Resistance nerfed???




A few weeks ago i noticed that on my Crab Spider my resistance is nowhere near normal levels, it's actually worse than in PvE.
I asked a few other Crabs i knew to test this, and they too say that their resistance is below par, while the rest of the stats are correct.

I use Mids, as i recall, Mids calculates DR, but, even if it didn't, i'm close to 15% below normal level.

I have been arguing with CS about this for weeks, and they keep telling me that this is working as intended while refusing to look at the numbers, even when i attached this snapshot to my reply.
I asked them to add the numbers, even just compare the Fortification info with the Combat Attributes number, it doesn't match, and it doesn't add up, at all. VEAT DR is 0.9/1 this is closer to 0.63/1.

Now, is there someone who can explain this to me? Is there anyone with an idea?

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN



Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
A few weeks ago i noticed that on my Crab Spider my resistance is nowhere near normal levels, it's actually worse than in PvE.
I asked a few other Crabs i knew to test this, and they too say that their resistance is below par, while the rest of the stats are correct.

I use Mids, as i recall, Mids calculates DR, but, even if it didn't, i'm close to 15% below normal level.

I have been arguing with CS about this for weeks, and they keep telling me that this is working as intended while refusing to look at the numbers, even when i attached this snapshot to my reply.
I asked them to add the numbers, even just compare the Fortification info with the Combat Attributes number, it doesn't match, and it doesn't add up, at all. VEAT DR is 0.9/1 this is closer to 0.63/1.

Now, is there someone who can explain this to me? Is there anyone with an idea?
Mids doesn't count DR. Otherwise my blaster would have 75% resistance.



Your Resistance in PvP isn't the same as in PvE because PvP applies different values and numbers to all your powers. PvP doesn't use the same set of calculations as PvE does when determining power effects.

That's why your power info doesn't match up to your combat attributes: you're comparing two different sets of Resistance values (Power Info shows PvE effects standard, CA shows them for what's currently active on your character). Click the little button that says 'Show PVP Effects' in the Power Info box, it'll give you the same info as in your CA page. So yeah, this is WAI.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector




Base     A       B        C        D        MM
20%    17%    18%    18%    18%    16%
25%    20%    23%    22%    21%    18%
30%    23%    27%    26%    25%    21%
35%    26%    30%    29%    28%    22%
40%    29%    34%    32%    31%    24%
45%    31%    37%    35%    34%    25%
50%    33%    41%    38%    37%    27%
55%    35%    44%    40%    39%    28%
60%    36%    47%    43%    41%    29%
65%    38%    50%    45%    43%    29%
70%    39%    52%    47%    45%    30%
75%    40%    55%    49%    47%    30%
80%    41%    57%    51%    48%    31%
85%    42%    59%    53%    50%    31%
90%    43%    62%    54%    51%    32%
A = Blast/Con/Def/Dom/Corr
B = Scrap/Stalk/Brute
C = Tanker
MM = Masterminds

This is a table arcana posted for DR on resistances. You can see that your Mids Resist is listed on the far left and your true value is under D- Veats/Heats.



As El__D said, i do believe the lower numbers are correct. While Mids does indeed calc ED, and it does show the damage Powers do in PVP (with some exceptions, like scrapper blaze mastery is all sorts of messed up), unless there is an option I am missing it does not show DR, which is a pvp reduction of almost all enhancement %s based on global %.

Basically all the ATs have different caps that they approach parabolic limit style (though more complicated than that) for various attributes like defense, resist, rech bonus, and so on. Arcanaville has done a big write up on it, but i dont have the link handy. I do however have the SS she made for checking stuff handy, so if you know what your total res is in a regular PVE zone, you can figure out what it should drop to in a PVP zone (though you might also get some "free" resistance in pvp, i cant remember exactly how it all works).

Arcanaville's DR calculator

The cap is different for various ATs, and I am not sure what the limit is for VEATs, but i know that for blasters i get "funny" results like popping power surge only raises me from 44% to 46% when i take my pve blaster with tough/electric armor in for kicks lol.

[edit] well, looks like someone beat me to the meat of it, though the link to the SS is still handy



Originally Posted by Shadowy_Dream View Post
As El__D said, i do believe the lower numbers are correct. While Mids does indeed calc ED, and it does show the damage Powers do in PVP (with some exceptions, like scrapper blaze mastery is all sorts of messed up), unless there is an option I am missing it does not show DR, which is a pvp reduction of almost all enhancement %s based on global %.

Basically all the ATs have different caps that they approach parabolic limit style (though more complicated than that) for various attributes like defense, resist, rech bonus, and so on. Arcanaville has done a big write up on it, but i dont have the link handy. I do however have the SS she made for checking stuff handy, so if you know what your total res is in a regular PVE zone, you can figure out what it should drop to in a PVP zone (though you might also get some "free" resistance in pvp, i cant remember exactly how it all works).

Arcanaville's DR calculator

The cap is different for various ATs, and I am not sure what the limit is for VEATs, but i know that for blasters i get "funny" results like popping power surge only raises me from 44% to 46% when i take my pve blaster with tough/electric armor in for kicks lol.

[edit] well, looks like someone beat me to the meat of it, though the link to the SS is still handy

Yeah and you can see in that table why when you pop power surge you only get to ~46% because you are hitting the hardcap for resist and that DR's to ~46%.




With the introduction of i13, you introduced another problem, DIMINISHED RETURNS !!

IO's, sets, bonuses, shields, debuffs, buffs, heals.... everything is hit by DR !

The fix is simple, remove DR from the PvP game and take away cap'd resistances from squishies. That's all you have to do. As soon as the option was available in arena to play with DR off, it was kind of lame to see squishies with cap'd resistances and dmg and buffs/debuffs all from range.

Take it away from zones as well, please.

Repeat Offenders forever !

Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.



Castle is gone, so there is some hope.