Looks familiar ...




Sure it's not a problem with your browser? I get a different (and more valid) picture for that article...



Definitely think it's your computer. These images are all uniform in size.



Yeah, I don't see it either. It's definitely something funky with your Internet cache.



Not sure problem is the right term - I don't have cookies enabled and source the URL from the UK - soo ..



So if you open the image in a new tab, or look at the image source code, what is the image URL?



Could also be a caching proxy at the ISP level getting confused.

In my experience they tend to be a lot more commonly used by European ISPs since so much traffic ends up crossing transatlantic links.



Yes, very true. Even if you aren't saving cookies, the browser may still cache images and other info so it doesn't have to download the same information constantly.

Edit: yes, an ISP cache is a possibility. Not much you can do about that



Yep - cache clear solved it. No suit bonus for me! ;p