What kind of SG are you looking for?
I'm still primarily on Virtue but I'm hoping to add Exalted as another server I play frequently on.
As for an SG I'd like:
Friendly and welcoming people.
Rpers or at least very RP friendly.
People open to plotting with their characters.
As for me:
I am also team friendly.
I do cuss though it does solely depend on the company. I won't cuss around those who dislike it.
I am RP orientated though I am happy to go ooc and chat.
I'm always willing to help people if I can.
my global is @Mikachu
Obsidian Ops is recruiting. Not an RP SG, but we're friendly. We have ventrilo, website(out dated, owner wont show me how), 3SG bases here on Exalted with over 100actives inside the 7servers we play on. We have over 18+bases and 7 are in the top 100. We're #1 here on Exalted, and the most active.
I'm a Co-Leader, @Big Bud is a main Leader. We both rule with an Ironfist to keep drama/griefers/trolls out of our Coalitions, and SG/ and SG channels. We're into the Exalted Community, we run events and raids weekly.
Obsidian Ops is recruiting. Not an RP SG, but we're friendly. We have ventrilo, website(out dated, owner wont show me how), 3SG bases here on Exalted with over 100actives inside the 7servers we play on. We have over 18+bases and 7 are in the top 100. We're #1 here on Exalted, and the most active.
I'm a Co-Leader, @Big Bud is a main Leader. We both rule with an Ironfist to keep drama/griefers/trolls out of our Coalitions, and SG/ and SG channels. We're into the Exalted Community, we run events and raids weekly. |
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)
What I want:
I want to have fun, period.
I am an altaholic and so bounce around quite often. I randomly create characters on a whim.
I don't want to feel like a prestige mule.
I dislike the elitist issues that often come with established players versus new folks.
What I bring:
Knowledge and fun.
I love to team regardless of level or experience.
I don't care about debt or defeat.
I enjoy teaching/helping new players.
The trouble is many SG's fill up rapidly and so a pure altaholic quickly runs out of room.
I joined Obsidian Ops, lots of very friendly people. Plenty of them lfg, and a lot of Coalition lfg.
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)
We're Coalitioned with the other Most Active SGs on Exalted.
I do recommend: Mine(ops), Justice Elite, Aegis Exalted, The Peace Alliance, Galaxy City Avengers, V for Vengeance. **Other two are SG of friends only, and another sg is SG of family members only** So Defense grid/Sentinels of Liberty Forever is closed(I think).
Ops has 3 SG bases, 2 has all the TPs and little workshop for now. Main is set. We had 32people on in the main+2alt bases.
Looking to get a Mothership with SG mates only
Also - If you're a EU player, we have EU Generals as well in the Alt base. We will be having a meeting to set up event/raid schedules for EU/very early morning players.
I haven't had much luck finding one on this server yet. I did get invited to one, but it definitely wasn't for me. So in an attempt to find one that suits me, and maybe help others do the same I have made this thread, in hopes that the SGs (that may or may not read these boards) may find people they are looking for.
To me SGs are such an awesome thing now with the way teams work, since level ranges mean very little when putting a team together at this point. That is one of the things I am looking for, people just willing to team up for the sake of it. I don't really like SG chat that is filled with profane or perverted things. I would like to be in a large SG, just for the sake of playing with a lot of different people and enjoying that experience. So...
As for the SG I'm looking for:
Friendly people.
Mature/polite SG chat.
People willing to team up and play.
As for me:
I am team friendly.
I don't cuss.
I could careless about rank and stuff like that.
Sometimes I play way too much.
I enjoy chatting it up, just about as much as playing.
I'm cool with hardcore players, but I'm not one of them.
I'm all for helping people to achieve things, like TFs, Badges, whatever.
My Global is Tulare, please feel free to tell me about your SG, either here or in game.
SGs, who are the players you're looking for?
Players looking for a SG, what are you looking for from them?
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)