Titan Weapons and Katana...
That'd be silly.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.
I think if they were going to do that, they'd have just made a Titans weapon pack instead of a whole new powerset...
Honestly that sword is way to big to be conceivably used like a Katana, I think Titan weapon models will be exclusive to their powerset, they just won't fit other combat styles.
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker
if they scaled the weapons down to be more inline with other ones then yes i could see it happening
Seeing the screenshot of a Titan Weapon Buster Sword weapon skin, I have to ask...
Will the Buster Sword skin, with a hilt that looks long enough to use it, be available for Katana users?
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