Locked hospital doors seem to be widely hated...




Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Yes, they were horrid. Really bad.
I for one welcome our locked hospital doors.

I agree that the other potential ideas the Devs had that zombie described were much worse but i still question why there was some need to punish anyone for dying to begin with.

Keep in mind this decision was reached and implemented long before any of us were 50 (+3) with 4 added powers to help us survive. When the BAF and Lambda first arrived we were 50 (+1) at best battling 54s (even the minons were purple). Back then trials frequently failed because ..

a. On the BAF no one had come up with choke point strategy yet and we tried to guard each door and have blasters or melee deal with runners.

b. On the LAM no one knew where the glowies were located and teams would wipe trying to run around inside being shot at while they tried to find them

c. On the BAF teams tried to concentrate on defeating the two AVs and no one dealt with Adds until they overwelmed us.

d. On the LAM teams ran out of time on the glowie phase and were overwelmed by adds because they didn't have enough acids to close the doors.

All of these resulted in a lot of deaths and trips to the hospital.. and time and again players that wanted, and were desperately needed, to get back into the battle had to stand around at the door for 10 to 20 seconds OR more before being able to do so. I have actually spent longer in there because by the time I bought new inspirations to replace all the ones I used trying to KEEP FROM DYING I missed the opportunity to leave and had to wait an additional 20 seconds before leaving. 20 seconds doesn't sound like a long time but when things are going badly and 5 or 6 (or more) players all wind up standing at that door waiting to get out it results in 5 or 6 more taking their place in the hospital by the time they get back and before you know it ..TIMES UP!

If they really want to PENALIZE someone .. how about a new method to penalize anyone not participating.. like auto ejection if your character isn't at least moving and/or using some attack/support power after a given period of time. I was on one Lambda where an MM refused to help find acids or grenade because as he put it "I'm too squishy I just die in there"
So he stood in the courtyard the entire time waiting to pose with Maurader. Then when the rest of us completed that phase and the cut scene ended we got a mission failed because his pets managed to aggro Maurader out the front gate. I was on a 50 + 0 controller and died 3 times finding nades during that trial and ran past that guy all 3 times to get back inside and help out .. and the door is "punishing" ME!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I despise the door penalty. I have always hated this mechanic. I have encountered it in other games before. They were FPS games, and I ended up not playing them because it was a central mechanic of the game. I played team combat games where you were allowed back into the action immediately, and they didn't suffer any undue balance issues because of it.

It sounds from ZM's history on the matter that this was probably designed heavily around the BAF's map structure. The BAF hospital is right there, within a super-powered hop/skip/jump from the furthest possible combat zone. Designing in a penalty also has relevance to outdoor phases of the Lambda trial, which also allows fairly immediate return to combat.

Beyond that, I think someone among the devs had a pointy stick somewhere dirty that they felt an additional defeat penalty is necessary than the loss of time spent in the action. Traveling back into the depths of Lambda's collection phase is plenty of time penalty. Even with the hospital teleporter system in the UGT, if your league has moved deeper into the current map section you have to run through the map to catch up to them, and in some sections, that's not a trivial amount of running around.

Lets not forget that these trials are possibly the deadliest CoH/V content ever made with the possible exception of the AV fights in the RSF and STF. They are radically deadly by design, where the AV fights are replete with unresistable damage, multi-hundred mag mezzes, and effects that remove fixed percentages of your health in steps designed specifically to kill you if you don't get healed. The non-AV content is overloaded with boss and EB rank critters, mostly picked from some of the most dangerous critter factions yet presented to us - critters who are well stocked with "exotic" damage types, uncommonly resisted mez effects, and various dangerous debuffs. In short, it's meant to kill you fast and frequently unless you're buffed to the gills and paying attention.

I'm not afraid of these challenges. I don't dislike them. I'm usually buffed to the gills, and I usually pay attention. I've seen, though, what they can do to some people's characters. The challenge level of the iTrials can mean those people spend a lot of time in the hospital. If I end up on a league of too many of these people, I can spend a lot of time in the hospital too - having a lot of experience and a tricked out character only means so much if the league keeps dying, leaving you alone facing something meant for 10+ people. Spending time traveling back to a fight is not particularly exciting. Spending additional time just waiting to leave the hospital before even getting to travel back is just plain frustrating.

I'm glad they didn't implement the other ideas they had for how to do this, because they sound spectacularly awful. That doesn't mean that I have to like what they did give us.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
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Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
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Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA