Honda shows smarter robot, helps in nuclear crisis

Father Xmas



I for one welcome our new robot overlords.



I think Honda's intentions of making robots to help with hazardous conditions such as cleaning up nuclear disasters are good. Unfortunately, even with all the improvements they've made to Asimo, it still wouldn't be able to easily manuver through all the blast rubble in the reactors, nor does it have hardened enclosures to reduce radioactive interference in its CPU.

At the same time, we should develop EMP guns to take care of rogue robots (and those obnoxious cars with their subwoofers turned up to 11)



Of course it's faster, it now gets the Fitness pool automatically.

Sorry, I have a character called Atomic Samurai Robot which is suppose to be a modified Asimo with a positronic brain. Defender, FF/Rad.

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