Multi-Assassin Strike




Build Up should be replaced with a power called focus. It still does +Dam +Acc, but it also allows Assassin Strike to become a piercing attack that can strike up to 3 enemies within a very narrow cone. (or just AOE and hit 3 nearby targets at a vital point). I think this could help the stalkers do higher AOE damage, especially in sets that lost AOE in translation.

Also, if assassin strikes are hitting vital points of the body, why aren't their side effects like -res, -def, slow, immob, -regen, -heal.....anything like that.



I do and don't like this idea. Mostly, the animation doesn't support hitting more than one enemy, and Assassin's Strike is supposed to be a very personal attack. Numerically it would help, obviously, but thematically it feels wrong.

And we know how important THEME is when talking about a Stalker~



well thematically, the enemy should be debuffed when hit by an assassin strike. they should be crippled.

i think an assassin could hit more than one target thematically. you paused, calculate your movements, and strike quick. the animation could be altered for when it is a multi-strike.



Thematically? The enemy should be *dead* after an Assassin' Strike. That would also probably be unbalanced, but it bothers me slightly every time I *don't* kill somebody with my super stealthy 1-hit KO move. Which is pretty much always.



see, at least if they were crippled you'd feel a little better. You'd also feel better if your assassin could focus and then hit multiple targets at a vital points



yeah if i hit you in the spine or at the heart or throat, -acc and fear are NOT what come to mind. reducing their ability to dodge, harder for them to heal, those are reasonable debuffs. the demoralizing helps keep your butt alive sure, but when i'm fighting an AV, it doesn't seem to do much.
Watching a few guys cower in fear and lose acc isn't making me kill faster, just not die.
Assassins kill!
[Edit] removed last part. was too scary.