Melee/Support AT Suggestion, The Overlord
I like the concept ... like tsoo inkmen. katana/kin
but ... do you mean more like a MM/ katana? Please elaborat a little
Like Tsoo Inkman, yeah. It's kind of like how Stalkers have one power replaced by Hide, this would be one power replaced by a Pet.
Brainstorming a little more. For a little more tactical utility, how about using the same tech that Dual Pistols uses and having three different buffs the pet can give out (either changing the buff on the pet or killing/replacing them with an identical one with a different buff) so you can either have a pet that buffs defense for 5%, damage for another 10%, or tohit for 10%.
Personally I would replace taunt/confront in the melee set with some form of defensive power for this AT, rather than messing with the support sets.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
A melee/support AT would need a LOT of tweaking to be workable in this game. And you couldn't just port over the support sets as-is.
Look at the support sets as they currently are: Only 3 of them contain any kind of mez protection at all, and not all of them include any way to pre-emptively prevent mezzes on yourself.
There are also little to no personal survival powers in most support sets. Of the existing ones, only Force Field, Sonic Resonance, and Time Manipulation offer realistic personal survival powers.
A combination like Fire Melee/Empathy would get squashed quickly and decisively in just about any fight, because the only thing you have to keep you alive is a piddly aura heal, and your attack set absolutely requires you to be right up front where the majority of the incoming damage is focused.
You could't just tweak the existing support sets, you'd have to design new ones from the ground up for this idea to be even remotely viable.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
You could't just tweak the existing support sets, you'd have to design new ones from the ground up for this idea to be even remotely viable. |
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
That or make this the only AT able to use buff powers on itself. That'd reduce the number of changes needed to the various sets, but is probably more trouble than it's worth to implement.
Being able to use buffs on yourself has nothing to do with it. You can't target yourself to use the buffs.
I can only imagine all the bugs that would crop up if they allowed one AT to target itself. Imagine hitting "Closest Target" and hitting yourself with a Built Up tier 9 attack.
It's also possible the inability to target yourself is so baked into the base programming of the game that it would be impossible to change it without rewriting large chunks of the base programming, which they shouldn't do unless there is a very pressing reason to do so. This isn't such a reason.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Could just make the buff powers PBAoE, though that'd require some tweaking to keep it from being OP.
That or make this the only AT able to use buff powers on itself. That'd reduce the number of changes needed to the various sets, but is probably more trouble than it's worth to implement.
Why should this AT get a shield that is basically a buff and an armor and won't ever suppress when mezzed or cost endurance. Just to state a fact, I believe Corruptor Thermal Shield is a grantable 15% res to fire, smashing and lethal (dunno, can't check Redtomax atm) while Tanker Fire Shield is 15% res to fire smashing and lethal.
Do you think it'd be fair to have one power make this AT as sturdy as a Tanker and buff/debuff as well as a Corruptor?
If this AT is to have any type of attainable self-protection, IMO, it should give up some of its capacity to buff the team. For instance, if the AT got a version of Thermal Radiation, I'd expect it to have the 2 team shields and cauterize (ST ally heal) as its staple while giving up Warmth for Healing Flames, Forge and Melt Armor for the 2 self Shields and probably change Thaw into a PBAoE self-inclusive team mez resist buff. It'd be up in the air to exchange Power of the Phoenix with something like Blazing Aura or Burn to keep with the theme of Fire being damaging.
This would still make this AT decent at supporting a team, able to stand up on its own, but neither be as good at buffing/debuffing as Defender/Corruptor/Controller, and not be as sturdy as Tanker or Brute.
Besides that, it's just easy to pair armor sets like that to make them hybrids:
-Thermal Radiation:Fiery Aura
-Cold Domination:Ice Armor
-Dark Miasma: Dark Armor
-Force Field:Invulnerability
-Pain Domination: Willpower
-Kinetics:Energy Aura
-Storm Summoning:Electric Armor
-Time Manipulation:Super Reflexes
The only ones that don't have direct couplings are...
-Radiation Emission
-Sonic Resonance but you can simply do the same as you did for Thermal, replace 2 powers for self shields (probably Sonic Dispersion the PBAoE res buff, and Liquify), turn Clarity into a PBAoE version, and maybe alter Disruption Field into a personal aura power.
-Trick Arrow
-Poison which would be harder because you'd most likely have to get rid of one of the bread-n-butter debuffs for one of the personal shields since you want to contain the debuff capacity under a Corruptor without making them useless...but you can't have the AT with all the important goodies a corruptor can do plus self protection beyond what debuffs provide.
-Shield Defense
-Stone Armor
-and Ninjutsu
...Although it might work to link Trick Arrow and Ninjutsu...hmmm...maybe even just call it Ninjutsu, rename all the arrows into thematic 'ninja-y' names and boom.
1. Entangling Arrow
2. Hide in Shadows (stealth power)
3. Ninja Reflexes
4. Danger Senses
5. Glue Arrow
6. Poison Gas Arrow
7. Kuji-in Rin (self only...yeah, buff sets without the ability to buff mez resists wouldn't get PBAoE versions for this AT)
8. A mix of Flash Arrow and Blinding Powder so an arrow with -ToHit, -perception, confuse and sleep that doesn't notify foes and can stack with Poison Gas Arrow's sleep
9. Oil Slick Arrow
Hmmm, I think this would be overpowered >_>
It wouldn't have the -res of TA which would have put it in the running of usefulness as other TA users, and it doesn't have the heal which ties together Ninjutsu so well...but it might synergize a bit too well. And a Ninja stalker with OSA? Heh, that'd be too much...maybe those 2 sets are just that awesome?

Since I think at least some of the devs kind of want to make this kind of AT, I figured I'd throw an idea out there.
The Overlord (Villain Name) or The Paragon (Hero Name)
Basically a Jack-of-all-Trades 'Battle Commander' type of AT
Two things are special about the AT to set it apart even more, the first is the AT special ability, 'Motivation'. It gives a base +5% increase to Damage, ToHit and Defense to the character and all allies around him within 30'. For every successful attack, each of these increase by 1% for 5 seconds (up to a max of around 10%)
The second is that the first ability in every support set is a ranged attack/support pet themed around the set to round out the characters abilities, and the pet would be controllable like an MMs pet, maybe with a small PBAoE +5% Def Aura for being around it (all of this to make up for the lack of personal armor skills). The pet would probably be somewhere around the strength of the Protector Bots from Masterminds, maybe a little stronger because there's only one of it.
Let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions for it.