How to Make Keyes + Underground More Desirable




This thread is in response to:

And a follow up to my previous thread

We as player base have spoken. We do NOT want to see an Emp merit change to BAF or LAM.
So what can the dev team do to make the current and future incarnate trials more desirable.

One idea that I had is that the devs use a similar situation to the weekly strike targets.
For instance, I think it would be perfect if once a week you a player can receive an automatic VR for completed a particular trial.

This fits the current standard for rewards as some players receive multiple VRs a day and 1 automatic a week is not too much, if anything too little.

What ideas do you guys have? The question is officially out there so FIRE!



Meh I'm cool with the planned changes...

Don't see a need for more till after some live play through.



If those are in response to something from the beta boards, shouldn't they be in the beta boards as well?



Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
What ideas do you guys have? The question is officially out there so FIRE!
There is already an extensive thread about what players think should happen with Keyes. I started it in August.

What would you do to make Keyes fun?

I'll note that a lot of the ideas in that thread are currently being tested for Keyes.

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