lightning reflexes vs. quickness




Does anyone know the numbers for this, which gives you a better recharge towards your powers, quickness or ligtning relfexes?

Can lightning reflexes get hasten to be perma?

Also input your opinon on super reflexes and how it works for you.



Both powers are identical, at least as far as scrappers are concerned. They both offer 20% recharge. (Which isn't nearly enough to achieve perma-Hasten, by the way, but it helps getting there.)

My very first character was a MA/SR scrapper, and I still enJoy playing him today. Super Reflexes offer superior defense debuff resistance, so once you get your defense values high enough the set survives very well.




In the spirit of "teach someone to fish", you can find all this info in the Red Tomax City of Data that you can find linked on the website.

But here's the fish anyway.

Quickness 20% recharge, 35% run/fly speed, 40% resists to recharge/run speed debuffs

Lightning Reflexes: ditto.

In other words, they're identical.

Can it get Hasten perma by itself? Nope. Does it help? Yep.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Looks at Deacon's avatar...

I like the cut of your jib sir.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



Originally Posted by Mint View Post
Does anyone know the numbers for this, which gives you a better recharge towards your powers, quickness or ligtning relfexes?

Can lightning reflexes get hasten to be perma?

Also input your opinon on super reflexes and how it works for you.
Well now!

I am pretty sure they are clones of each other with a different name. They grant a recharge bonus so they can help you get to permahasten, but they can't get you there alone.

Super reflexes is a pretty nice set. It has some advantages:
  • Easy to get to softcap using a few sets or some creative power choices/slotting
  • Easily capped defense debuff resistance
  • Has a neat little scaling resistance mechanic, so that as you lose HP you gain resistance
  • Nice little recharge buff and slow resist in Quickness
It also has some disadvantages:
  • Defense is your only reliable trick, you have no reliable source of healing or resists other than pool powers and the scaling resists
  • You almost have to take all the powers in the set other than Elude, as they all are needed to achieve your peak performance
  • Elude is not that useful once you get to higher level and are built up to softcap
  • Nonpositional attacks (mostly psi) will give you fits now and then

It is a perfectly viable secondary and is capable of amazing things, but you should keep in mind that you may want to build in some high regen, get and slot Tough, and/or take Aid Self to bolster your defenses.



I ran Super Reflexes on a Scrapper, who I later re-rolled as a Stalker, and it was brilliant once I had invested in it.

45% is the softcap. At that level of defence you get hit once in a while, and generally accumulate enough green pills to cover the damage without any problem.

The set's powers give you around 31% defence. Weave and Combat Jumping can give you another 8% or so, and you can close the gap with IO set bonuses.

Once you get there, the lack of resistance or a self-heal is very much a non-issue. I used to run my Stalker without status protection and get away with it, hardly ever getting stunned or held.
Its slow to level, with your area attack defence taking a long time to materialise.

Defence debuffs are not a problem, but Devouring Earth will completly ruin your day due to the Quartz emanators that give them massive hit bonuses.

I'm currently running Electric Armor on a Tanker, by the way, and definitely feel this is the right way round. Super Reflexes does all it can possibly do on Scrappers and Stalkers (and Brutes) while Electric Armor offers considerably more resistance for Tankers.



Sounds like a great set... Once you hit 37 and you have all defense max slotted with purple IOs. I can't really imagine surviving that long. Looks like you can hit 31-32% or so vs Melee and Ranged after 21, once you get Quickness and the rest slotted with basic IOs. That might start to make the toon more tolerable. Those first 20 levels must be brutal to get through, though. Sounds like something I'd only build if I wanted to PL him first.

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