Humble Request worth seeing




hey all. Greg again.

So ive finally settled into Freedom server after much bouncing around. Decent playerbase enough people to keep my villainous deeds occupied. i actually just have 2 questions.

1.) Concerning the help chat. Yes i know its not moderated. Yes i know its a mute subject in the sense that steps toward it being more "helpful" may or may not have been taken. I also understand that youve problably recieved a million and fifty complaints on the issue. Well consider it a million and fifty-one. Small issue someone asked about a simple bind but before i could finish reading it the help gets bombarded by lft sewer trial crap for lack of a better word. I'm not one to complain. I'm a very nice guy in the sense that if you need something ill be glad to help. Just the other day i gave away some VIP to a kid that asked just because. But the help chat getting bombarded that way drives my patience to its extent and we all know it isnt easy being green.
Im saying that i know its impossible for them to completely cut it down but cant there be some "slight" moderation there. Allow Free users and premmys to take advantage of the "Request" Channel. Since in this case they dont need help theyre more or less asking for a team. Like i said i know this is a slight hit and miss subject but i would like to have it looked at. As a paying subscriber and an ol' Vet back in 06' id really appreciate this.

2.) Considering Free players and their restrictions. i can understand most of it. its a F2p hybrid. Some of the best features are locked out and to take advantage of it they need to pay...with money. Im asking how come we completely lock them from inventions entirely. I can understand major recipes Io's yadda yadda, But not training enhancements? At least training enhancements to 15? By then they should have no problem understanding how the Invention system works and if they want to go further they can either buy the license orupgrade to VIP. So Why lock them out completely from something they have no idea what its for. Are they even allowed to do the tutorial as well? This is a more curiosity killed the cat question. I just wanted to know the thinking behind it.

If i could get a response id greatly appreciate it guys. And thanks for the warm welcome on my last post and of course the moderators got to it but im glad i got to see the welcomes before then.

Take it easy!




If you left click someone's name in chat you'll get a popup menu with a couple options, one of them is send tell or send message. If I see a question I can answer scroll by in /help I'll just send the asker a tell since a whole books worth of text will probably flood /help by the time I get a reply typed up. It's not a perfect solution but it's the best work around I've come up with.

I'd rather see the devs open up anther channel or two like /help instead of opening request up for freebs. request is just zone wide but chat rooms like /help allowing you to connect with the whole server.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
If you left click someone's name in chat you'll get a popup menu with a couple options, one of them is send tell or send message. If I see a question I can answer scroll by in /help I'll just send the asker a tell since a whole books worth of text will probably flood /help by the time I get a reply typed up. It's not a perfect solution but it's the best work around I've come up with.

I'd rather see the devs open up anther channel or two like /help instead of opening request up for freebs. request is just zone wide but chat rooms like /help allowing you to connect with the whole server.

Ive had to resort to this and yes its not a perfect solution. But you do have a point another channel perhaps lke "help" would be nice. even a General chat. We now have freebs as you call them here with us now we have to also take that into a consideration and not leave them to hang out in the clothesline. But yes i would like this looked into.



Training enhancements are not IOs, and free players are not locked out of all enhancements. Just Invention enhancements. Free players can slot Training, Dual Origin and Single Origin enhancements just fine.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Training enhancements are not IOs, and free players are not locked out of all enhancements. Just Invention enhancements. Free players can slot Training, Dual Origin and Single Origin enhancements just fine.

I was saying IO's in general as an example. And if you could please read what i said let them make Training enhancements through the invention system. Slotting was not specified in this topic...skimming does not always help. Not saying you did but with your response it seems like it.



Originally Posted by Borock_Obama View Post
I was saying IO's in general as an example. And if you could please read what i said let them make Training enhancements through the invention system. Slotting was not specified in this topic...skimming does not always help. Not saying you did but with your response it seems like it.
What also helps is using correct terminology.

I can understand major recipes Io's yadda yadda, But not training enhancements? At least training enhancements to 15?
Your quote there makes no sense. Any recipe IOs has nothing whatsoever to do with training enhancements.

You want to move Training enhancements into the crafted category? What would be the purpose of that? They are currently drops, and are only useful sub-level-12.

Or do you actually mean generic IOs?

There's a crafting tutorial for those who have access to enhancements, so new players WILL be shown how to use the system when they reach that access level.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
[...]You want to move Training enhancements into the crafted category? What would be the purpose of that? They are currently drops, and are only useful sub-level-12.[...]
Drops, as well as sold by the vendors hanging around Atlas Park. (Yes, I buy training enhancements. I like them. I like them more than DOs because their names and icons make sense.)

Why on earth would anyone want to craft something that can be purchased for 100 to 500 inf depending on level? Crafting would be a more expensive process.



Originally Posted by Borock_Obama View Post
Yes i know its a mute subject in the sense that steps toward it being more "helpful" may or may not have been taken.
Okay, apologies in advance because I know I'm being pedantic and I usually keep that under control, but you happened to stumble upon one of my pet peeves.

The correct word you're looking for here is moot, not mute. Moot means insignificant or inconsequential; mute means silent. Just remember what the mute button on your remote control does. If it were a "mute" subject, it would be one that you literally could not hear. I suppose one could contrive a context in which the phrase "mute subject" would make sense ("The curricula was well represented in applied sciences and mathematics; literature was more of a mute subject with no references at all."), but it almost always doesn't.

The two words are not pronounced the same, either. Moot rhymes with boot and loot and hoot. Mute rhymes with cute and compute and refute.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Borock_Obama View Post
I was saying IO's in general as an example. And if you could please read what i said let them make Training enhancements through the invention system. Slotting was not specified in this topic...skimming does not always help. Not saying you did but with your response it seems like it.
Before anyone gets too snarky, this is just a simple misunderstanding. When you said training enhancements, I'm pretty sure you meant common IO's. The ones with boring names like Invention: Accuracy, as opposed to all the other IO's with exciting names like Kinetic Combat and Snarl of the Wombat.

Training Origin enhancements predated Invention Origin enhancements by nine issues. They are the first tier in the Training Origin, Dual Origin, Single Origin chain. No crafting, no inventing, just buy them or get them as drops and slot them.

Free/Premium players get TOs, DOs, and SOs.

If you're suggesting that free/premium players be allowed to get common IOs, I don't think that's entirely unreasonable, but you might need to give them access to the auction house as well. It can be very frustrating trying to get all of the right salvage and recipes from drops alone. I think that's a little more than the devs are prepared to give away for free.

EDIT: And TonyV is right on both points. The word is moot, and he is being pedantic. The thing about mistakes like that is that a lot of people won't know you made a mistake, but the people most likely to catch the error and think less of you as a result are people that you probably care about, like teachers, bosses, and the cute girl with glasses and a dog-eared copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy who smiled at you in the coffee shop.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Yay! Nice to see someone thinking good of Freedom server. I'm there too.

I don't know if you're already in any channels., but i recommend joining a few channels and saying hi. The two i use the most are TheMarket and MA Arc Finder. TheMarket channel is fulkl of wise and helpful people who have helped me immensely with things like slotting and my builds, and also of course Market advice, and the MA Arc Finder channel is primarily aimed at pplayers who like to play and make story arcs in the Mission Architect, although some chat on other topics does go on.

You can add channels through the 'add channel' function of the chat bar.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Okay, apologies in advance because I know I'm being pedantic and I usually keep that under control, but you happened to stumble upon one of my pet peeves.

The correct word you're looking for here is moot, not mute.
Give him a break he was working with out the teleprompter.