light of the "known issue" on the subject.

In the OP's case, it won't (shouldn't?) work with storage items that contain enhancements or storage, though -- and unless they've changed something recently, you can't delete storage items that aren't empty.

Anyhow -- for anyone who wants to delete decorative stuff that's vanished into a wall, I just use the "Current Room" button on the lower left of the Base Editor UI. Since it shows everything in a given room in the order they were placed, I just scroll all the way to the right, highlight the offending item, and click the "delete" button or key.

"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner

30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Been messing around a little bit with my SG's base the last couple of days, but I just made a rather nasty oopsie...while moving a few objects and filling in some walls, an enhancement table got stuck in an artificial wall. I can't remove the wall now because there's an object there, but I also can't find any way to move the object. Thankfully, there was nothing ZOMG! in the table, but it'd still be nice to get it free. Any tips on that? Can it be petitioned? Or is it lost forever (along with one of my table slots for that room, since with enhancements in it, it can't be sold)?
when that happens to me...and it has...i click current room...if you just added the item...scroll to the end of the list and click it and the item will highlight...if you were moving something around that already existed...then you will have to click items till you find can move into an artificial wall while in edit mode and find the offensive object...grab it...scroll out with your mouse wheel to get a visual of the base, and if it will move...drag it to the floor and let go...if you get the alert telling you it wont unstack..drag the item to the nearest convenient room that will accept it and let it go there...then click on it after it spawns in that room and drag it back for another try...