Metal Hurlant Trailer
Are you saying you aren't familiar with Heavy Metal? Not the music genre but the magazine and animated movie. It's been in magazine and comic shops for thirty something years now. It stopped being published for about 10 years somewhere in there but restarted about 10 years ago. So I suppose I should say it has been in shops on and off for about 30 years.
Heavy Metal is Metal Hurlant with English translations. The preview doesn't look like any of the series from the magazine that I remember though I haven't read it for a few years. But with Michael Jai White I'm looking forward to it.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Heavy Metal, yes. I know the magazine. Even had a few issues when I was a teenager. I thought this was based on some comic series IN Heavy Metal that I'm not familiar with.
Love some of the folks they mentioned that will be in it.
Rutger Hauer from Split Second and Blind Fury? Win
James Marsters from Buffy and Smallville? Win
Michael Jai White?!?! Epic Freaking Win!!
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
Seriously.. the fight choreography ALONE has me all excited!!!
Not familiar with the comic this TV series is based on, but I'm getting a Spartacus vibe here, in a good way.