there any reason to softcap melee/range?
Ice Armor is based on typed defense. There is little reason to worry about your positional defense when your typed defenses are already capped.
The way defense works, you should only go with positions or only go with types. Since 4 types are capped, and you have capped resists on ice, there is no reason to cap melee, range, or aoe.
Every attack has damage type tags, and position tags. So a ranged fire attack that also deals smashing damage will check for smashing, fire, and ranged defese. Let's say you have 45% smashing, 0 fire, and 10% range defense. The 45% smashing will be checked because it is the highest value. Go with adding more hp/regen.
Sweet, thanks guys.
Depending on the build and what you're doing with it, it can be worth seeking 32.5% ranged def on a typed defense toon. That would help you mainly against psi and pure fire ranged attacks (and maybe toxic? not sure if toxic attacks have a positional tag). As always, YMMV.
Grimmloch, Tactically Delicious, Ugly Frankie, Operative Tracker, CryoFurnace, Professional Help, Silver Sphinx, Aries Knight, Tachyon Aegis, Jade Sphinx
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Running an ice armor stalker and was wondering should I focus on melee defense at all? Because S/L/E/N are softcapped easily with ice and was wondering if i should try and softcap melee or go with resistance?