Well, finally did it...




...after more than 7 years of playing as a casual player, as far back as beta's third wave, I've finally joined the ranks of those players who have a character capable of soloing an AV.

Currently, that's while set to -1 x8, but that's still more than I ever expected to reach for the fact of not having much care to try. A basically tried it on a whim today, expecting to be thoroughly trounced, and ended up doing pretty well.

Synapse was the trial, my SS/Will (46 here specced for with 6-slotted Kinetic Crash across 5 attack powers because knockback is fun) took an hour to take him down when he was at -2 and I died twice due to overestimating the combined endurance drain of my powers and his attacks. But did take him down.

Battle Maiden was next, with my character at 47 now and I upgraded a lot of enhancements as well as taking hasten as a power (was reluctant due to the idea of having three end hit powers on one character: strength of will, hasten, rage), and she was -2 again...and she went down in approximately 13 minutes, didn't die at all

The Black Swan, died once right at the beginning, not sure what too and had to start over from almost scratch...didn't die once after that...she was at -1, didn't see how long it took

Malaise went down pretty easy, about 7 minutes

Mother Mayhem killed me once, not sure with what

anyway, I'm sure a bunch of the diehard power players are looking at this like "so what" but I have to say that I never thought I'd get a character up to this level especially not with a build that isn't finished yet

so just a sort of "wow, I actually did it and wasn't even really trying for that"

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Grats! My DM/EA Brute soloed the Radio (it was a short arc so I could ouro without wasting much time) with no Judgement, Lore or Destiny (I Did, however, use my Blood Widow AND kept her alive the whole time). I might try it again on a higher setting sometime after I've finished my build.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Grats! My DM/EA Brute soloed the Radio (it was a short arc so I could ouro without wasting much time) with no Judgement, Lore or Destiny (I Did, however, use my Blood Widow AND kept her alive the whole time). I might try it again on a higher setting sometime after I've finished my build.
I made flagrant abuse of Gabriel's Hammer (slightly higher base damage than knockout blow), St Louis Slugger (slightly less than knockout blow), Knockout Blow and Sands of Mu

on average now that's: 900, 600, 700, 600

If I get call of justice running, I can hit 1000, 700, 800, 600(sands of mu, obviously has flat damage)

I'm not sure if it's actually faster than my power set attacks though, and it takes pretty much a full 25-uses to get through an AV...I had 10 gabriels and 15 sluggers left when I hit Mayhem, but it's endurance efficient at least...especially since gabriel and slugger are affected by rage

actually, if I start running my normal attack chain: kick, punch, haymaker, KB blow, Hurl, Sands of Mu....then I think damage still goes down pretty well

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



MM probably killed you with Psychic Wail. Her and Clockwork King's Psychic Wail do ridiculous damage even if you have a fair amount of resistance to Psi...



Congrats on the milestone!



Gratz. I also wasn't fussed about that kind of thing but when I took down Recluse with my thugs/dark I felt ecstatic .



Well done! A true milestone for any hero!

I've been enjoying taking down a string of AVs solo* with my fully level-shifted Incarnate Stalker, and while all the Incarnate stuff makes at least some of them fairly easy, she's still a Stalker: one miscue and it's hospital time! Still, she's a damage avalanche: Build Up + Lightning Rod (from Hide) + Thunderstrike + Jacob's Ladder + GabbyHammer, etc...plus her "sister" (she's a Praet Clockwork) Victoria Lore pet puts out a ton of damage, too...for as long as I can keep her alive, anyway. A big help for lowering the AV's Regen is the Envenomed Dagger temp, too.

But you kids these days, you have it easy! Why, back when my Illusion/Kinetics Controller was hunting AVs by herself, we didn't have those fancy Incarnate powers! And we had to walk to school...uphill...both ways!

Now get off my lawn...

*I should clarify that I'm going by the old pre-Incarnate standard of "solo," meaning most temp powers are okay, but no Warburg nukes or Shivans. The Lore pet may be cheating, too...haven't made up my mind on that.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Congratz! Now go solo an AV in Recluse's Victory.



The only time I've ever been able to solo an AV without pets is to get the mish, then leave and gain at least two levels, then go back and finish.

Never even considered using Temp Power attacks. I did not know they did that much damage. And I thought they were like Sands of Mu in that they would not be buffed by Rage or Call to Justice.

Is Envenomed Dagger at all helpful? Or is it too little -regen?

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy