Khelds ever going to get a APP?




Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Physical Perfection...and probably Superior Conditioning...yes please.
HELL YES. I want those to be available to EVERY AT though.

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Well, I don't think they need a complete list of APP or PPP. What they can do is to come up maybe 4 more powers for Warshade and Peacebringer after lvl 40 and you can take advantage of them.

Some of the powers in APP and PPP are over-lapping and some can't be allowed to stack (stun aura for example). I think it's just easier to come up 4-5 powers and be done with it.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I actually like the idea of Essence Mastery, it would allow the Khelds to perform better as a team-based AT IMO. I'm not sure it needs to be exclusive with the forms though, since you wouldn't be able to trigger those powers in a form anyway. It would actually make tri-form more appealing to me if some of these powers existed, since you could buff/debuff in human form, tank in Dwarf, and deal damage in Nova.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Kheldian get 5 more powers in their primary (14 to 9) and 4 more in their secondary (13 to 90) than regular ATs do, so I think the general attitude might be that Kheldians sort of have APPs - they're just kind of klunked in there with their regular powers.
I'd say that the peacebringer side is currently nothing close to "sort of having APPs"

Although they have more powers; Radiant strike, luminous bolt, solar flare, photon scatter, luminous detonation, gleaming blast, and also reform essence are all cloned into their respective forms...

So if we were to take out some of those clones there *might* be more room for APPs; or if we were to take those clones and make them unique powers of their own then APPs wouldn't even be needed.



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
...So if we were to take out some of those clones there *might* be more room for APPs; or if we were to take those clones and make them unique powers of their own then APPs wouldn't even be needed.
What do you mean by 'taking out'? If you're suggesting that Human should be gutted of powers that the forms have, then /unsigned. I don't even have the forms selected, much less use them.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
What do you mean by 'taking out'? If you're suggesting that Human should be gutted of powers that the forms have, then /unsigned. I don't even have the forms selected, much less use them.
I don't think he was advocating that, I read that as an example to make a point that the old argument of "Khelds kind of have APPs built in" isn't really true.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
I don't think he was advocating that, I read that as an example to make a point that the old argument of "Khelds kind of have APPs built in" isn't really true.
That's what I'm trying to say; it was in no way, shape, or form (hehe) a suggestion.